He talks nice and slow so you have a chance in getting the basic point.
Average: 2(4 votes)
subroutine (Old Spike)
ya' all need some jizzus
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Here you go.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Of course he is talking complete and utter bollocks.
Imagine for a second that your perception of god is wrong and those of another religion, which practice rites, have rules and "laws" that members of your christian sect oppose, are PROVEN to be right. So let's imagine tomorrow undeniably the taliban are correct, you are wrong. Would you (and every other christian) suddenly abandon your "morality" and adopt theirs??
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Well, it's a logical exercise and I tried to find a video where the moral argument is discussed slowwwwwwly and clearly for you but even then I figured it was 40/60 you get it.
Asked and answered before. But now I don't even need to answer since your lord and saviour Dawkins said no amount of tangible proof could get him to change his mind. Still.. I had no idea we could switch to Amish and walk among the Taliban in perfect safety, so there's none of that 'behedding of apostates' which would be the new 'good' uncle Dawkie realizes he'd need to adapt to...which is nice, I guess.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"... answered before" nope, before I asked you what you would do if you found proof there is no god, you did not answer that at all.
And I understand that you can't because you cannot imagine a world (or universe) without the belief in a creator and master, this is indeed similar to Dawkins and other atheists (like myself) not being able to come up with a scenario that would proof their existence.
Hence I offered an alternative scenario you can hopefully better relate to as it includes a creator and master just featuring a different set of "morality". But still you dodged the question.
So here it is again: Let's imagine tomorrow undeniably the taliban are correct, you are wrong. Would you (and every other christian) suddenly abandon your "morality" and adopt theirs??
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
That's an interesting point. Maybe you could tell me how the beheading of apostates and raping of female captives (sorry Taliban, I mean 'war brides') after you just got done killing their fathers, husbands and brothers resonates with YOUR superior (subjective) sense of morality? vs our inferior (objective) one. And I really did answer your question a year ago, it's up to you to go find it.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
still dodging answering the question. Same as last time.
It isn't that hard, there are only 2 options, which would you choose and why?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I told you above that God represents objective good. You've heard the joke about Moses coming down the mountain and saying: 'Good news, I negotiated Him down to 10 commandments. Bad news, adultery is still in there'. You tell me why you're choosing Islam, the religion least aligned with western values and how you'd convince yourself (now given carte blanche from your new god) that killing non-believers and raping female captives are suddenly good. My answer's in there if you read it.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"You tell me why you're choosing Islam"
I chose this for YOU because
you seem to be unable to envision a world without a creator and master
the concept of the 2 religions is similar (1 god, 1 messiah), however, the "morality" is different.
A taliban will say the same thing about "their god" that you claim about yours: "I told you above that God represents objective good." Which is of course bollocks by definition in both cases.
So what you are telling me is that if it turned out to be that the only true god is that of the taliban you would either become an atheist or keep on believing in "your god" and simply deny the evidence existed?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Bravo, you're starting to remember that a year ago when you last asked me (seriously, amnesia much?) I told you I'd see you in Atheist church where we could both sing 'Kumbaya myself, kumbaya'. One simple axiom exists. You know the truth when you hear it. The truth comes easy. You don't need the sword to spread the truth. You give a group a messiah that is a warlord, trades in slaves and promises you sex slaves while you're alive and unlimited virgins in heaven if you die fighting for him... suddenly you got yourself an army. But I know you're too smart for any of that, eh daftcunt. I mean, in your educated estimation, both religions are essentially the same. Heck, why did uncle Dawkie even express a preference for cultural christianity in the first place. Boggles the mind.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
yawn: By definition there is no such thing as an "atheist church".
The two religions are not the same but sufficiently similar so I can say believing in either of them is equally ridiculous.
Probably christianity is even worse than islam or judaism as, in contrary to them, PEOPLE corrected the word of god (bible) added a version 2.0 (new testament) and decided to apply only the parts* they like from 1.0 (old testament). The others at least stayed true to the origins.
* the vile shit like promoting slavery or warmongering still remained but it was decided (again, by people) to sort of disregard it. But, no worries, christians can go very much old testament when the cause is righteous.....
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Oh fuck that's stupid. Are you just throwing poop in the air hoping some will stick? Didn't they teach you that you need to be the one holding the umbrella if you're gonna do that? You know that there's muslims that kill muslims (even today) for not being hard core muslim enough, right?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
War between christian ( i.e. the "other cheek" guys) sects isn't unknown neither, only happened a few hundred years ago.
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hello kitty (Spiker)
I can't wait til you guys settle this so I can tell all the people this is where the answers lie.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
We're part of the way there. Now that Dawkins admits he likes Christianity best, I'm assuming Daftcunt will go to service to see what all the fuss is about. If the meditative hymns don't get him, the high fashion and incense will put him over the top. But yeah. Tell your friends.
(Old Spike)
ya' all need some jizzus
(Site Administrator)
Here you go.![](https://media0.giphy.com/media/kdpa96wjRp9HTjzweR/200w.webp?cid=6c09b952z65geiqdqydxs10cd7s957zj63yeigiv9jtajo47&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=200w.webp&ct=g)
(Old Spike)
Of course he is talking complete and utter bollocks.
Imagine for a second that your perception of god is wrong and those of another religion, which practice rites, have rules and "laws" that members of your christian sect oppose, are PROVEN to be right. So let's imagine tomorrow undeniably the taliban are correct, you are wrong. Would you (and every other christian) suddenly abandon your "morality" and adopt theirs??
(Site Administrator)
Well, it's a logical exercise and I tried to find a video where the moral argument is discussed slowwwwwwly and clearly for you but even then I figured it was 40/60 you get it.
Asked and answered before. But now I don't even need to answer since your lord and saviour Dawkins said no amount of tangible proof could get him to change his mind. Still.. I had no idea we could switch to Amish and walk among the Taliban in perfect safety, so there's none of that 'behedding of apostates' which would be the new 'good' uncle Dawkie realizes he'd need to adapt to...which is nice, I guess.![](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aBy9xXA_460swp.webp)
(Old Spike)
"... answered before" nope, before I asked you what you would do if you found proof there is no god, you did not answer that at all.
And I understand that you can't because you cannot imagine a world (or universe) without the belief in a creator and master, this is indeed similar to Dawkins and other atheists (like myself) not being able to come up with a scenario that would proof their existence.
Hence I offered an alternative scenario you can hopefully better relate to as it includes a creator and master just featuring a different set of "morality". But still you dodged the question.
So here it is again: Let's imagine tomorrow undeniably the taliban are correct, you are wrong. Would you (and every other christian) suddenly abandon your "morality" and adopt theirs??
(Site Administrator)
That's an interesting point. Maybe you could tell me how the beheading of apostates and raping of female captives (sorry Taliban, I mean 'war brides') after you just got done killing their fathers, husbands and brothers resonates with YOUR superior (subjective) sense of morality? vs our inferior (objective) one. And I really did answer your question a year ago, it's up to you to go find it.
(Old Spike)
still dodging answering the question. Same as last time.
It isn't that hard, there are only 2 options, which would you choose and why?
(Site Administrator)
I told you above that God represents objective good. You've heard the joke about Moses coming down the mountain and saying: 'Good news, I negotiated Him down to 10 commandments. Bad news, adultery is still in there'. You tell me why you're choosing Islam, the religion least aligned with western values and how you'd convince yourself (now given carte blanche from your new god) that killing non-believers and raping female captives are suddenly good. My answer's in there if you read it.
(Old Spike)
"You tell me why you're choosing Islam"
I chose this for YOU because
A taliban will say the same thing about "their god" that you claim about yours: "I told you above that God represents objective good." Which is of course bollocks by definition in both cases.
So what you are telling me is that if it turned out to be that the only true god is that of the taliban you would either become an atheist or keep on believing in "your god" and simply deny the evidence existed?
(Site Administrator)
Bravo, you're starting to remember that a year ago when you last asked me (seriously, amnesia much?) I told you I'd see you in Atheist church where we could both sing 'Kumbaya myself, kumbaya'. One simple axiom exists. You know the truth when you hear it. The truth comes easy. You don't need the sword to spread the truth. You give a group a messiah that is a warlord, trades in slaves and promises you sex slaves while you're alive and unlimited virgins in heaven if you die fighting for him... suddenly you got yourself an army. But I know you're too smart for any of that, eh daftcunt. I mean, in your educated estimation, both religions are essentially the same. Heck, why did uncle Dawkie even express a preference for cultural christianity in the first place. Boggles the mind.
(Old Spike)
yawn: By definition there is no such thing as an "atheist church".
The two religions are not the same but sufficiently similar so I can say believing in either of them is equally ridiculous.
Probably christianity is even worse than islam or judaism as, in contrary to them, PEOPLE corrected the word of god (bible) added a version 2.0 (new testament) and decided to apply only the parts* they like from 1.0 (old testament). The others at least stayed true to the origins.
* the vile shit like promoting slavery or warmongering still remained but it was decided (again, by people) to sort of disregard it. But, no worries, christians can go very much old testament when the cause is righteous.....
(Site Administrator)
Oh fuck that's stupid. Are you just throwing poop in the air hoping some will stick? Didn't they teach you that you need to be the one holding the umbrella if you're gonna do that? You know that there's muslims that kill muslims (even today) for not being hard core muslim enough, right?
(Old Spike)
War between christian ( i.e. the "other cheek" guys) sects isn't unknown neither, only happened a few hundred years ago.
I can't wait til you guys settle this so I can tell all the people this is where the answers lie.
(Site Administrator)
We're part of the way there. Now that Dawkins admits he likes Christianity best, I'm assuming Daftcunt will go to service to see what all the fuss is about. If the meditative hymns don't get him, the high fashion and incense will put him over the top. But yeah. Tell your friends.