all-cause mortality remains high among developed countries, still not returning to pre-pandemic levels.
cardiovascular events are by far the largest contributor to this than any other disease group.
sources: british heart foundation, official statistics of various countries, collated by our world in data.
I forgot to use ad-hominem to dismiss facts!
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
So that you're not disappointed:
Now look for a video on the topic by someone that doesn't have a track record of selectively reading and interpreting scientific papers to a certain bias (i.e. the one that gives them clicks).
Now seriously, as far as I am concerned you might as well have posted something from crowder or beanyhat, they have the same credibility to me as campbell.
(Old Spike)
are you trying to blame the increase of people dying from sticking tv remotes up their ass on human behavior rather than covid vaccines? cause if you are, that just an ad-hominem attack...
(Old Spike)
remotes up the arse is a clear sign of vaccine madness, a condition that is very real and ignored by ALL scientists because they ALL are in the pockets of the pharma companies!
(Site Administrator)
Just wanting to point out that diagnostic medicine was put on hold for the better part of 18mos where it was 'emergency only'. What we're seeing now is an expected bolus of deaths due to things not having been caught in time. It'll burn higher than normal (for around 48mos) and settle back down to prepandemic rates. Question to Dr. Campbell would be (sorry, do they teach infection transmission/population dynamics in nursing college, I can ask a family member), since he suspects vaccines so much, can he overlay a line showing projected deaths to date had vaccination not been implemented..which would be substantially higher.
(Short Spike)
That guy is a bald old white man.
I want my information from an Afro haired cartoon of color.
(Old Spike)
Should "bald old white man" do his trick of deliberately mis- or selectively reading the study and or misinterpreting the findings he is talking about here you will only have to wait a few weeks for "Afro haired cartoon of color" to set the record straight.
(Old Spike)
think about how sato feels. this is who's on his team, this is the thing his team says but but at the same time, rationalizing that at least its not theblackswordmans...
(Short Spike)
I am not on a team, but there are some people I tend to agree with.
Unfortunately mockery is all I have for you and your 'team' because I wont throw pearls before the swine.
I have seen people try to earnestly engage with your 'team' in a fruitful discussion.
I have seen what a waste of time you are.
This is why you don't hear much from me, because I only use you as entertainment for when I get very bored.
(Site Administrator)
It's possible referring to 'teams' is an over-simplification, especially on this site where we find each other agreeing on some matters and with vaccines being the extreme, downright hating on each other on others.
I don't mind exchanging 'pearls', jd, especially if we go in with the understanding none of us has all the answers.
IF you care to, I'd appreciate your take on the assertions above that Dr. Campbell does nothing to address challenges or questions, not just in the comments section of his own videos, but by failing to address them in subsequent videos is it possible he knows he's pandering to some extent.
Also, if you had an opinion on what I said above (linked), ie. that the excess deaths have to do with missed exams and diagnoses the previous 2yrs. Thanks.
(Old Spike)
you're on a team. you just don't want to admit it. the people you tend to agree with are the dr campbell, tucker carlson, russel brand, trump, project varitas, bret weinstein, stephen crowder, dr malone crowd. that's not coincidence, it's your team
what you have seen is people trying to engage my team with disingenuous, repetitive arguments using circular logic. after the third or so time around, facts come with rocks
after wasting time on you, going over every time you've ever made a comment, mockery isn't something you're good at and the reason i don't hear much from you is because you don't have much to say
(Short Spike)
Whatever. I don't hold to a team because I am open to changing my opinion based on what I learn.
A team mentality (what you have) is more about conforming to the thinking of the group and not questioning the held positions of the group lest you are chastised by the group for thinking.
(Short Spike)
here is my take on the assertion that Dr C does nothing to address challenges or questions, not just in the comments section of his own videos, but by failing to address them in subsequent videos is it possible he knows he's pandering to some extent.
I rarely read the youtube comments because spiked has nothing on youtube when it comes to comments being a pit full of vipers. So my guess would be that Dr C doesn't read them either. Perhaps he is satisfied enough to share his view point, to be one of many that people can use to inform themselves on the topics, without going down a rabbit hole debating back a fourth with some unknown or someones who has previously held positions that discredit them from engagement.
This is all speculation because I don't know the mind or motives of Dr C.
It is entirely possible that Dr C has swayed towards an anti MRNA vaccine stance because it is making him very rich for very little work.
I have watched Dr C evolve his opinions over a long time on the vaccine data, and my impression is that he is genuinely concerned about the path we all have gone down over this pandemic.
Do I think he is an oracle without flaws? No.
Do I think he is trying to distill some truth out of a huge pile of incomplete data? Yes.
I don't really have an opinion on the excess death rates other than the increase is alarming.
There are too many variables for anyone to say right now what the cause is.
I would guess it is vaccine injuries combined the incredible stress/anxiety that the pandemic has put on people, and yes people being locked down and not able to freely see a doctor would also contribute.
There are probably another 100 possibilities of causes or contributors.
What I am sure of is that no one has the right to bully people into taking medical treatments and that the pandemic was used for power and profit.
(Old Spike)
"I don't really have an opinion on the excess death rates other than the increase is alarming"
you had an opinion last month
(Short Spike)
Did that trigger you?
Objective accomplished.
(Old Spike)
what i did was mock you and this is how it triggered you
your comment before the edit
such a vast difference in comments and the edit wasn't immediate, it came after another comment and the passing of some time. you chose to omit the mention of a theory that's the bases your entire point probably out of realization you might have to expand on it. you're actions are a prime example of what being triggered looks like and up until the point you read this, you thought you were the only person to know
(Short Spike)
I modified my response when I remembered I was talking to an arse sucking gutter troll.
I am completely comfortable with that.
Why do I pay a mortgage when i can live rent free in your head.
Anyway, I have changed my mind on the whole matter now.
I think we should be walking around with a BioNtech drip connected so that we never run out of the totally superior, 100% safe and nearly 100% effective covid vaccine.
Anyone who isn't walking around connected to the drip with a hepa bag over their head and tied firmly around the neck needs to be locked in their house until such time that they can no longer afford the house. At this time the state will need to transfer these meat bags to a facility to be processed into fertilizer to help grow soy beans help to feed the surviving populace.
Long live the establishment.
(Old Spike)
Hillarious, dishonest people with an agenda should have a good memory so they don't get caught lying. Boy oh boy.
(Site Administrator)
Thanks JDT73 for your response.
Regarding your second paragraph about avoiding debate. Dr. C should ready himself for this as stances (even in the lovey-dovey biological and medical sciences) need to be defended with the appropriate scientific evidence, in this case his assertion based on demographic information on mortality rates pre and post pandemic. It's one thing not to address valid challenges (even in a YouTube comments section or subsequent vid) as a casual spectator and quite another when you're the one posting the video. imho this does lend credence to the notion the gentleman has his head stuck in the sand on this topic, I won't speculate on his motivations. I mean, we're debating here and it can be done in a civil non-partisan manner regardless of what some think. This ability only comes to some with age or experience but basically comes down to not being tied-down to a particular point and testing (even through debate), proving or disproving a hypothesis assuming one is genuinely interested in getting to the truth. With Dr. C. this will be proven in time if his stance continues to evolve (as you note above he is capable of this) as more information proving or disproving his theory becomes available. Cheers.
(Short Spike)
Oink oink.
Piggy piggy.
Whats the lie little piggy?
There are things I might say to a user like Bobbob, and then there are things I would say to piss total fags like you off.
If you don't know the difference, that's funny.
(Old Spike)
The only pissed off "fag" here is you hun, so triggered you can't even hit the reply button, lol.
(Short Spike)
And that is what she wrote.