A little reminder how this all started (a very polite video that avoids terms like occupation, genocide and apartheid).
Not condoning the killing of (more or less) innocent people I would like to say that you can only poke the animal with a stick for so long until it bites back.
What I don't understand is that israel has the best defensive detection systems but somehow missed this attack......... weird innit?
(4 votes)
(Site Administrator)
Weird indeed.
Not mine, but I had it pointed out to me that (paraphrasing) 'Despite everyone being stunned at this uncharacteristic lapse in intelligence, the people killed or kidnapped (disproportionately high number of visitors and foreign workers) were not family of politicians or high ranking military officers.'
Huh. Well, if true, there's a relief,..right?
(Old Spike)
It is terrorist action, they try to cause as much damage as they can, whether or not israel knew about this or even fed intelligence to them has to be verified.
What is happening now is the usual "lets kill as many civilians in gaza as we can and say this is based on intelligence pointing to terrorist cells based in these homes, schools, hospitals etc."
What is exceptional is that other neighbouring countries "help" hamas that much...
(Site Administrator)
The decision to take so many hostages and bring them back over to Gaza is also new. Bait. They've set up kill zones and are waiting for some urban warfare. But will it come? Israel will likely continue with precision bombing. If I were in charge I'd make sure the one pressing the red button was female -and broadcast it. 'That's right Tali, you got snuffed by a woman. What does your prophet say? No 72 virgins in paradise for you.'. (Hopefully the terrorists remember to log out of Facebook soon as they're done.. so their cell phones last a little longer).
(Old Spike)
The "prophet" was most likely talking about raisins.
(Site Administrator)
All that misunderstanding over 72 raisins?
(Old Spike)
This is nothing new at all, it has been speculated for years that the virgins are a misinterpretation or error in translation.
(Site Administrator)
Mohamed also refers to his Ethiopian slaves as 'raisin heads' in the hadith so maybe he meant hot Ethiopian women.
(Old Spike)
As with anything (not just in religion), ask yourself did it actually happen (exactly like this) and what is more likely......
Are these women the price for the jihadist or did he mean these women are as precious as raisins to him?
(Site Administrator)
I don't believe allegorical thinking is top priority for readers that are the product of generation upon generation of folks marrying their first cousin (consanguineous marriage, look it up). Virgins will mean virgins in this case.Also, why 72 raisins. Has anyone checked to see if that's how many it takes to get '2 scoops'? Do 2 scoops make you smarter?
(Old Spike)
You should definitely try it, you need it, maybe better 4. But don't overdose.
(Site Administrator)
About here is where you say, why are you passing to ad hominem attacks or you still didn't answer the question 😢.
IS it 2 scoops though.
(Short Spike)
Its totally 72 RAISINS!
what else could it be, I mean, the video is the proof!