something like 1 in 80k women are born with a y chromosome. which i guess makes any male that was ever been in a relationship with them, a gay
(2 votes)
something like 1 in 80k women are born with a y chromosome. which i guess makes any male that was ever been in a relationship with them, a gay
(Site Moderator)
So edgy
(Old Spike)
Not that I care much about the steroid games (except for the turkish shooter, you show them buddy!) but if excess testosterone gives female athletes an advantage over (non cheating) competitors then one should create a limit, like they did in the boxing world championship. This limit can then be applied regardless of whether it is "natural" or not.
"Ex males" (i.e. people who had surgery and hormone treatment) should not be permitted to participate in competitions where this is an advantage (in competitions where it isn't there should be no segregation in the first place), neither should people simply "identifying as females".
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Video above has been removed as I write this, but...Biology 101 refresher.
XX: female
XY: male (with all the implications for bone and muscle density).
Was discussing this travesty with my 87yr old and he said, and I quote: 'Why don't they just add a transex category and let them beat each other up.'
(Old Spike)
Well, in general I would agree, however, in her case it is a little different (that is why I specifically left out the xx-xy-issue in my comment above), as sal explained in the description. I don't know what consequences xy vs xx has in relation to strength. I assume if it has, it will also be shown in the hormone levels, but this may be wrong of course.
In this case the athlete is algerian, a muslim country. She was born a female, is female in passport, "identifies" as female (for whatever that is worth), in algeria "gender surgery" is illegal (so maybe jordan should immigrate there, he would love it, lol) so I find it extremely unlikely she had it done.
(Site Administrator)
If you're basing yourself off of Sal's comment: 'something like 1 in 80k women are born with a y chromosome' you'd both be wrong. Being raised female won't have an impact. Our Algerian friend and all others suffering from the same condition is male, likely with undescended testicles that are still producing testosterone levels closer to that of a lightweight male boxer, and underdeveloped male genitalia. Likely classified sex 'unknown' at birth, her vagina will be a blind pouch where her b-balls never dropped.
If you agree that adults such as us cannot compete against small children in sports for the children's safety and their enjoyment of the sport, then you have to agree the case is the same for transex vs. females.
(Old Spike)
Well, not quite correct:
Of course nothing is as simple as one would like to have it. Elevated testosterone levels are also as normal in some (xx) women as are low levels in some males, this is not necessarily a factor in physical performance.
(Old Spike)
Exactly that is like entering a tiger on the dog races.
a gorilla in boxing,
a bear in judo
a dolphin in swimming
They are all mammals but different from standard with unfair advantages
tiger would eat a dog and not finish
gorilla would pancake his opponent when punched
bear would claw its opponent to the ground
dolphin would move 20 times faster
It wouldn't be a competition anymore.
(Old Spike)
Not quite right:
Also analysing testosterone levels is not as simple as one would like it to be.
(Old Spike)
XY male(including the feminine ones)
XX female(including the masculine ones)
XY female. SRY gene on the y chromosome prevents receptors from working. they can be indistinguishable from other XX females.
XX male. SRY gene on the y chromosome, swaps over to an X chromosome during meiosis. they can be indistinguishable from other XY males
like, what's a man these days?
(Site Administrator)
Conversely, the failure to express xy correctly can be restricted to the genitals as seems to be the case here. What will come out in the subsequent days is that the medical director of the International Boxing Association documented in writing with the IOC his protest that Khelif as well as another boxer from Thailand were biological males. The Thailand boxer didn't appeal the decision and Khelif who initially appealed subsequently withdrew her appeal. What we're seeing here is the IOC burying this decision to instead flick its own bean to the tune of la mode du jour. A female boxer will eventually take a punch to the head and die and then folks will ask themselves why. But also consider the lifetime worth of training wasted, cash prizes and life-changing endorsements lost.
What's a man these days you ask? This.
(Old Spike)
Nice, you know what:
"Your god" created that, in the image of her-/him-/itself........
Oh the irony!
(Site Administrator)
That's your biggest problem? What about other great ironies like:
And why you disrespecting her calling her 'that'? Your fake veneer of compassion is slipping, troll. We can respect her choice / preferred pronouns, it's just sorry, we can't fulfill your dream of punching girls in the head, professionally. Moving on.