why is it extreme? he said we could see why....i don't see it plz explain.
Do you see weather reports other then where you live; but fuck em right?
I see where you get confused, the only thing that could not be taken as extreme is roofing a house, you don't know what extreme is, yet you talk and point fingers about it every day.
You see extreme as bad so that is bad, good thing you are not denying global warming anymore, you just call the measures extreme to prove whatever is left of your ego, right, as right as it gets.
Or are you still in denial about global warming?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Of course I whole heartedly refute the contrived narrative of climate change.
Nothing has changed about what I said. Climate change is the excuse for governments to centralize and grant themselves absolute power over our lives while posing as the saviors the entire time.
Sustainability goals are the tyranny of the 21st century.
When they Use the esoteric term Sustainability. You Receive the exoteric meaning of sustainable environment, food, and prosperity.
All the while what they really mean is the esoteric meaning of sustainable power for themselves over you.
And if you so happen to want this, and even better believe it is your own idea. All the better for the ruling class, and ultimately all the worse for you.
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Dude (Old Spike)
So all scientists are under control of the (establishment) and none so far have come forward to say that they have been threatened because they fear for their lives?
Then why is it getting warmer? Or are the thermometers all over the world under some magical control by a secret device?
Or is this gods will? and no one can stop it?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It's not getting warmer.
Ice is regenerating on the ice caps, The last 10 years have had slightly below average temperatures.
They outright lied about death Valley breaking records with temperatures last week. They said 125 set a new record. The actual record is 134 degrees F.
Not all scientists are in agreement about climate change, Or many things for that matter. Not all have their lives, reputations or funding threatened, Some stand to gain quite a bit by participating in a Hermetic/Gnostic monopoly of truth. A technocracy promises them membership to the inner party. Only as long as they build the technocracy. Threats are for the ethical ones.
Besides, If some spoke out. Who would believe them? Not you. If even one piece of ridicule or complaint was levied against them in any fashion real or imagined, Even something as trivial as the color of their shoes, or who they hang out with. that is what you will focus on and nothing else.
It's common knowledge weather control has been possible since Vietnam. Primitive and simple then, but with advances in technology I'm sure it's much better now.
And yes, God is in control, In the end he wins.
The Maoist redguard identitarian politics adapted for the West that we call "Woke" Is being crushed across the board. It's time to push forward against The Climate lies and trans humanist agenda now.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"And yes, God is in control, In the end he wins."
The god from the bible you mean? You better pray that this cunt isn't in control because competence looks different.
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Dude (Old Spike)
You are a little confused it seems, everything on TV is made and or owned by the organization every company is owned by the organization, most who famous or successful is a part of it, other things are bought from your ISP to your insurance to the manufacturing of your TV to the programs you watch on it, from the food you buy to the land it was grown on, everything that is big or Great is ours.
The G stands for Greatness
we are the Gods that do Geometry
The Builders... Masons... Templars
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Pop quiz. What does the G stand for in the free masonry symbolism?
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Dude (Old Spike)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
That is incorrect. It doesn't matter. Most don't know what it means, but will obey it regardless.
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Dude (Old Spike)
So now you will lecture a 17th degree Scottish rite member on what the symbolism means?
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Dude (Old Spike)
what is this? It has hidden meanings most Masons above me don't even know what this is, but sure you know...
I will give you one, it is the eye of providence in the middle you know that, what is the rest?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Without giving away the answer I asked of you that you don't know.
Even that might be too big of a clue.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I will give you a clue, it was given to me by aliens to overthrow the organization.
For the Belgians with a great memory- it was explained on a piece of white plastic,
a man who worked at the incinerator in the province Antwerp found it in the early 90's and had it analyzed, nobody could determine the material, could not be burnt, it could be bent and folded but would not show a fold,, the material was none existent here on earth. it was returned to him and a national TV news report (with a smile) was made on it, ... Is it alien? :)
He kept it in a drawer at his house, i got it back years later. the graphite pencil marks were luckily burned off.
(Old Spike)
why is it extreme? he said we could see why....i don't see it plz explain.
Do you see weather reports other then where you live; but fuck em right?
I see where you get confused, the only thing that could not be taken as extreme is roofing a house, you don't know what extreme is, yet you talk and point fingers about it every day.
You see extreme as bad so that is bad, good thing you are not denying global warming anymore, you just call the measures extreme to prove whatever is left of your ego, right, as right as it gets.
Or are you still in denial about global warming?
(Old Spike)
Of course I whole heartedly refute the contrived narrative of climate change.
Nothing has changed about what I said. Climate change is the excuse for governments to centralize and grant themselves absolute power over our lives while posing as the saviors the entire time.
Sustainability goals are the tyranny of the 21st century.
When they Use the esoteric term Sustainability. You Receive the exoteric meaning of sustainable environment, food, and prosperity.
All the while what they really mean is the esoteric meaning of sustainable power for themselves over you.
And if you so happen to want this, and even better believe it is your own idea. All the better for the ruling class, and ultimately all the worse for you.
(Old Spike)
So all scientists are under control of the (establishment) and none so far have come forward to say that they have been threatened because they fear for their lives?
Then why is it getting warmer? Or are the thermometers all over the world under some magical control by a secret device?
Or is this gods will? and no one can stop it?
(Old Spike)
It's not getting warmer.
Ice is regenerating on the ice caps, The last 10 years have had slightly below average temperatures.
They outright lied about death Valley breaking records with temperatures last week. They said 125 set a new record. The actual record is 134 degrees F.
Not all scientists are in agreement about climate change, Or many things for that matter. Not all have their lives, reputations or funding threatened, Some stand to gain quite a bit by participating in a Hermetic/Gnostic monopoly of truth. A technocracy promises them membership to the inner party. Only as long as they build the technocracy. Threats are for the ethical ones.
Besides, If some spoke out. Who would believe them? Not you. If even one piece of ridicule or complaint was levied against them in any fashion real or imagined, Even something as trivial as the color of their shoes, or who they hang out with. that is what you will focus on and nothing else.
It's common knowledge weather control has been possible since Vietnam. Primitive and simple then, but with advances in technology I'm sure it's much better now.
And yes, God is in control, In the end he wins.
The Maoist redguard identitarian politics adapted for the West that we call "Woke" Is being crushed across the board. It's time to push forward against The Climate lies and trans humanist agenda now.
(Old Spike)
"And yes, God is in control, In the end he wins."
The god from the bible you mean? You better pray that this cunt isn't in control because competence looks different.
(Old Spike)
You are a little confused it seems, everything on TV is made and or owned by the organization every company is owned by the organization, most who famous or successful is a part of it, other things are bought from your ISP to your insurance to the manufacturing of your TV to the programs you watch on it, from the food you buy to the land it was grown on, everything that is big or Great is ours.
The G stands for Greatness
we are the Gods that do Geometry
The Builders... Masons... Templars
(Old Spike)
Pop quiz. What does the G stand for in the free masonry symbolism?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
That is incorrect. It doesn't matter. Most don't know what it means, but will obey it regardless.
(Old Spike)
So now you will lecture a 17th degree Scottish rite member on what the symbolism means?
(Old Spike)
what is this? It has hidden meanings most Masons above me don't even know what this is, but sure you know...
I will give you one, it is the eye of providence in the middle you know that, what is the rest?
(Old Spike)
Without giving away the answer I asked of you that you don't know.
Even that might be too big of a clue.
(Old Spike)
I will give you a clue, it was given to me by aliens to overthrow the organization.
For the Belgians with a great memory- it was explained on a piece of white plastic,
a man who worked at the incinerator in the province Antwerp found it in the early 90's and had it analyzed, nobody could determine the material, could not be burnt, it could be bent and folded but would not show a fold,, the material was none existent here on earth. it was returned to him and a national TV news report (with a smile) was made on it, ... Is it alien? :)
He kept it in a drawer at his house, i got it back years later. the graphite pencil marks were luckily burned off.
It is at Area 23 what you call 51
You will never know what it is.