The leaked audio from Lindsay Shepherd from the faculty at Wilfrid Laurier University confirms our worst fears. Listen to the full recording here: https://soundcloud.com/tristin-john-h...
God damn Canada, you've let the radical left completely take control.
(14 votes)
(Old Spike)
They sounded and talked like this in 93, but they only had control of fringe student groups. Now they control almost the entire University, and older dupes and ideologues have infiltrated the media, elementary education system, high schools, local government and the establishment bloc of the Liberal party. Many are also into the NDP, although surprisingly not as many as you might think. I say "infiltrated" because they said themselves that was their aim.
Almost everything that prof said to his student about Peterson was a straight up lie.
DAMN I hadn't heard this whole thing before - I lived in Kitchener/Waterloo for 10 years. I worked at RIM (BlackBerry) and Sandvine. I watched these fucking peacocking Dunning-Krugers with their Majors in "Rhetoric and Writing" with minors in "Gender Studies" and fluently versed in "Cultural Marxism" flood RIM when it suddenly inflated with success. They helped weigh that company down from the inside, like water filling up the spaces between bulkheads - sank the ship. I saw it happen again at Sandvine, and this time I saw it face-to-face, directly. Check out the latest news about Sandvine - they were purchased and merged with their less capable, less ethical, less technically-advanced competitor due to a failure to capitalize on their potential. Why? I could tell you so many stories - in a company of only 500 I watched about 50 people, all of them sounding just like these robotic and hollow fucks, sink the ship.
(Long Spike)
I'm 38 years old and in 1991 I remember hearing from my grandfather during a fun little rant how Communism had crept into American universities and colleges after World War II, of which he was a veteran. So when you say that you "saw this happen" I assume you mean you have been consistently seeing it happen over the course of your entire life because I know for a fact that the left-wing mentality and leanings have been rooted in education systems for a lot longer than both you and I have been alive.
And is that anything to shit your pants over? Trump and his corpocrasy crones are in charge so right wing ideals are obviously alive and well. Apparently Canada is on the brink of civil war (or something?) and everything is turning to absolute shit there due to their deteriorating left wing ideologies...I pray every night that you make it home safe, Skeptoid. Hopefully leftist Thought Police won't force you to eat your pets as commanded by His Excellency Left King Trudeau.
(Old Spike)
I'm pretty certain you didn't watch the entire video, because what you're saying is foolish. This isn't about communism in the 1950s. This is about an insideous ideology that isn't liberal, it isn't conservative - it's only about power. Everything is about who has the power, and how do I use my identity as a victim to get that power. That's it. It's not about equality, or everyone being treated as a responsible individual - it's just about "I've been wronged and you owe me." Grothest, watch the video. I honestly don't know why you carry water for these lunatics. I have seen two companies weaken and topple over because they inflated and found themselves held hostage by a bunch of uneducated fools suffering from Dunning-Kruger. I won't rest until a focused effort to root this ideology out and marginalize it to the dustbin has been firmly established. This twisted and malevolent ideology will bend the knee to Skeptoid - it will not make it home safe:
(Old Spike)
re the dunning-kruger poster children, i've seen the same thing in education. most teachers want a fair deal for everybody, partly because teachers are on the bottom rung and always have shit falling on them from above, and partly because they meet and develop relationships with thousands of kids, most who go on to be regular joe employees. like your company examples though, just a couple of them go full on loony leftist, and when one eventually gets promoted to a position where they can actually influence policy, they promote other like minded people and they all tell everyone else in education (the teachers) what they should think and do. 90% of people in education don't believe in all this BS and also wish it'd stop, but 90% of the people don't make policy and just have to follow the rules set by the others no matter how much they disagree. also in education teachers have less freedom to oppose than people who find themselves in a company with the same situation, because you can leave a company and get a job at another, but education is controlled by government at all levels, and even when you get decent politicians in control of education policy, they're at the same mercy of the dunning-kruger loony voters. "held hostage by a bunch of fools" exactly.
it is about power and these people are very powerful. a teacher disagrees with just one parent's overly PC views and refuses to dance to the tune, the principal also, the local board also, and the state education dept also. the parents starts a campaign on social media and by protest, and the state education officer, gets worried about re-election, and sends the order down the line. in result, the teacher teachers PC and other identity bullshit in their class despite everybody being against it because they have to.
(Old Spike)
Yes exactly I watched them multiply like a virus. As soon as a married couple that followed this ideology managed to reach mid-level management positions they immediately began hiring soft touches that were like them but even weaker and less capable. And within a year or two you had suddenly 30 to 50 people within the organisation that were completely incompetent and completely entitled and under the impression that they were capable. And for a company that's at the Leading Edge of high-tech and coming out of a start-up phase that is death.
(Old Spike)
yep. i've heard some say that the new people get hired because they are yes men, simply saying whatever their boss wants to hear, but i think it's worse than that. that they do honestly believe it themselves and are glad that their "intellect" has finally been acknowledged by someone else "smart enough to understand" them.
(Old Spike)
I can vouch I lived in Guelph for 2 years
(Long Spike)
So everyone jerks off about about Jordan Peterson as though he's some genius philosopher but I notice he says stupid things. At 1:22 Peterson himself says: "Is it a cabal of radical left-wingers? Yes, it's a cabal of radical left-wingers...my estimation is that departments like women's studies have trained between 300,000 and 3,000,000 radical left wing activists..."
So there's anywhere between under a million and more than 3 million RADICAL left-wingers out there? Like...radical? Like, SUPER RADICAL? Or just a small bit radical? The reason I ask is because they don't seem to be as RADICAL as he may think considering that Trump is in charge and abortion clinics across the U.S. are closing faster than your mom's legs after menopause. Let me ask a straight foward question: what is the most RADICAL act these left-wingers are commiting? Is it making a leftist pussy college professor cry while she secretly records? OH MY FUCKING CHRIST, SO RADICAL!
I'm stealing this phrase for the Left: this is a big old Nothing Burger, which is why it is relegated to Sargon who has to ham up the fear factor by putting in the description that this "confirms our worst fears." Really? This is your worst fear? You're misusing the word "radicals" and then painting this as "our worst fears"? Sell some more papers, Yellow Joe.
(Old Spike)
Yes Grothesk - fucking educated to be snakes by professors like this slithering piece of filth. Since the early 90s. And FINALLY there's a spotlight on this horseshit. Is it too late? I don't know. But you can keep pretending like it's a nothing burger after all the bullshit you've seen in the media and the way this asshole's slimey excuse of an intellect manifests itself in the world. How many students has this asshole taught? How many people has he crushed with his false virtue and syrupy authoritarianism? Get them OUT of the universities - there is NO room for totalitarian Marxists masquerading as compassionate seekers of social justice teaching students that they're too fragile to apply critical thinking to complex and new ideas.
(Long Spike)
Yeah, this is a pretty big deal, right? See my comment above as "the Left" has been controlling universities since the 40's and 50's HOLY GOD LOOK HOW FUCKED WE ARE!
You're fine. We're fine. Scoop the poop out of your pants, we're going to survive the night and the sun will rise tomorrow. I like how ALL OF A SUDDEN the Leftists have been taking control of universities and colleges (which are entirely elective, I'll add) despite the fact that it's been quite clear they have been left-leaning for literally half a century. Remember the hippies protesting Vietnam? Hell, do you remember this image?
That's a dead leftist. Look at that dead hippy mutherfucker, trying to speak his goddamn mind about racial injustice and an illegal war going on in Cambodia. This stupid lefty thought he could protest against the Republican President Richard Nixon and he got a face full of lead is what he got. *High fives given out here* BUT WAIT! I thought these leftist queers and weirdos only started infiltrating in the 90's and 2000's?!!!??????questionmark??? How did this lefty fool get mowed down in 1970? Is it time travel? Or is it that left ideals have been a hallmark of higher education for decades?
(Old Spike)
These aren't liberals. When the peace movement was strong in the mid-60s it was headed by clean-cut students with pocket-protectors. It was hippie drug-culture that turned it into an addled mess - some think the CIA used leftist dupes to destroy the peace movement. In any case, you keep trying to make it out like these are just some hippies smoking pot in the bathroom while we're like a 50s housewife freaking out about it in the kitchen. These idiots are everywhere, especially up here. Imagine having to work next to that for three years. Of course I'm traumatized!!
(Long Spike)
"These aren't liberals. When the peace movement was strong in the mid-60s it was headed by clean-cut students with pocket-protectors."
I never thought I'd legit see active revisionist history happen, but it just happened. You don't fucking think the face down dude with long hair who just got shot at a peace rally wasn't a liberal?! Sure, while we're in fantasy land, let's also talk about how UFOs are real and lizard men in the hollow planet or whatever because we're just having fun in the Fun Zone now, eh?
I also notice you are referring to "these idiots" and "this ideology". How about we focus on actual individuals rather than talking about some amorphous, vague, ever-changing ideology. If you want this one guy fired then perhaps gather up like-minded people and go protest. Watch out for that government, though...I hear they'll shoot you to death in some instances (see above image for more information).
(Old Spike)
I'm NOT saying the guy who got shot in your picture wasn't a liberal. I'm saying these assfucks AREN'T liberals. Have you never heard the slogan "Liberals get the bullet too!"? That's a slogan from this dickwad's camp. They mean you, Grothesk and that dude with the long hair in your picture. And me, and FullAuto. Don't you know that?
My beliefs are closest to libertarianism, and Ron Paul literally ran on a platform of peace. Wanting peace is not an attribute that distinguishes liberals from conservatives as a rule - there's overlap there. So what does wanting peace have to do with these authoritarian ideological absolutists?
(Long Spike)
"They mean you, Grothesk and that dude with the long hair in your picture. And me, and FullAuto. Don't you know that?"
No, I don't know that. The reason I don't know that is because I haven't seen any dead bodies, I haven't counted any bullet holes, I haven't picked up any empty casings. You're literally referring to one guy as though he makes up the entirety of a population; is he part of the 300,000 to 3,000,000 radicals? Where are these radical actions that have you so riled up? Because someone chose to write AN APOLOGY?! Is that what's so radical?
I don't want to derail this video any further, but I have a college degree...a Bachelor's in Communication with a minor in English from the University of Indiana. I intimately know what the phrase "it's all academic" means (which means that something is bullshit that only professors and students fuss over.) Let me assure you: this is all academic. You are free to thump your chest and rabble and jeer over this little molehill but at the end of the day you are angry about how an elective college chooses to run their own classes. Godspeed on that.
(Old Spike)
Dude you really have drank the Kool-Aid on Marxism.
(Old Spike)
Yeah it was all academic in China to until the worm turned and then all of a sudden it was dead bodies and bullet casings in the streets.
(Long Spike)
Again, I'm going to need to see the bodies and bullet casings in America. You let FullAutoGal off the hook for turning his head on net neutrality in Portugal and how gun control works wonders across every other 1st world nation, so I'm going to require to see these TOTALLY RADICAL leftist horror shows here in America or in Canada. Fuck, even Britain will work...I'm trying to throw you a bone here.
(Old Spike)
i hear where you're coming from. their objections are ideological rather than evidenciary. a lot like libertarianism itself really, seems to make a ton of sense as long as you don't look at any history or data. we used to have a libertarian society, it sucked, that's why we voted for things like the epa to clean up the mess.
the anti-war movement was overwhelmingly liberal, assfucks included, starting on college campuses where most of the population is liberal. later it spread into the alternative lifestyle crowd, the first clean-cut pocket-protector wearing protestors were liberal students.
(Old Spike)
"gun control works wonders across every other 1st world nation"
That's just a flatout untrue statement. I don't know what else to say. It's one of the oldest debunked claims by gun control morons like yourself. How convientent that you must narrow the scope to "1st world nations". It begs the question, is there really a cause and effect relationship if gun control ONLY has "wonderful" effects on 1st world, also known as "white" countries? What about Switerland? Let's not mention the fact that they have a plethoria of armed citizens and some of the lowest crime rates. The bottom line is this, if you want to live in a gun free country then you need to move your ass to one because the United States is and will always be a country with armed citizens.
"You let FullAutoGal off the hook for turning his head on net neutrality in Portugal"
What in the holy fuck are you talking about? I am in favor of Net Neutrality. Portugal is an great example of the bullshit that's coming down the pipe once it's finally been killed.
(Long Spike)
You're posting Trump/Rambo memes while it's he himself who installed the shit stain in the FCC who is about to shit all over net neutrality. Read all about it here. A Republican Senate, in the face of Democratic opposition, installed a guy, nominated specifically by Republican Trump, who has been very clear that he wants to dispel net neutrality. Remember, all of this shit is on your boy Trump and his Republican cronies, which he leads.
But Trump is Rambo mowing down liberal crybabies as Trumbo, LOL! That video was super funny, friend. Perhaps you should dislodge your nose from Trump's asshole and notice that it's primarily his party and his nominees that are doing this shit. So when I say you're against net neutrality and you are in favor of us being like Portugal and you cry foul, all I have to do is point to your 2 and 1/2 year long meme-splattered support of Trump. All I have to do is point to this bullshit right here and you'll respond by saying that Trump isn't perfect or that this is the only aspect in which you disagree with him...and you'll still blindly vote for these corporate shills who look to actively rape you and you'll spread those cheeks wide.
(Long Spike)
Heh, I notice you avoiding this post like the plague.
(Old Spike)
Avoid it? I'm sorry if I don't feel like going into a long back and forth with you Grothesk. I write what I think and might perhaps follow it up with a second response but what else can I say that I haven't already said? Is saying it once again going to make you suddenly wake up and throw off your collectivist world view? I think not. The only thing that might do that is growing old and maturing naturally. You'll get there eventually I hope. I bet your father does as well.
Please take a moment of your time and watch these. It will explain all your answers more throughly and give you more information to work with.
(Old Spike)
Take your racist horseshit somewhere else. I'm half convinced that you're berg reverse trolling.
They're all seperate interviews of an ex kgb agent from the 80s.
Are you fucking retarded? Thanks for making all of spiked that much dumber for dismissing something you didn't even click.
(Long Spike)
"Are you fucking retarded? Thanks for making all of spiked that much dumber for dismissing something you didn't even click."
Berg confirmed.
(Old Spike)
I highly doubt it. His douch has a differnt scent that our beloved Berg. Berg was a true believer and preached his brand of nonsense with conviction. After checking out the post history of fasfasfasfas it's clearly not berg's style. This guy is trying way to hard to troll which gives away how fake he is.
(Old Spike)
It *could* be the Duckling, but that aside I think Berg is just a general pejorative here now. The other possibility is that this is Andy. Andy always had a thing for "the Jews". I guess my point is that I think this is someone we know - I guess my point is somewhat obvious.
(Old Spike)
Well the mere fact that he isn't calling you a pedophile is proof enough that he isn't berg.
(Old Spike)
I have seen these interviews - it's the package they come in that is suspect. But let's indulge you - are you saying there's a rogue breakaway civilization of Soviet and KGB ex-pats skillfully orchestrating the Marxification of the United States while Putin stands against them? Look dude I LOVE tinfoil - please tell us your theory.
(Old Spike)
"A live human body and a deceased human body have the same number of particles. Structurally there's no difference." - Dr. Manhattan
The universe doesn't care about your imaginated safe space yet you act as if simple words or ideas will kill you, or physically harm you. That's just you, hurting yourself. That's a child in the "toys"-isle of a supermarket crying because it wants something it knows it doesn't deserve. And if you say no, it will threaten to hurt itself. Hold its breath. Scream even louder. Embarrass you in public. Until it finds the brink of your patience, your sanity, in order for you to do something stupid, which is to buy the damned thing just so the child will shut the fuck up. But now it knows. And it will keep doing it because it has a 100% success rate.
What children doesn't know is the concept of death and how closely linked it is with mental instability.
But as grownups, you should be aware that if you keep pushing your bullshit on someone else, who doesn't want it, they will find the alternative to paying for you to shut up. A FAR MORE REWARDING AND FREE ALTERNATIVE that not only shuts you up forever, but it gives a pleasure known only to a few human beings, and some predators in the animal kingdom. And a hidden truth, buried in layers and layers of irrelevant ideas, concepts like love, right and wrong, and your perceived identity. The truth which says: "I'm a self-aware force of nature and do no fuck with me, because I have to power to end you". Your comfortable life is not your choice. It's everyone elses, which is why you shouldn't try to piss everyone else off.
We know now. It was just weird seeing adults acting like that so we confused it with debate and protests for righteous causes. But it seems you just want to control everything and not learn at all. You know everything there is to know in order to go through life now. Cry and get what you want. No matter what. You can yell at your teacher. You can use violence. You can protest your own rights to say anything, ever: the definition of your freedom. Because the teacher never got to tell you what happened when others in history lost that right, because you found it uncomfortable. And the teachers will never tell you, because of the fear of losing their job, which you threaten them with every day.
And this will go on until one day, your own fellow human beings will gather you and execute you like dogs and burn you. You'll scream and cry and yell and try to communicate, but they won't understand you. It's all just noises to them at this point. Your language has become a disease.
You fought so hard trying to differentiate yourself from the rest of the human race, you became alien to them. You became counter-productive to human evolution, in all fields. Why would they tolerate that? You gave up your guns. You gave up your rights. You gave it all up to act like a child for the rest of your short life while speeding through all the resources in the world, which you never helped to acquire, produce nor paid for. You became utterly useless, and wasteful.
At which point your live human body and your deceased human body will have the same number of particles, to everyone else. Structurally there is no difference to their eyes. And you have nothing to add or argue, because you chose to be stupid by destroying the education system. You chose to give up your rights by destroying the language. And you chose to halt progress, by destroying science and all definitions of human beings as equal. You chose to destroy peace by using violence. All this destruction with no true purpose. The only purpose left is self-destruction. But your definition of "self" is group-based thing, so everyone else will take care that dirty work for you, as is tradition.
You're creating your own extinction. And you're giving everyone else a trivial look back into history, as if you're primitive beings about to have their first adorable revolution.(trigger warning: Revolutions always contains blood, death, racism, sexism, rape, death, murder, murder resulted of rape and no safe spaces.)
Good luck to the inevitable end. I'm cheering for you.
(Old Spike)
Every sneaky political organization does this. To get a bill passed, appeal to reason, morality, science and logic.
Once it's passed: "it's the law, get used to it."
Fucking bullshit everytime I hear it. What can be passed by democracy can be unpassed by democracy.
How do the professors/TA's go unscathed after spouting such nonsense against Lindsay, yet she is fully put on blast for supporting HER OWN opinion. They even go to the lengths of saying Peterson isn't peer reviewed. He's a tenured professor and licensed psychiatrist with hundreds of published works/citations. Are they just making up their own definition of peer review?
All of this is so confusing coming from a fellow Canadian, currently going to Guelph University which is 30 minutes from Laurier.
(Old Spike)
They make up their own definition of everything.