Weekly Image Gallery 11/25/2017


Trevicahn's picture

Story on #90?

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sato's picture

source of the picture is captioned "the table of contents from a civil war soldier's diary"

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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester


Is that: smoking (lungs), drinking (liver), ?? (stomach)

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Pyranique's picture

^you must be high as fuck.

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omnomszombies's picture

That's supposed to show someone eating healthy and having perfect organ health.

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sato's picture

nope, the writing on the back wall is japanese, and there are other clues too.

here the amount of food in that bowl is considered overeating, which must be the vice she's indulging in. dunno what effect that is supposed to be on her stomach though, is it stretched?

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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

Take a look at her stomach compared to the other 2. Each person has something unhealthy

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omnomszombies's picture

I want to know where #1 is from.

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Cahu's picture

Does the guy in #60 know that Brea in spanish is the word for Tar?

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thegent's picture
Discord user


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