1. "Still blowing smoke". No, you're not, it's vapor. The ingridients in most ejuice is VG, PG, nicotine and flavoring. That's it, 4. To compare vaping to smoking is just an outright lie to make vaping seem more dangerous.
2. 20 years ago 13 year olds were smoking. If we've gone from smoking to vaping, good. That's a good thing.
3. No one is aiming anything at kids. Adults like cartoony names. No one wants kids vaping.
4. They gonna lean the shit out of ohms law.
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Dhagon (Old Spike)
Oh the humanity. He started off with 5 dollar vape pens. Pretty soon he's going to be on the street trying to fund his habit. If this is what the PSA's have come down to it just speaks volumes about how much better things are today.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
As 14 yr old rebels they could do a lot more unhealthy things than vape.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
120 watts?!?!?! The fuck you doing, kid?
(Short Spike)
1. "Still blowing smoke". No, you're not, it's vapor. The ingridients in most ejuice is VG, PG, nicotine and flavoring. That's it, 4. To compare vaping to smoking is just an outright lie to make vaping seem more dangerous.
2. 20 years ago 13 year olds were smoking. If we've gone from smoking to vaping, good. That's a good thing.
3. No one is aiming anything at kids. Adults like cartoony names. No one wants kids vaping.
4. They gonna lean the shit out of ohms law.
(Old Spike)
Oh the humanity. He started off with 5 dollar vape pens. Pretty soon he's going to be on the street trying to fund his habit. If this is what the PSA's have come down to it just speaks volumes about how much better things are today.
(Old Spike)
As 14 yr old rebels they could do a lot more unhealthy things than vape.
(Site Moderator)
Have you tried giving them beer and weed?