The Joy Of Flying

eh's picture

Passengers yell at woman with small dog to sit down before she is removed from plane

I was just on a flight last month from Las Vegas that had a group of five hoodrats who were totally unruly and uncooperative. It caused a three hour delay as they were deplaned. People were pissed. This lady wasn't even arrested and after a 4 hour delay, she was put on the next plane. Hoodrats like her and indeed anyone who causes problems on a flight should be immediately arrested and held overnight at minimum. The delays they cause effect too many people for them to just act like idiots and just jump on another plane.


.......I've never seen someone get on a plane with a dog that they let run around. That is bizarre. Is that allowed?


A woman was removed from an American Airlines flight from Atlanta to Chicago Wednesday, July 5, 2017, after yelling at a flight attendant and letting her dog run through the cabin, the Associated Press reports.

Average: 2.2 (5 votes)


bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Dont mean to nag , but , without any kinda backstory this video sucked balls . 

Actionless , left with a sense of wonder ....end.2/5

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eh's picture

No backstory to tell.


Hoodrat goes ghetto, lets her dog run around a plane getting ready to take off, gets told to sit down, goes more ghetto, gets escorted off of plane.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes


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Grothesk's picture

I very much agree; this video wasn't interesting nor entertaining.

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