Fri, 2024-03-22 05:24 — backdraft A world without Normies Video of A world without Normies I forgot to add a description! 4 Average: 4 (4 votes)
(Old Spike)
The artist doesn't realize he's a "normie" ..... You are at home, complaining about the world.
(Site Administrator)
Preach it n0val. If some folks would just get out into the fresh air a little more. And maybe participate in the society they just bitch about.
(Site Moderator)
Well it's a self parody. Gets ride of the normies then doesn't want to go out when there nothing but edgy people left.
(Site Administrator)
Yep. No one is knocking the intelligence and self-awareness here. It's kind of reminiscent of Rick from Rick and Morty.