all this stuff does not exist where i live, no school shootings, no ppl locked up for weed, no fentanyl or meth, no repo trucks and garages ripping you off, almost no homeless, only functional crackheads, no chemicals in the food.
Free healthcare, minimum wages bar, guaranteed income even when fired.
America is a weird place that tries to be the example but fails at every turn.
It is like Europe's retarded nephew.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
What are the racial demographics of where you live?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Wow, you look like a fag.
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Dude (Old Spike)
The last racing demo i played was back on Playstation 2 and the graphics were fine,
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Exactly. Fuck off then.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
We get it. You don't like niggers and thats fine but theres no need to push your views on to others.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I'm not forcing white people on the niggers. The niggers are being forced into white places. It needs to stop before white areas turn into shit holes like all black areas are. They have already destroyed so much.
Help keep white areas white or go live with the nigs if you think that ethnic diversity is good.
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Dude (Old Spike)
waate pawa dumbass
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Exactly. You know how the nigs are always yelling black power, which is just them living on the white mans welfare, I believe in white power which sent us to the moon and created philosphy and democracy, the republic, the greatest stories in history and so on.
But go ahead and keep believing in the "we waz Kangs and shiit" narrative. We all know you're going to stick to living in a white area bacause you know that niggers are the worst.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
See, there you go trying to spread your "message" again.
Like I said, we all know you don't like niggers. It's basically the only thing you comment about. We get it. Don't you have forums for this kinda thing if you wanna talk about nigger hating with other like minded people?
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vinzent (Old Spike)
The jews are the real problem, the niggers flooding white areas is more of a symptom. I don;t hate niggers doing nigger shit in Africa, that's funny. I do not want them around me or my people, and you don't want to be around them either.
You act like nobody on this sight is anti-white or anti-right-wing. That's ludicrous. This site has somehow turned into a bunch of liberal fags and feminists. It used to be edgy, racist, sexist silly fun. You fags ruin everything. There are very few places left on the internet for free speech because of you idiots, but you just want to censor more and more.
I think if we allowed free speech there would be a lot more people singing my tune but the jews own most of the platforms and basically all of the mainstream media. You can look that up by checking the ethnicity of the owners.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
As you can see nobody's censoring you, but this isn't a platform for spreading your racist hate.
Why keep pushing your ideas to a audience that doesn't care for it? You want us to think like you do?
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I like expressing my opinions and letting people decide what they think about them.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Which guy do you like the most?
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vinzent (Old Spike)
N1 looks like the Karate Kid, which is cool.
N2 looks like a fat guy who is one wig away from calling himself a woman, but I've seen a lot worse.
I don't really endorse piercings for men or women. N2 could be the older fatter N1.
All that said, I'd choose N1 obviously.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
now that you did it here when will you have your coming out to your nazi friends?
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Dude (Old Spike)
It's both me, and i have Jewish Italian blood also Swedish Finnish Polish German English Belgian Hungarian Austrian French Swedish, and Portuguese, but mostly Italian Jewish.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
"I like expressing my opinions and letting people decide what they think about them"
you've been doing that for a while now. i've looked into it, here's what i've found
you've interacted in the comment section of 187 posts and posted 40 things during the several years of this iteration of the site. stretching back a year from today, 29 of the 38 times you've partook in the comments section of posts are instances of you making jew or nigger related comments and i'm being lenient on this. not counting the times where you might have been baited or made some offhand racist comment. if i'm going to do one year, i might as well do all of them
break down by calender year
in 2018, you partook in comments section of 5 posts, posted 4 times
in 2019, you partook in comments section of 6 posts, posted 2 times
in 2020, you partook in comments section of 29 posts, 2 was jew or nigger related, posted 3 times
in 2021, you partook in comments section of 8 posts, 1 was jew or nigger related, posted nothing
in 2022, you partook in comments section of 62 posts, 12 was jew or nigger related, posted 7 times
in 2023, you partook in comments section of 56 posts, 14 was jew or nigger related, posted nothing
in 2024, you partook in comments section of 34 posts, 22 was jew or nigger related, posted 21 times, 5 of which had jew or nigger related descriptions
here's a graph bar with just your interactions in other peoples posts, broken down into two types. racist interactions only counting the times jews or niggers and which ever way it was spelled were mentioned, omitting any purposefully offhand racism that doesn't mention by those names into not racist interactions group
the jew and nigger rhetoric is now the majority of what you say, went from 0% interactions to now sitting at 65% of interactions, here's a line graph to show the the progression over the years
continuing edge lording is more than likely going to result in someone making what would end up being an overwhelmingly valid complaint. which will result in someone realizing the issue is easily fixed by you no longer being here
I'm not one for small talk in comment sections. I don't leave comments like "First" or "Nice video" very often. I will however call out the jews and nigs when I know no one else will. Like if someone calls out the "Government" for the boarder crisis or COVID hysteria. I'll often let people know that Homeland Security is run by Alejandro Mayorkas, a jew, and that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is run by Rochelle Walensky, also a jew.
Facebook - jewish
Google - jewish
Amazon - jewish
Even twitter/X - jewish
Disney - jewish
Warner Brothers - jewish
NBC/Universal - jewish
The jews are flooding white countries with very stupid and violent niggers and using their media to brainwash the masses into believing that it's a good thing.
This kind of speech is already banned from the mainstream intent and media, which is all run by jews. They ban this speech because it will ruin their plans and hinder their power.
To me these things matter and I think it would be great if people knew them. We could change the world for the better if people are informed with the truth.
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Dude (Old Spike)
..And we exterminate the Jews..
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Do you think that would improve things?
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Dude (Old Spike)
do you?
The problems you see how would you solve them? Everyone moves back where their ancestors came from? For me that would be difficult i would have to split myself in twelve
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vinzent (Old Spike)
The ethnic problem would be pretty easy to fix. Everyone can go to their designated parts of the world, most are already there. Africa is mostly filled with Africans, Asia is mostly filled with Asians, South America is mostly filled with "Latin" people, India is mostly Indians, the Middle East is mostly Arab, Australia is mostly filled with Europeans (although the jews are trying to replace them) Europe is mostly fill with Europeans (although the jews are trying to replace them), North America is mostly filled with Europeans (although the jews are trying to replace them). The jews only want diversity in white countries and industries and schools and they want that to destroy the white places and institutions.
The jews of course have their own ethnic country called Israel and they can all go there. There has been some substantial mixing in very recent history and we can come up with a way of deciding which ethnicity they most align with. Like Obama is a nigger even though his mother is ghost white. Most part nigs are just nigs now, sucks for them. Mostly if you look and sound like one of the categories then that will be the category you are placed in.
There may be places where ethnic diversity is kept and then anyone can go there and mix it up.
Remigration has happened in the past. Southern Europe was invaded by Arabs and North Africans long ago and those niggers were pushed back to where they came from by the crusaders. It would be best if people would go be with their own peacefully and leave the whites alone but everyone loves being around whites so much it may take some strong persuasion.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, so where would you send all the murricans and cnadians that are not direct descendants of the natives of the continent?
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Dude (Old Spike)
And all Australians back to the prisons in England? problem solved :) and those guy's from the Greek Grill around the corner back to China :)
Wouldn't it be better to all transport all unter menchen niggers arabs jews asians homosexuals lesbian and morons to Africa that way we make it a prison island and the white man can patrol the seas around it with machine gun boats.
Or maybe we can just gas em all, that would save costs on patrol boats. We tell em to go in the shower and turn the gas open, and then we burn the bodies.
I have a feeling of dejavu..
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vinzent (Old Spike)
In the system I was outlining you don't have to be a direct descendant of the founders of a country to live there, you just need to be part of the same race. Europeans created what we call North America, Australia, Europe and a few other places around the world. The Dutch (Europeans) even created South Africa but I think the whites should leave the African continent entirely.
Once each race have their Homelands then they can figure out how they want to organize them. There could be conservative regions and liberal ones, urban and agrarian. Different cultures would develop in different areas just like Germany is different than Ireland which is different than Sweden and so on.
I would encourage freedom of movement within the Homelands so that people of the same race can choose which style of living suits them the best and the best ideas can spread. Maybe even different races would like to adopt ideas from other races. The whites set up a place in Africa called Liberia with a Constitutional Republic just like the USA and returned a bunch of slaves there, but they didn't make an American style civilization, they just started raping and murdering each other as they do. I think different races need to be governed in different ways and which ways are best for them is best found by those people themselves. Africans and Asians don't fit in European societies and vice versa.
You guys can keep calling me a white supremacist and racist but I think these are pretty sound ideas that would be best for all the people of the world.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol. so the white folk should retreat from africa but not from north america. And how do you sweet talk this to yourself? White north americans have their "homelands" in europe, same for australians.
There really is no need to call you a nazi and racist, you do this actually yourself. Trump loves jews btw.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Yeah, Trump is a fag.
Europeans built Australia, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and all the countries in Europe. They built most of what infrastructure exists in Africa too but they didn't really build that much or move into Africa, so the niggers can keep it.
The natives of those places that were there before the white man came were just warring tribes of savages, they have no claim to the civilizations that were created there, plus they are pretty much completely gone. You could go live in some kind of ethnic diversity zone with all the retarded aborigines and Native Americans if you want, but I doubt you would. No one wants to live around them.
North America is probably 80% European but Africa is probably more like 5% European, or less. Also, North American civilizations were completely European, but African civilizations have very little do do with the Europeans. That's why what I said makes sense.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"That's why what I said makes sense."
Sorry, hun, fortunately only in your twisted little mind and that of your few master race peers.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
What did I say that doesn't make sense to you, and why?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
We have already collectively decided that your way of thinking is not the way forward. You just have to deal with it. We already had WWII's concentration camps. That's where the hate leads.
Try making some friend with a few jews and niggers. Their not that bad. And you can also read up on the literature, there is no difference in intelligence between races. The differences are cultural and based on the level of education.
The KKK funded "studies" don't tell you this for obvious reasons. It's not based on science and reason, but on an ideology of hate and fear.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I've been friends with jews and niggers and they were fine friends. I've worked with many of them too and the jews were always good workers but I've never worked with a good working nig. They were all relatively stupid, lazy, and definitely not punctual at all. You're looking at the micro level though. Once you step back and look and ethnic trends you see that there are very distinct differences between the races.
The IQ tests that were used and probably are still used today are very good tests. The military even uses them and will not allow people with IQ's lower than like 68 to join. It's real. These tests have been given to millions of people and the trends are that niggers have on average relatively low IQ's. Just to let you know Asians and jews score higher on these tests on average than the whites so I'm not using IQ to paint whites as the superior race. We are inferior when it comes to IQ testing. If you think the KKK are the ones funding these results then you must believe that the KKK is an Asian supremacist organization, which is stupid. The KKK is basically nothing anymore, but a hundred years or so ago they were a group that organized to stop the mass rape and murder of white women by the niggers, and they were very effective in that and they were even honored in a very successful movie called "The Birth of a Nation" in 1915.
My beliefs are no longer the dominant ones but they have been for most of history and they are catching on again since the truth is on our side. Successful nations and civilizations were built on my ideology and are being corrupted and destroyed by yours. I'm not even against you living in whatever system you think is best but you should let me and my people live in the one we think is best, and right now that is not allowed.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Not that I don't believe you, but just at the off change that you are wrong, could you post some sources that proves how difference race and intelligence correlate (when social status / culture / education are all accounted for). Preferably something from a reputable science journal (i.e not sponsored by KKK)
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Yeah, you can read "The Bell Curve". It's a book and a study. The author is a Jew and the scientist is a Harvard and MIT educated white guy from Iowa.
You can also just look at the world. Can you show me an example of a well run nigger country, city, or company?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Just a quick glance at the wiki for this book.
The book has been, and remains, highly controversial, especially where the authors discussed purported connections between race and intelligence and suggested policy implications based on these purported connections. The authors claimed that average intelligence quotient (IQ) differences between racial and ethnic groups are at least partly genetic in origin, a view that is now considered discredited by mainstream science.[1][2][3] Many of the references and sources used in the book were advocates for racial hygiene, whose research was funded by the white supremacist organization Pioneer Fund.[4]
You just seem to dismiss all of this because it doesn't fit what you want to believe. Try and again.
" You can also just look at the world. "
Was about to write this exact thing in my last comment.
Yes, look at the world. We have smart people from all races. All of the races have smart and dumb people.
That is obvious if you look at the world. You might not have "smart people" in developing countries because they lack the means to educate their people, due to shitty economics and social issue and a lot of time the white man or jews fucking up their country.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Just a quick look at the wiki for this book.
The book has been, and remains, highly controversial, especially where the authors discussed purported connections between race and intelligence and suggested policy implications based on these purported connections. The authors claimed that average intelligence quotient (IQ) differences between racial and ethnic groups are at least partly genetic in origin, a view that is now considered discredited by mainstream science.[1][2][3] Many of the references and sources used in the book were advocates for racial hygiene, whose research was funded by the white supremacist organization Pioneer Fund.[4]
You just seem to dismiss all of this because it doesn't fit what you want to believe. Please try again.
" You can also just look at the world. "
Exactly. Was about to say this in my last comment. You can find smart people from all races if you look at for example science / medicine / engineering. You can also find dumb people in all races. There are plenty of dumb jews, asians and white people.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I mean you can believe whatever you read on the internet if you want but lets look at your claims from a logical perspective.
You are claiming that a white supremacist organization is responsible for a book written by a jew that is based off studies that indicate that Asians and jews are more intelligent than white people. That seems very unlikely to me, it sounds more like a way to smear good data about how dumb niggers are.
Then you say you want to look at the world but only at one person at a time. There are smart niggers and dumb jews and ugly white people and smelly Asians and all that. What I'm saying and what the studies show is that when you zoom way out and look at all the niggers and all the jews and all the whites and Asians there are distinct trends that occur. One of these trends are that niggers are on average, and relative to other races, very stupid.
You never seem to respond to anything I say directly. I asked for something very specific last time and you neglected to answer, I believe because there was no good answer. I'll ask the question again.
Can you show me an example of a well run nigger country, city, or company?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I did, you chose to ignore it.
Also intelligence has little to do with social competence, judging by your comments, you actually lack both.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Are you trying to imply that the USA is a nigger country? It's not, at least not yet.
If that's the only example of any well run nigger country, city, or company in the world then I'd say that proves niggers are low IQ retards that can't create anything good as a race.
Every other race of people have at least some nice countries, cities and companies. It's just the niggers that can't contribute anything of value.
Of course whites have created the best of all three and the Jews are trying to ruin them.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Also, that nigger came out of a white women. She also raised him because his black daddy left. He still needs to go back to Africa though. Leave Martha's Vineyard for the whites Obama. Niggers never want to live around their own kind.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" I mean you can believe whatever you read on the internet "
Yes you can. You can read on all kind of ideologies and you can also read on science that is up to date.
"You are claiming that a white supremacist organization is responsible for a book..."
No. I'm saying white supremacist (like you) like to use this book to justify their ideology. Didn't say it was made by white white supremacist.
Again, look at the evidence why main stream science doesn't agree with the books findings.
" What I'm saying and what the studies show is that when you zoom way out and look at all the niggers and all the jews and all the whites and Asians there are distinct trends that occur. "
Still waiting for that evidence. Lets start with that.
" Can you show me an example of a well run nigger country, city, or company? "
Well daft there brought up Obama. He ran the country.
You honestly can't find any successful companies or cities that are run by black people? Really shows how much effort you've but into this. White supremacist usually aren't the smartest ones, run more by emotions than reason. Even if they try to reason, it is selective, you know, to uphold the belief of being superior to niggers.
It's similar to flat Landers. They simply have to dismiss certain evidence to uphold their beliefs.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, I agree, but interesting that mainstream science is "good enough" for you here......
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Where is mainstream science not good enough for me?
I know where this is headed but maybe you want to tell me my position. It's fun to hear how you're going to pigeonhole me this time.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
you know what I am talking about.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I'm not sure what's wrong with the scientific data I have mentioned. White supremacist and race realists use scientific data as part of their understanding of the different races but they can also just look around and see the differences. They are obvious.
I'm not asking you to find me white countries, cities or companies that had a black person at the top for a while. Of course I can find that. You are either being disingenuous or stupid when I'm asking for examples of nice nigger countries and your response is a half white guy who ran a mostly white country for eight years. Every other US president has been a white guy.
So I'll ask a third time and try to be very clear. Can you show me an example of a well run country, city, or company that was founded and run by at least 90% niggers? And by Niggers I mean the race of humans that evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa. You know, the people with black skin, brown eyes, and course black hair.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Of course nothing will be good enough for you but hey, I'll bite:
look for Rich rebuilds on youtube
also check out this guy:
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Wow. You just can't comprehend what a country, city, or company is.
I have conceded that there are some smart niggers, but that's not what I'm asking about. I have to assume you agree that niggers are incapable of creating nice countries, cities, or companies because they are retarded. If you didn't think that you would list at least one.
It's also funny that the only "niggers" you nigger lovers want to use as examples of smart ones are not even full jigaboos. Obama has a white mommy, NDT has a Puerto Rican madre, and that Rich Rebuilds guy, Rich Benoit is very likely mixed and is the co-founder of his youTube channel with a guy named Carl Hewitt, who is very likely a white guy. The only Carl Hewitt I could find info on was a very accomplished white computer scientist.
I like some darkies, I've watched some of those Rich Rebuilds videos before and was very impressed, Marces Brownlee MKBHD is my favorite tech youTuber (you should check out the crew he hired, that's a smart nigger), Terry Cruise seems cool, Kat Williams is funny, Dave Chappelle, who I believe is half Asian, is a good one, Wesley Snipes is a badass. I don't hate niggers, I'm just honest and I don't think they are a very intelligent race and I believe they are very harmful to nice, white countries, cities and companies.
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Dude (Old Spike)
If white people had never existed since the beginning of the world, would racism still exist?
Also white ppl are born with an evil gene, this has been actually proven, by looking in the DNA
Divide and conquer, and you are just a tool in the play.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Niggers and Asians don't get along well either. Asians aren't flooding their countries with Africans like the jews are doing to the white countries. The jews don't control Asian nations like they do the white ones. It was the whites who lost WWII, jews won.
Also, whites didn't exist since the beginning of the world, we evolved billions of years later. There are different theories on exactly how the different races were created but we know that they evolved in different regions of the world in different environments. Once you look at the environments you get a lot of clues as to how they all ended up the ways they did.
The niggers evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa, a hot and sunny place which turned their skin black. They had lots of animals to eat, which they did by chasing the animals and killing them which lead to them having strong and fast leg muscles.
Asians evolved in Asia, a more temperate and wet environment which only tanned their skin slightly, they grew their food, mostly rice which is thousands of small grains. This lead to them being fairly small and weak but with a great mind for numbers.
The Whites evolved in Europe, a relatively cold and dark place, which made our skin became pale. We farmed both vegetables and animals and had to make shelter and rations for the harsh winters. This lead our minds to tend toward engineering and problem solving.
Of course there are other races that evolved in other environments and you can see how they were shaped as well. I'm not a white supremacist, each race have their own strengths and weaknesses, although I do think the whites are the Goldy Locks race with the best mix of strength and intelligence. I would totally agree with the statement that blacks are on average faster runners than whites and Asians on average are better at math than whites. I think that all races should have a place they can call their own and continue their evolution and their own unique cultures. I want the best for all people and this is how I see the best future for all.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I am not going to read all that, but when did Jews flood any country with Africans? And how?
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vinzent (Old Spike)
It should only take you about a minute to read what I wrote above but whatever. Your new question would take much longer to answer thoroughly but I'll help get you started.
Emanuel Celler was born on May 6, 1888, in Brooklyn, New York. His parents, Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler, were each the children of German immigrants. His paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish.
Before that jew wrote that bill and got it passed the USA mostly just let in Northern Europeans, aka the best people for a modern society. It's all been downhill for American genetics since the 1965 immigration act.
I'm not sure if you've noticed but the demographics of the USA are getting dark pretty fast. The jews made it legal to bring in a bunch of them 60 years ago and in the past decade or two they have been bringing them in illegally, by the tens of millions.
That's just scratching the surface but there is much much more. Follow the money of the NGOs that are helping settle Haitians in Ohio and niggers all over the place. They are trying to do the same in Japan and Asia in general, but the Asians aren't bending, at least not yet. They don't let a lot of Africans or Arabs into Israel though. Strange since in the jews in the USA like Chuck Schumer, the senate majority leader, are such big proponents of ethnic diversity and giving citizenship to illegal immigrants here, but not in his home country.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Nobody overturned the 1965 immigration act because you need diversity, otherwise you are inbreeding, and get mongoloids
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vinzent (Old Spike)
There were around 200 million people living in the USA in 1965, plenty for breeding outside your own family tree. We could have kept letting in high IQ whites from Northern Europe too. The jews wanted white countries to turn brown to degrade our gene pool and destroy our countries, which they have so far been pretty successful in doing. The standard of living for whites in the world is dropping because we are letting dumb niggers into our countries and giving them handouts.
There are on 15 million jews in the world, so how inbred are they?
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Dude (Old Spike)
Inbred if they didn't mix, and nobody with somewhat of an iq would move to America to stay there.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
We used to mostly only let high IQ whites in to America, and they came in droves. Now we mostly just let low IQ nigs in and the high IQ whites don't want to come anymore since the country is fucked and full of niggers. It's very sad.
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Dude (Old Spike)
No i wouldn't live there since there is no guaranteed income and no minimum wage, and no socialized healthcare system, and every nutcase can get a gun.
Not even to talk about the cops in America that is the reason.
Fluoridation of the water, lack of real bread, chemicals in every piece of food you eat.
It has nothing to do with black ppl.
Plus the education system is fucked also.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Does any country have guaranteed income?
There are minimum wages in every state in the union, not sure why you don't think so. There is subsidized healthcare for the elderly, poor, and many other people who qualify.
Not every nutcase can get a gun but a lot can. That being said almost all gun violence in the USA is from whites men killing themselves and black men murdering others.
I live in a very white area and there is an Amish (all white) grocery store that I shop at and they have fresh bread made without all the junk, amazing produce and meats, and generally avoids selling the goy slop that most Americans are fed.
I have a water filter that removes the fluoride and 99.9% of all particulates.
My kids go to a public school that is 90% white kids and they receive a great education. They do bus in a few niglets from the other side of town but it's actually good since it shows the white kids how different they are from the dumb, rowdy black ones. My kids often tell me how awful the black kids are in class and when I mentioned that they might start riding the bus they said they didn't want to ride with all the black kids because they steal other kids stuff, lol. Classic.
Just a disclaimer I don't bring up race or politics with my kids, they are too young for that, but they do come to me with political and racial insights and it's amazing what they understand already.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Belgium has guaranteed income.
Minimum wages in america are laughable
MOST nutcases can get a gun
I can see some black guy shooting you right in the head
Correction- ALMOST all food is poison where you live.
I doubt your water filter does that, - and the point was your government doesn't care about you.
My son Justin is Canadian and loves black ppl and hangs out with them every day, my second son is half South American
and my third son is dark blonde. I doubt any of em are stupid enough not to see underlying causes.
I don't know how old your kids are but lets say they are 5, you are amazed because you think at their level.
You and your kids are run by fear.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Damn, one of the whitest countries in the world has managed to guarantee income for it's people. I didn't know that. I guess we'll see how that works out in the long run, especially if they start letting nigs in.
Yes, black people shoot lots of white people, it's a big problem that we could fix by sending them back to Africa.
Are you afraid to walk through nigger infested Compton at night? You should be, I am. But I don't live in fear of Compton because I'm smart and I don't live around there or anywhere like that. I'm insulated from nigger violence and I bet you are too. You should move to the most niggery place you can. Make videos about living there and let us all know what it's like.
A liberal woman in Memphis went jogging in the dark a while ago and a nigger violently raped her, caved her head in, then tossed her dead body into a dumpster, many such cases. I guess she wasn't living in fear and was living in a diverse city, she should have been smarter and understood what niggers do. Knowing what they do and that it's a good idea to avoid them isn't the same as living in fear, it's just intelligence. My kids not wanting to be around too many black kids because of the actions they have seen from the black kids they do interact with is a very good thing. They won't be out and about in nigger town when they are older and their chance of survival will be much higher than those that do.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" I'm not sure what's wrong with the scientific data I have mentioned. White supremacist and race realists use scientific data as part of their understanding of the different races but they can also just look around and see the differences. They are obvious. "
As I said, just like a flat lander. You have to dismiss evidence that doesn't support your view. Science disagrees with the book and you can't acknowledge this fact. So really, whats the point if discussing this if you only believe what you want to believe? You are exhibiting some of the same traits you're complain about the niggers having. The irony.
" I'm asking for examples of nice nigger countries "
Well obviously you are pointing to Africa and the fact that they are all 3rd world countries. So, I should draw the conclusion that they are all underdeveloped countries because "nigger are dumb" and dismiss all the social, educational, political and cultural aspects?
Sorry, I just can't look at it so simply and as you do and dismiss all the other aspects and science that backs this up. Just as an example from the other end of the spectrum, Jews are the smartest ones out there according to this theory, right? Wonder why Israel can't get their shit together, been at war for how many decades now and is generally kind of a shit hole.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I believe that studies can be untrustworthy at times. I don't believe the conclusions of every study ever done, especially ones that were considered sound science until we started calling castrating kids "healthcare". I can assess whether a study makes sense or not, especially if there are other ways of observing the data.
You have to ignore the very real fact that niggers have never created a country, city, or company that is even close to being considered as nice and successful as the white, Asian, or Arab ones. I'm not limiting you to only looking in Africa either, find me an example of a nigger society that is anywhere close to a white one anywhere on the globe we call Earth, anywhere in our galaxy, anywhere in the visible universe or beyond. I've asked that same question at least four times to you nigger lovers and the best you can do is say some partially black people seem to be kinda smart.
The fact that the studies I believe are true seems to align with reality while the ones you trust don't make any sense when you look at the world, is where we run into problems. If the black race was truly as smart as all the others you'd think there would be one example of something great the niggers have created as a group.
Whites have Apple, Tesla, SpaceX, GE, Westinghouse, Ford, the USA, England, Germany, France, Sweden and on and on to point to when looking at how amazing whites are.
Asians have Huawei, BYD, TSMC, Anker, Samsung, LG, Kia, Hyundai, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan just to name a few.
What do the nigs have? Nothing, they are barely above savages as a whole, that's why all their nations are third world, all their cities are ghettos, all their companies are worthless, low tech, crap.
If you and your studies were correct then don't you think there would be at least one example like that for the blacks? They don't succeed in Africa, they don't succeed in America, they don't succeed in Asia, they don't succeed anywhere because we have moved to complex, highly technical societies and the niggers just can't understand it. Maybe in 50,000 years they will catch up and I'd like to give them that opportunity, but I don't want to be paying for their welfare in the meantime.
I'm no fan of the jews, I consider them a parasite, but they were able to build a country from pretty much nothing into a first world country in less than 80 years. They war a lot and are evil, they are taking billions from white nations to spend on expanding their boarders and influence and I think they need to be stopped, but they are not stupid like niggers are.
You can look at crime statistics all over the world too and you will see racial trends with blacks being the most violent and Asians being the least. You need to stop dismissing all the evidence and stop believing that taking the Vax will prevent you from getting COVID. You believe bad science, do your own research and find the truth, I'll help you out.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" The fact that the studies I believe are true seems to align with reality while the ones you trust don't make any sense when you look at the world, is where we run into problems. "
Yes because you can only consider one variable. Intelligence. You can't consider culture, politics, education or social status having an effect. It's not a hard consept to grasp.
Just consider how much effect upbringing has on a persons future. What kind of education one gets and what kind of morals they inherit from their parent. All this has a huge affect on what kind of person they grow up to be. If one grows up in a trailer park or in a slum there a good change that they will just continue that trend what they learned from their parents and the cycle repeats. Thats why we don't see many big company leaders coming from shitty back grounds. But there are exceptions too that overcome those obstacles.
This has been studied. It's not controversial. It's quite logical actually. If you are bent on believing in your own theory you can do so, but just remember you can only do it by dismissing evidence.
"they don't succeed anywhere because we have moved to complex, highly technical societies and the niggers just can't understand it. Maybe in 50,000 years they will catch up and I'd like to give them that opportunity, but I don't want to be paying for their welfare in the meantime. "
I have no words.
"You can look at crime statistics all over the world too and you will see racial trends with blacks being the most violent and Asians being the least"
So Africa is the most crime infested place in the world?
Still don't get why Israel is such a shit hole despite having the most intelligent race on the planet, I mean thats your whole point all along. Intelligence creates success. Why don't they have a country full of success stories?
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Where do you think culture, politics, education, and civilization comes from? Do you think there is a magical culture fairy flying around waving it's wand and giving good and bad cultures out to the people of the world based on their location and skin color? Those things are down stream from intelligence. The environment does have some effect on a child, but it is likely a high IQ child will be successful even if raised in a harsh environment and a low IQ child will be unsuccessful even if raised in a nurturing environment.
I'm curious what makes you think that niggers being raised without their fathers and with cracked out mothers makes them perform so badly in academics but so well in athletics? If it's not genetics what about black culture is so good for them when it comes to running amd jumping? Is it more likely that a white boy, or girl, raised like a black kid will become the fastest sprinter in the world? Are whites depriving their children of athletic excellence by raising them in a loving family?
Why was Detroit the most successful city in the world when it was white but became one of the worst in America when it became majority black? Why is Liberia such a wasteland when it was set up the with the same laws, academic institutions and the same constitution as the USA, except it was full of niggers instead of whites? Why did Haiti go from a beautiful, successful French colony to the worst place place in the Western Hemisphere after the nigs took over and killed all the whites in the country?
Of course Africa is the most violent, rapey, crime infested part of the world. Where did you think that was? Just about any African nation is going to have far higher crime than any white trailer park. West Verginia gets a lot of crap for being a white trash state full of dirt poor, low intelligent whites...and it is, but it's still nicer than just about any black place on earth.
I don't like the jews at all but comparing Israel to an Sub-Saharan African run country is insane. Israel was created by the Rothschild's in the 1940's and is already a pretty decent first world nation. It's clean, has relatively low crime, and is a modern state. Jewish neighborhoods around the world are nice places to live, nothing like nigger ones. The jews did steal most of their wealth from the whites to get to their standard of living and they are evil bastards but they are not at all like niggers, jews are actually worse but their societies and intelligence are not like the blacks.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"Where do you think culture, politics, education, and civilization comes from?"
There are a million things that can affect it. Environment, food, neighboring tribes and experiences with them, imagination, mind altering substances. One is of course intelligence but that certainly isn't the only one. I know that would be convenient for you but that's just not the case.
"I'm curious what makes you think that niggers being raised without their fathers and with cracked out mothers makes them perform so badly in academics but so well in athletics?"
You can't understand how bad upbringing can affect academic success but still being able to perform athletically?
Like will your muscles shrivel if you have an absent father and a bad childhood? If this is the line of reasoning you have its really no wonder why you have these ideas.
"Why was Detroit the most successful city in the world when it was white but became one of the worst in America when it became majority black? "
You really need to look into the history of Detroit and the causes of its downfall. Its easy to find facts about this, but maybe you like to go about it selectively?
I'll give you a head start. Poverty / unemployment is the main cause for most social issues like crime and substance abuse. A well off part of the town doesn't go to shit by itself, it goes to shit when people are poor. This is a common trend around the world, when people struggle to survive, it breeds crime and violence.
" Of course Africa is the most violent, rapey, crime infested part of the world "
Well just looking at some stats it looks like south america is in the lead. Africas crime rate is a bit higher than the US so not that bad considering. Interesting how South Africa has the most crime and that is the country that has the most whites in Africa. Also interesting is how China has quite high crime rate (similar to most of Africa) and you were claiming asian's were the most well behaved and intelligent. They also have very few niggers so you can't blame it on them.
" I don't like the jews at all but comparing Israel to an Sub-Saharan African run country is insane "
No it's not. They should be well off being how smart they are, but they are basically a shit hole when you compared to any white country.
Heres some reading you can do on the subject of race and intelligence. You might have a lot of out dated beliefs (a bit like flat earthers) so this is a good read as it goes through the history of this subject. What misconceptions there were back in the day and how the research has advanced. When inevitably you come across something you don't like (or believe) you can do more research on that particular area and see how they reach said conclusion.
I've explained my line of reasoning about genetic differences in an earlier post. I said that blackies run and jump faster and higher than whites on average because they spent the last 100,000 years or so chasing their dinners through the planes and jungles of Africa. You are the one trying to reason that it is something about the way blacks raise their children that makes them really bad at math but really good at running and jumping. Can you please explain what you think it is about black parenting that leads to these results?
I've looked into the downfall of Detroit and Kansas City and New Orleans, Flint, Jackson Mississippi, and countless others. The story is always the same, too many niggers. You think poverty and violence comes out of nowhere, it follows the niggers around wherever they go. They are the cause of the poverty and violence, hence why I don't want them around. Prosperous cities don't just become poor out of nowhere, they don't become prosperous out of nowhere either. White people build great cities out of nothing and then blacks destroy them. Look at the nigs in England, Sweden, Ireland, France, Germany. They are overall poor and violent in every country that will let them in. It happens every time everywhere on Earth. Find me one place in the world where an area went from majority white to majority black and got better. It doesn't exist. The nigs fuck it up every single time.
Check out South African crime data before and after Apartheid, and make sure you check the demographics of the criminals. South Africa was the greatest nation in Africa when it was controlled by whites, now it is controlled by blacks and is deteriorating rapidly. Also look into Orania, an all white South African town that is a really wonderful place, and improving everyday.
Israeli jews have a comparable standard of living to that of the people in the USA. It is much higher than that of the average African country. The USA has given Israel so much money it works out to something like half a million dollars per Israeli jew. They are living just fine. They shouldn't be, but they are thanks to whites. I'm sure the Arabs still left in Israel have it rough since the jews are evil bastards but Arabs have it rough everywhere.
You seem to be interested in scientific truth, which is great, good for you, but a lot of modern "science" is retarded. I remember when science said that men had XY chromosomes and women had XX. Now "science" says that doesn't matter and chicks have dicks. Chopping off a kids dick and then cutting out some of his colon to attach to the hole left in his body that has to be stretched open daily to prevent the wound from healing and calling that a vagina used to be criminal child mutilation, now it's healthcare and good parenting. You've obviously had the firmware update but I'll stick with my tried and true white guy science.
Don't trust the Government or their agencies either. It used to be when you found a laptop worth a bunch of pictures, videos, and emails from a guy and he's smoking crack, fucking prostitutes, and talking about colluding with foreign governments in return for large bribes, that was a crime and that person would be arrested and the laptop would be used as evidence in his trial. Now the intelligence agencies, president, and the media all just call it "Russian disinformation" for a few years, then admit it was in fact a real laptop and just tell everyone to forget about it, and a lot of people do forget.
Don't be a sheep. Think about what you believe, and if you truly believe something then live it. I moved out of a shitty mixed race area into a very white one and it was a great decision for me and my family.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" Can you please explain what you think it is about black parenting that leads to these results? "
ANY bad parenting / being poor / living in a crime ridden area will drop the changes of a child "making it". Color doesn't matter.
Thats really the whole point and you can't grasp it. All you see is color not any of the other factors. Also just the fact that certain races have been oppressed for hundreds of years (by other people who think they are superior) leaves a certain legacy that can perpetuate for a long time. In a way it can become a cultural identity for that race, or at least for certain people who can't rise above that conditioning.
" You think poverty and violence comes out of nowhere, it follows the niggers around wherever they go. "
Like tens of thousand of niggers moved in and all just refused to work? Like they had open jobs but nobody took them?
" You seem to be interested in scientific truth, which is great, good for you, but a lot of modern "science" is retarded "
Yes I am. If you are not, I don't think there's no point in discussing this with you. You've already demonstrated that you don't care about the facts and either make up your own or just dismiss them. I doubt you read any of the wiki page because it's "retarded".
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vinzent (Old Spike)
So if poor parenting leads to children's failure then why do so many black kids succeed in athletics? Could white parents use the same techniques to make their kids the fastest sprinters in the world and what exactly are those techniques?
After the jewish bankers took control of the auto industry, tens of thousands of niggers were moved into Detroit to undercut white labor. Then the niggers and jews started making shitty cars, the 99% ethnically homogonous Japanese companies were able to provide a better vehicle at a more competitive price leading to the decline of the American automobile industry which eventually had to be bailed out by the white tax payers to keep those stupid niggers employed for a bit longer. Now they are moving a bunch of the factories to Mexico and building shitty cars there. Honda and Toyota started building cars in America to avoid high tariffs and they built their factories in rural areas and hired white people who make cars well.
I'm glad you understand that racial tension causes crime, mostly niggers hurting white people. That's one of the big reasons I'm not for racial diversity, it always creates more violence.
Do you think chicks have dicks, high testosterone, and XY chromosomes, or do you disagree with a lot of the modern "scientists" like I do?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" So if poor parenting leads to children's failure then why do so many black kids succeed in athletics? "
Bad parenting doesn't take physical fitness away. This should be obvious. I don't know why this is an issue.
" I'm glad you understand that racial tension causes crime, mostly niggers hurting white people. "
Well I was thinking that oppressing some demographic of the population might cause that because they are treated as "sub human". But what do I know. I sure would be pissed if I was treated as a second class citizen. How about you?
" Do you think chicks have dicks, high testosterone, and XY chromosomes, or do you disagree with a lot of the modern "scientists" like I do? "
I'd disagree with that "LGBT social science" but I don't disagree with biology.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Does bad parenting lead to higher physical fitness? If so, then why? What are the blacks doing to make their kids so fast and jumpy?
Can you name any place on earth where every person is treated the same? It doesn't happen. Our differences, if too great, will always lead to conflict. The differences between the races are too great. Our differences are also good, we just need to be separated to avoid conflict.
So you disagree with some modern science but not others. That's the same as me. Now we have to figure out which "science" is good and which are bad. I do that in the way I have been for the past 20 post or so. I give examples and look at statistics and use my own experiences. It seems like you just roll the dice to decide which "science" is right and which is wrong.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Does bad parenting increase physical fitness? If so, then why? What are black parents doing to make their kids so fast and jumpy?
There are no places on earth where race is not a factor. We can't escape it. That is why having specific areas for specific races is the best way forward. We can have a mixing ground too and you can go there and enjoy the diversity.
You agree with some modern "science" and disagree with some of it. That's the same as me. I use examples, evidence, statistics and my own experiences to decide which is good and which is bad. You seem to just pick and choose with what makes you feel good.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" Does bad parenting increase physical fitness? If so, then why? What are black parents doing to make their kids so fast and jumpy? "
I really don't know what you're after.
Bad parenting wont have a significant affect on fitness but it will how ever have a huge effect on mental well being and what kind of person you become. Supportive surrounding generally will give kids better chances in succeeding at academics or in life at general. The brain isn't like all the other muscles. Just one traumatic event can fuck up the brain but your biceps don't care as long as they are fed properly.
" There are no places on earth where race is not a factor. We can't escape it. "
You can't escape the fact that the worlds races are slowly but surely mixing. After a thousand years there will be no white man (or it will be a small minority) and there wont be anyone that really cares. Your way of thinking will go extinct sooner or later.
" You agree with some modern "science" and disagree with some of it. That's the same as me "
You can measure intelligence between races in a fairly accurate manner when you take into account factors like culture, education and socioeconomic status.
But you know what we can't measure or prove? If there really is 50 different genders just because someone says so.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Why is the NBA and the NFL and Olympic running so dominated by blacks? Is it the parenting or is it genetics? If you think it's the parenting then what about black parenting makes their kids fast runners and high jumpers?
White people are already a major minority. I think whites are about 10% of the global population, something like 60% are North and South Asian, and around 15% are niggers. Can't you just leave some white places alone or do you actually want to replace us like the far right white supremacist keep saying?
So what are the accurate results for IQ between the races when taking all that into account?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" Why is the NBA and the NFL and Olympic running so dominated by blacks? Is it the parenting or is it genetics? "
Genetics. So?
" Can't you just leave some white places alone or do you actually want to replace us like the far right white supremacist keep saying? "
I have no problem with having white places, but it's not really a realistic option in the long run. You can't really enforce a whites only area in today's world. There not enough people like you left in the world for that to pass.
" So what are the accurate results for IQ between the races when taking all that into account? "
You can start by reading the wiki page I linked before. Essentially it say there is no discernible difference. There very well might be differences but they are minor compared to environmental factors.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Wait, so after all that you think that Africans are faster runners and can jump higher based on genetics? That's my argument. What happened to the environmental factors and parenting being the biggest contributors? You think that only applies to intelligence? So you're basically a nigger supremacist. You think that the nigs are genetically faster than whites and Asians but have the same intelligence? So whites are just loose loose. We just have genetically inferior muscles, is that your new claim?
There are plenty of people like me, we just don't control the media and our speech is being banned, censored and suppressed. Anywhere there is free speech there are lots of people like me. You lefties just rule the mainstream for now.
People were segregated for almost all of human history. Only very recently have we been "diversified". We can easily go back to segregation and it is the best option. Whites who live around blacks know this and the more who get a dose of that diversity the more will want to segregate. Again, you should really try it for yourself. Go live in a very black area. It's almost always the cheapest place to live but I bet you would rather pay more to be around whites, just like everyone else.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" You think that the nigs are genetically faster than whites and Asians but have the same intelligence? So whites are just loose loose. We just have genetically inferior muscles, is that your new claim? "
Not my claim. Science says that.
But also I can observe that in society. Granted it might be difficult if you have a white supremacy complex, then it's really hard to stay objective and you only see what you wanna see. Thats why science can help you see reality, but you have to believe it's not just some conspiracy from the scientist jews or what ever the fuck you believe to convince yourself :D
" Go live in a very black area. It's almost always the cheapest place to live but I bet you would rather pay more to be around whites, just like everyone else. "
It's the same reason I wont go live in a white trash trailer park. Anywhere people are dirt poor it's usually a crime ridden place, but not always. Some Africans can live with very little and be happy with it. It's amazing how culture makes a big difference in this. I think it actually might be western capitalist culture + being poor that breeds crime. It's a system thats based profit, but when theres no money to be made it turns to shit.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I'm the one saying that niggers are faster runners, which you now say the science agrees with. That doesn't seem very white supremacist of me. I also say that the science says that Asians have higher IQ's. Also not a very white supremacist take. You're just a nigger supremacist and think they are smart and athletic while whites are only smart. Your bias is keeping you from the truth. You can see clearly that blacks are faster runners and that it is due to genetics, but you should also be able to see that whites are smarter and that is due to their genetics.
I didn't say you have to move to a poor black area. You should move to a rich black area, but they probably don't exist since they have such low intelligence. There are not white "trailer trash" countries. Just small segments of the white population struggle with maintaining a high societal level. On the other hand there are full on dumb nigger countries. In fact all nigger countries are full retard and all black cities and all black companies. There is a pattern there for you and the scientists to find.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Well were just going in circles.
If you don't want to read the science behind it, that's fine. You just gotta continue on you niggers and jews hating path and I'll continue on mine where I think were more or less equals as humans. I know, it's a twisted way of looking at things.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I agree, this thread has gotten too long. Just one more though.
To be clear I think that different races have different strengths and weaknesses due to the evolution of those races in the regions that they were living for tens of thousands of years. You, and your science, and me, and my science, agree that niggers can run and jump better than whites and Asians due to their genetics. I also think that Asians have a higher IQ than whites on average. I'm not sure if your science agrees with that one.
That said, what does your science say is something that whites are better at than nigs and Asians? Or are whites just the bottom of the barrel genetically in your opinion?
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Dude (Old Spike)
hmmWhere do you get these ideas? Black ppl run faster because they are taller, Asians are not smarter they are child like
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Evolution (selective pressure from nature) didn't have any real effect on intelligence between the races. In evolutionary terms, we have had societies that actually benefit from high intelligence for a very short time. Even when we started to have that, it wasn't "selective". ie. smart people survive, dumb people die.
When it comes to evolution affecting intelligence, white Europeans and Africans stand on the same line. We have been "cave men" most of our history. Doing cave man thing, hunting, harvesting and hanging around with small communities.
Not sure what science says about Africans being generally more athletic. Europeans needed to use their muscles just the same to catch food and farm the land etc. It just might be just luck that African got genes that favor those thing. Asians are shorter, theres no really benefit to that either, but still that a trait.
" That said, what does your science say is something that whites are better at than nigs and Asians? Or are whites just the bottom of the barrel genetically in your opinion? "
I don't think about it like that. Well I'm glad I'm not asian, they are short and have small dicks.
Seriously though there are some things like we are more resistant to some diseases than Africans.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
So evolution took us from Ape to human, changing our brains in a fairly substantial way, and then it just stopped? All the different selective pressures from living in Asia, Africa, or Europe did not contribute anything to how our brains developed?
The different terrain, the different weather, the different altitudes, the different diets, the different resources, for tens of thousand or hundreds of thousands of years had no effect on the human brain? Really?
But... those different selective pressures did change our skin, our eyes, our hair, our noses, our muscles, our dicks, our blood, our immune systems, our height, our tastes, our buildings, our gods, our stories, our cultures, our civilizations..... just not our brains. And even though to this day our racial differences are clear, you think it's just because of the last generations parenting style? You are insane.
I will continue to believe what I believe and I'm sure you will do the same. All I ask is that you don't force your beliefs on me and my people. We don't want niggers and jews or even smart Asians to live in our lands. We tried that and it didn't go well. Every time blacks move into white areas rape, murder, theft, filth, and poverty all increase. This happens everywhere on earth. Anywhere the niggers go they bring destruction. So please, keep them to yourself. I am not trying to force "Nazis" into your countries, cities, or neighborhood. Don't try to force niggers and jews into mine.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
You've missed the point as always.
In evolutionary terms all the world races have been living like cave men for most of their existence. There was no pressure to favor highly intelligent individuals more in Europe / Asian than there were in Africa. There is no selective pressure that would make Africans dumber.
" We don't want niggers and jews or even smart Asians to live in our lands. "
Who is we? Do you have some sort of club?
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Africans could chase after food and wonder around looking for edible plants all year round. Whites had to plan for winter, hunker down in a well built shelters, make fires to stay alive, and many other things that require a higher level of intelligence to survive in harsh conditions.
How you don't consider any of that selective pressures is crazy to me. Dumb people would not survive Northern European winters, any retard that can run fast could make it in Africa.
The we is white people. We are a tribe just like all the other races are tribes. We are all tribal. Look at voting habits. I'll bet you that niggers, Jews, Asians, and Latinos will overwhelmingly vote Democrat. White people will mostly vote Republican. The problem with whites is that we are the least racist and least tribal group in the world. Hopefully the misery of racial diversity will wake up the white tribe and we'll forever remember to protect our own people from the competing tribes.
Just a little disclaimer: I want all the tribes to do well and get along and trade with each other, I just want them to be separate because I can see what mixing does to a society, it destroys it.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
You're claiming that Africans would not be able to understand that you need to prep for winter?? Yeah they have their own challenges that Europeans wouldn't have, like extreme heat and scarcity of waters in deserts and savannah. Each race has developed ways to survive in their environment and it's not any high level intelligence in either case. It's more about experience, determination and just good ol muscle power.
As always, your just making shit as you go. Again I wish you well on your nigger and jew hating path.
" The we is white people. "
Well, not all white people think like you. Actually you are in the minority.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
You accept that the different races faced different challenges and had different selective pressures but somehow you think that lead to the races having the exact same brains. That's not how evolution works.
The niggers didn't figure out how to deal with deserts. That's why the technical name for niggers is Sub-Saharan Africans. They were stuck, cut off from the developing world because of the Sahara desert. Whites were building castles in Scotland while nigs were living in thatch huts. Whites and Asians were sailing around the world while Africans were still using poop in their mating rituals, they still do that btw.
The country of South Africa was created by Dutch (white) farmers. They farmed that land for hundreds of years but no nigger ever had. The jigaboos were still nomadic. The Zulu were peak civilization in Africa and they were just marauding murderers and rapists. They never stopped and built anything.
As I said and as you know most white people vote to conserve white American values. That's why the liberals are bringing in millions and millions of retarded black and brown people who vote against White America. I'm in the majority amongst my people, but my people are being replaced in our own countries. But I'd go even further and say pretty much all "liberals" agree with me too. I've never met a liberal who wants to live around a lot of black or brown people, not even the black or brown ones. Everyone on earth wants to live with whites or Asians.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" You accept that the different races faced different challenges and had different selective pressures but somehow you think that lead to the races having the exact same brains. "
Yes different challenges but the selective pressures were basically similar for all people for most of mankind existence when it comes to intelligence.
We have been hunter gatherers for most of our existence. Survival in Africa was not that different from survival from anywhere else that it would impact intelligence. Again were going in circles.
" Whites were building castles in Scotland while nigs were living in thatch huts. "
I think this is in Africa. Quite the achievement even by today standards
I know your not big on reading, but there are plenty of ancient civilization in Africa that have left castles in other structures from thousand of years ago.
I think this will do it.
For the third time (now for real) I will leave you on your nigger and jew hating path. Maybe some day you will see that all that hate is a waste of energy.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
The pyramids are in North Africa my dude. Egyptians are not niggers. Lots of North Africa, the Mediterranean, was controlled and influenced by Europeans and Persians. Egypt was run by one Greek family for hundreds of years. It was called the Ptolemaic dynasty, Cleopatra wrecked it and then the Romans took over. Before that it was Alexander the great and he ended the 3000 year reign of the Achaemenid empire which was Persian.
Remember, real niggers, blacks, are from Sub-Saharan Africa. You're getting them confused with sand niggers, who also suck and no one wants to live around them, but they are nowhere near as bad as real niggers.
Practice what you preach and embrace nigger society. Leave whitey out of your retarded plans for your future.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Will Ethiopians do?
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Now you're on to something. That is technically Sub-Saharan and in Africa. It does however practically touch the Arabian Peninsula, and appears to have a lot of influence from that region. It is the only Sub-Saharan African area mentioned in the Bible, so obviously areas outside of Africa were aware of its existence thousands of years ago. I think that region was the peak of Sub-Saharan African culture but I bet they have significantly different DNA to those who did not cross breed with Arabs.
This is another interesting thing we see in the world. When more intelligent races mix with the dumber ones the IQ of the offspring is usually somewhere in the middle. This is why we see African Americans with about a ten point IQ advantage over fully Sub-Saharan Africans, because of all those white chicks that got jungle fever over the centuries. Fun fact, Bob Marleys dad was white. I just found that out this year. Of course the IQ of the mulatto offspring is lower than the whites, so it's still a net negative for the world.
Your video seems pretty fair and it illustrates that there was a lot of outside influence in the area. A lot of the great structures featured in the video come from very late in the Kingdoms history, after they converted to Christianity, which was primarily a religion of the whites. There is even a tapestry that seems to depict a white man in a manor similar to white christian artistry.
The Kingdom seems to have grown from the D'mt Kingdom who were Southern Arabians or Semites. The video you posted mostly consists of drawings because there is not much to look at anymore. Some of those drawings even depict the rulers as being light skinned. Higher IQ Arabs and later Europeans probably had the most to do with shaping that region at the time with the full blacks being used as slave labor as was always the case back then.
So ancient Ethiopia is kind of Sub-Saharan Africa with a lot of asterisks. But look, I think if the rest of the world left Africa alone and just made trade deals that were mutually beneficial and were friendly without mixing with them, they would do alright. An average IQ of 80 isn't too bad. There are some smarter ones there too who can lead and make the decisions and there are plenty of people there that can do manual labor pretty well. That's what I see being the best option for the future of the world. Everyone has their place, some will do better than others, but everyone will be alright and we can go back to evolving and progressing to higher and higher levels.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Still waiting to hear about one good mostly black place on earth.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I'm still wondering why south africas homocide rates fell after the apartheid.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
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vinzent (Old Spike)
The Dutch colonized the area in the 1600's when there was practically nothing there. After hundreds of years of white infighting over the region the anti-British whites declared independence and named the country South Africa in 1910. The blacks were always told to stay in their own areas but this became even more official as the country took shape. Looks like things were going pretty well there for a while and South Africa became the most prosperous and safest country in Africa, attracting people and business from all over the world.
Then as jews started pushing nigger rights all over the world in the 1950's things started to get worse, and worse, and worse from a peace and safety perspective anyway. I believe commerce was still strong until the 80's. As blacks wanted more and more access to what the whites had built, crime went up until they were pretty much in a civil war in the 80's. Thanks to the jews the blacks were given everything the whites had spent hundreds of years developing and creating. Since the whites were removed from power in the early 90's the country has been on a relatively quick decline back into African chaos. As you can see in the graph, the murder rate never fell back down to what it was before the niggers started to take over and it's going to keep rising as you can see by the 2020-2021 spike.
I think whites should stay out of Africa and leave the nigs to run their own countries and I think the Africans living in white areas should leave and let the whites run their own countries. But no one wants to be in a black country and everyone wants to be in a white one.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" Since the whites were removed from power in the early 90's the country has been on a relatively quick decline back into African chaos "
Yes, and as you can see in the yearly 90's the homocide rate started to drop when apartheid was winding down. Doesn't add up to what your saying.
There was a sharp rise from 80's to early 90's when whites were still in power. Also doesn't add up to what you saying.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I explained that. There was practically a civil war going on in the 80's but part way through the whites in charge conceded to the blacks demands that were funded by the jews. Once the whites had agreed to end apartheid things cooled off and the transfer from white to black control was done in a fairly orderly fashion. Not long after the transfer was complete and the whites no longer had power, a lot of them left the country and the nigs started taking over everything. Soon after that everything started to break down and even without racial tension the nigs just started to be violent towards eachother. Food became more scarce, the economy was collapsing, the power grid is in shambles, water systems are failing, sewage and waste management are breaking down.
Murder and rape are on the rise and are already much higher than anytime before the nigs started fighting to gain control in the 80's. Shits going to get worse and worse unless whitey comes back. Russia is in talks to help them out but it takes a lot of the white mans resources to keep a nigger country even close to first world status.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
" I explained that. "
Yes, you've explained when blacks rule, everything goes to shit and when whitey rules everything is good. We can see that doesn't hold up here. Infact the opposite happened from the 80-90's.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
That's because the jews were financially backing nigger riots in the 80's in South Africa. They do the same thing here in the USA. You can clearly see that before the nigger riots murder was much lower than after the blacks took control in the 90's.
(Old Spike)
all this stuff does not exist where i live, no school shootings, no ppl locked up for weed, no fentanyl or meth, no repo trucks and garages ripping you off, almost no homeless, only functional crackheads, no chemicals in the food.
Free healthcare, minimum wages bar, guaranteed income even when fired.
America is a weird place that tries to be the example but fails at every turn.
It is like Europe's retarded nephew.
(Old Spike)
What are the racial demographics of where you live?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Wow, you look like a fag.
(Old Spike)
The last racing demo i played was back on Playstation 2 and the graphics were fine,
(Old Spike)
Exactly. Fuck off then.
(Site Moderator)
We get it. You don't like niggers and thats fine but theres no need to push your views on to others.
(Old Spike)
I'm not forcing white people on the niggers. The niggers are being forced into white places. It needs to stop before white areas turn into shit holes like all black areas are. They have already destroyed so much.
Help keep white areas white or go live with the nigs if you think that ethnic diversity is good.
(Old Spike)
waate pawa dumbass
(Old Spike)
Exactly. You know how the nigs are always yelling black power, which is just them living on the white mans welfare, I believe in white power which sent us to the moon and created philosphy and democracy, the republic, the greatest stories in history and so on.
But go ahead and keep believing in the "we waz Kangs and shiit" narrative. We all know you're going to stick to living in a white area bacause you know that niggers are the worst.
(Site Moderator)
See, there you go trying to spread your "message" again.
Like I said, we all know you don't like niggers. It's basically the only thing you comment about. We get it. Don't you have forums for this kinda thing if you wanna talk about nigger hating with other like minded people?
(Old Spike)
The jews are the real problem, the niggers flooding white areas is more of a symptom. I don;t hate niggers doing nigger shit in Africa, that's funny. I do not want them around me or my people, and you don't want to be around them either.
You act like nobody on this sight is anti-white or anti-right-wing. That's ludicrous. This site has somehow turned into a bunch of liberal fags and feminists. It used to be edgy, racist, sexist silly fun. You fags ruin everything. There are very few places left on the internet for free speech because of you idiots, but you just want to censor more and more.
I think if we allowed free speech there would be a lot more people singing my tune but the jews own most of the platforms and basically all of the mainstream media. You can look that up by checking the ethnicity of the owners.
(Site Moderator)
As you can see nobody's censoring you, but this isn't a platform for spreading your racist hate.
Why keep pushing your ideas to a audience that doesn't care for it? You want us to think like you do?
(Old Spike)
I like expressing my opinions and letting people decide what they think about them.
(Old Spike)
Which guy do you like the most?
NR1
(Old Spike)
N1 looks like the Karate Kid, which is cool.
N2 looks like a fat guy who is one wig away from calling himself a woman, but I've seen a lot worse.
I don't really endorse piercings for men or women. N2 could be the older fatter N1.
All that said, I'd choose N1 obviously.
(Old Spike)
now that you did it here when will you have your coming out to your nazi friends?
(Old Spike)
It's both me, and i have Jewish Italian blood also Swedish Finnish Polish German English Belgian Hungarian Austrian French Swedish, and Portuguese, but mostly Italian Jewish.
(Old Spike)
"I like expressing my opinions and letting people decide what they think about them"
you've been doing that for a while now. i've looked into it, here's what i've found
you've interacted in the comment section of 187 posts and posted 40 things during the several years of this iteration of the site. stretching back a year from today, 29 of the 38 times you've partook in the comments section of posts are instances of you making jew or nigger related comments and i'm being lenient on this. not counting the times where you might have been baited or made some offhand racist comment. if i'm going to do one year, i might as well do all of them
break down by calender year
in 2018, you partook in comments section of 5 posts, posted 4 times
in 2019, you partook in comments section of 6 posts, posted 2 times
in 2020, you partook in comments section of 29 posts, 2 was jew or nigger related, posted 3 times
in 2021, you partook in comments section of 8 posts, 1 was jew or nigger related, posted nothing
in 2022, you partook in comments section of 62 posts, 12 was jew or nigger related, posted 7 times
in 2023, you partook in comments section of 56 posts, 14 was jew or nigger related, posted nothing
in 2024, you partook in comments section of 34 posts, 22 was jew or nigger related, posted 21 times, 5 of which had jew or nigger related descriptions
here's a graph bar with just your interactions in other peoples posts, broken down into two types. racist interactions only counting the times jews or niggers and which ever way it was spelled were mentioned, omitting any purposefully offhand racism that doesn't mention by those names into not racist interactions group
the jew and nigger rhetoric is now the majority of what you say, went from 0% interactions to now sitting at 65% of interactions, here's a line graph to show the the progression over the years
continuing edge lording is more than likely going to result in someone making what would end up being an overwhelmingly valid complaint. which will result in someone realizing the issue is easily fixed by you no longer being here
(Site Moderator)
(Old Spike)
Wow Sal, I'm impressed and slightly flattered. I'm glad someone cares. lol
I'm not one for small talk in comment sections. I don't leave comments like "First" or "Nice video" very often. I will however call out the jews and nigs when I know no one else will. Like if someone calls out the "Government" for the boarder crisis or COVID hysteria. I'll often let people know that Homeland Security is run by Alejandro Mayorkas, a jew, and that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is run by Rochelle Walensky, also a jew.
Facebook - jewish
Google - jewish
Amazon - jewish
Even twitter/X - jewish
Disney - jewish
Warner Brothers - jewish
NBC/Universal - jewish
The jews are flooding white countries with very stupid and violent niggers and using their media to brainwash the masses into believing that it's a good thing.
This kind of speech is already banned from the mainstream intent and media, which is all run by jews. They ban this speech because it will ruin their plans and hinder their power.
To me these things matter and I think it would be great if people knew them. We could change the world for the better if people are informed with the truth.
(Old Spike)
..And we exterminate the Jews..
(Old Spike)
Do you think that would improve things?
(Old Spike)
do you?
The problems you see how would you solve them? Everyone moves back where their ancestors came from? For me that would be difficult i would have to split myself in twelve
(Old Spike)
The ethnic problem would be pretty easy to fix. Everyone can go to their designated parts of the world, most are already there. Africa is mostly filled with Africans, Asia is mostly filled with Asians, South America is mostly filled with "Latin" people, India is mostly Indians, the Middle East is mostly Arab, Australia is mostly filled with Europeans (although the jews are trying to replace them) Europe is mostly fill with Europeans (although the jews are trying to replace them), North America is mostly filled with Europeans (although the jews are trying to replace them). The jews only want diversity in white countries and industries and schools and they want that to destroy the white places and institutions.
The jews of course have their own ethnic country called Israel and they can all go there. There has been some substantial mixing in very recent history and we can come up with a way of deciding which ethnicity they most align with. Like Obama is a nigger even though his mother is ghost white. Most part nigs are just nigs now, sucks for them. Mostly if you look and sound like one of the categories then that will be the category you are placed in.
There may be places where ethnic diversity is kept and then anyone can go there and mix it up.
Remigration has happened in the past. Southern Europe was invaded by Arabs and North Africans long ago and those niggers were pushed back to where they came from by the crusaders. It would be best if people would go be with their own peacefully and leave the whites alone but everyone loves being around whites so much it may take some strong persuasion.
(Old Spike)
lol, so where would you send all the murricans and cnadians that are not direct descendants of the natives of the continent?
(Old Spike)
And all Australians back to the prisons in England? problem solved :) and those guy's from the Greek Grill around the corner back to China :)
Wouldn't it be better to all transport all unter menchen niggers arabs jews asians homosexuals lesbian and morons to Africa that way we make it a prison island and the white man can patrol the seas around it with machine gun boats.
Or maybe we can just gas em all, that would save costs on patrol boats. We tell em to go in the shower and turn the gas open, and then we burn the bodies.
I have a feeling of dejavu..
(Old Spike)
In the system I was outlining you don't have to be a direct descendant of the founders of a country to live there, you just need to be part of the same race. Europeans created what we call North America, Australia, Europe and a few other places around the world. The Dutch (Europeans) even created South Africa but I think the whites should leave the African continent entirely.
Once each race have their Homelands then they can figure out how they want to organize them. There could be conservative regions and liberal ones, urban and agrarian. Different cultures would develop in different areas just like Germany is different than Ireland which is different than Sweden and so on.
I would encourage freedom of movement within the Homelands so that people of the same race can choose which style of living suits them the best and the best ideas can spread. Maybe even different races would like to adopt ideas from other races. The whites set up a place in Africa called Liberia with a Constitutional Republic just like the USA and returned a bunch of slaves there, but they didn't make an American style civilization, they just started raping and murdering each other as they do. I think different races need to be governed in different ways and which ways are best for them is best found by those people themselves. Africans and Asians don't fit in European societies and vice versa.
You guys can keep calling me a white supremacist and racist but I think these are pretty sound ideas that would be best for all the people of the world.
(Old Spike)
lol. so the white folk should retreat from africa but not from north america. And how do you sweet talk this to yourself? White north americans have their "homelands" in europe, same for australians.
There really is no need to call you a nazi and racist, you do this actually yourself. Trump loves jews btw.
(Old Spike)
Yeah, Trump is a fag.
Europeans built Australia, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and all the countries in Europe. They built most of what infrastructure exists in Africa too but they didn't really build that much or move into Africa, so the niggers can keep it.
The natives of those places that were there before the white man came were just warring tribes of savages, they have no claim to the civilizations that were created there, plus they are pretty much completely gone. You could go live in some kind of ethnic diversity zone with all the retarded aborigines and Native Americans if you want, but I doubt you would. No one wants to live around them.
North America is probably 80% European but Africa is probably more like 5% European, or less. Also, North American civilizations were completely European, but African civilizations have very little do do with the Europeans. That's why what I said makes sense.
(Old Spike)
"That's why what I said makes sense."
Sorry, hun, fortunately only in your twisted little mind and that of your few master race peers.
(Old Spike)
What did I say that doesn't make sense to you, and why?
(Site Moderator)
We have already collectively decided that your way of thinking is not the way forward. You just have to deal with it. We already had WWII's concentration camps. That's where the hate leads.
Try making some friend with a few jews and niggers. Their not that bad. And you can also read up on the literature, there is no difference in intelligence between races. The differences are cultural and based on the level of education.
The KKK funded "studies" don't tell you this for obvious reasons. It's not based on science and reason, but on an ideology of hate and fear.
(Old Spike)
I've been friends with jews and niggers and they were fine friends. I've worked with many of them too and the jews were always good workers but I've never worked with a good working nig. They were all relatively stupid, lazy, and definitely not punctual at all. You're looking at the micro level though. Once you step back and look and ethnic trends you see that there are very distinct differences between the races.
The IQ tests that were used and probably are still used today are very good tests. The military even uses them and will not allow people with IQ's lower than like 68 to join. It's real. These tests have been given to millions of people and the trends are that niggers have on average relatively low IQ's. Just to let you know Asians and jews score higher on these tests on average than the whites so I'm not using IQ to paint whites as the superior race. We are inferior when it comes to IQ testing. If you think the KKK are the ones funding these results then you must believe that the KKK is an Asian supremacist organization, which is stupid. The KKK is basically nothing anymore, but a hundred years or so ago they were a group that organized to stop the mass rape and murder of white women by the niggers, and they were very effective in that and they were even honored in a very successful movie called "The Birth of a Nation" in 1915.
My beliefs are no longer the dominant ones but they have been for most of history and they are catching on again since the truth is on our side. Successful nations and civilizations were built on my ideology and are being corrupted and destroyed by yours. I'm not even against you living in whatever system you think is best but you should let me and my people live in the one we think is best, and right now that is not allowed.
(Site Moderator)
Not that I don't believe you, but just at the off change that you are wrong, could you post some sources that proves how difference race and intelligence correlate (when social status / culture / education are all accounted for). Preferably something from a reputable science journal (i.e not sponsored by KKK)
(Old Spike)
Yeah, you can read "The Bell Curve". It's a book and a study. The author is a Jew and the scientist is a Harvard and MIT educated white guy from Iowa.
You can also just look at the world. Can you show me an example of a well run nigger country, city, or company?
(Old Spike)
(Site Moderator)
Just a quick glance at the wiki for this book.
The book has been, and remains, highly controversial, especially where the authors discussed purported connections between race and intelligence and suggested policy implications based on these purported connections. The authors claimed that average intelligence quotient (IQ) differences between racial and ethnic groups are at least partly genetic in origin, a view that is now considered discredited by mainstream science.[1][2][3] Many of the references and sources used in the book were advocates for racial hygiene, whose research was funded by the white supremacist organization Pioneer Fund.[4]
You just seem to dismiss all of this because it doesn't fit what you want to believe. Try and again.
" You can also just look at the world. "
Was about to write this exact thing in my last comment.
Yes, look at the world. We have smart people from all races. All of the races have smart and dumb people.
That is obvious if you look at the world. You might not have "smart people" in developing countries because they lack the means to educate their people, due to shitty economics and social issue and a lot of time the white man or jews fucking up their country.
(Site Moderator)
(Site Moderator)
Just a quick look at the wiki for this book.
The book has been, and remains, highly controversial, especially where the authors discussed purported connections between race and intelligence and suggested policy implications based on these purported connections. The authors claimed that average intelligence quotient (IQ) differences between racial and ethnic groups are at least partly genetic in origin, a view that is now considered discredited by mainstream science.[1][2][3] Many of the references and sources used in the book were advocates for racial hygiene, whose research was funded by the white supremacist organization Pioneer Fund.[4]
You just seem to dismiss all of this because it doesn't fit what you want to believe. Please try again.
" You can also just look at the world. "
Exactly. Was about to say this in my last comment. You can find smart people from all races if you look at for example science / medicine / engineering. You can also find dumb people in all races. There are plenty of dumb jews, asians and white people.
(Old Spike)
I mean you can believe whatever you read on the internet if you want but lets look at your claims from a logical perspective.
You are claiming that a white supremacist organization is responsible for a book written by a jew that is based off studies that indicate that Asians and jews are more intelligent than white people. That seems very unlikely to me, it sounds more like a way to smear good data about how dumb niggers are.
Then you say you want to look at the world but only at one person at a time. There are smart niggers and dumb jews and ugly white people and smelly Asians and all that. What I'm saying and what the studies show is that when you zoom way out and look at all the niggers and all the jews and all the whites and Asians there are distinct trends that occur. One of these trends are that niggers are on average, and relative to other races, very stupid.
You never seem to respond to anything I say directly. I asked for something very specific last time and you neglected to answer, I believe because there was no good answer. I'll ask the question again.
Can you show me an example of a well run nigger country, city, or company?
(Old Spike)
I did, you chose to ignore it.
Also intelligence has little to do with social competence, judging by your comments, you actually lack both.
(Old Spike)
Are you trying to imply that the USA is a nigger country? It's not, at least not yet.
If that's the only example of any well run nigger country, city, or company in the world then I'd say that proves niggers are low IQ retards that can't create anything good as a race.
Every other race of people have at least some nice countries, cities and companies. It's just the niggers that can't contribute anything of value.
Of course whites have created the best of all three and the Jews are trying to ruin them.
(Old Spike)
Also, that nigger came out of a white women. She also raised him because his black daddy left. He still needs to go back to Africa though. Leave Martha's Vineyard for the whites Obama. Niggers never want to live around their own kind.
(Site Moderator)
" I mean you can believe whatever you read on the internet "
Yes you can. You can read on all kind of ideologies and you can also read on science that is up to date.
"You are claiming that a white supremacist organization is responsible for a book..."
No. I'm saying white supremacist (like you) like to use this book to justify their ideology. Didn't say it was made by white white supremacist.
Again, look at the evidence why main stream science doesn't agree with the books findings.
" What I'm saying and what the studies show is that when you zoom way out and look at all the niggers and all the jews and all the whites and Asians there are distinct trends that occur. "
Still waiting for that evidence. Lets start with that.
" Can you show me an example of a well run nigger country, city, or company? "
Well daft there brought up Obama. He ran the country.
You honestly can't find any successful companies or cities that are run by black people? Really shows how much effort you've but into this. White supremacist usually aren't the smartest ones, run more by emotions than reason. Even if they try to reason, it is selective, you know, to uphold the belief of being superior to niggers.
It's similar to flat Landers. They simply have to dismiss certain evidence to uphold their beliefs.
(Old Spike)
lol, I agree, but interesting that mainstream science is "good enough" for you here......
(Site Moderator)
Where is mainstream science not good enough for me?
I know where this is headed but maybe you want to tell me my position. It's fun to hear how you're going to pigeonhole me this time.
(Old Spike)
you know what I am talking about.
(Old Spike)
I'm not sure what's wrong with the scientific data I have mentioned. White supremacist and race realists use scientific data as part of their understanding of the different races but they can also just look around and see the differences. They are obvious.
I'm not asking you to find me white countries, cities or companies that had a black person at the top for a while. Of course I can find that. You are either being disingenuous or stupid when I'm asking for examples of nice nigger countries and your response is a half white guy who ran a mostly white country for eight years. Every other US president has been a white guy.
So I'll ask a third time and try to be very clear. Can you show me an example of a well run country, city, or company that was founded and run by at least 90% niggers? And by Niggers I mean the race of humans that evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa. You know, the people with black skin, brown eyes, and course black hair.
(Old Spike)
Of course nothing will be good enough for you but hey, I'll bite:
look for Rich rebuilds on youtube
also check out this guy:

(Old Spike)
Wow. You just can't comprehend what a country, city, or company is.
I have conceded that there are some smart niggers, but that's not what I'm asking about. I have to assume you agree that niggers are incapable of creating nice countries, cities, or companies because they are retarded. If you didn't think that you would list at least one.
It's also funny that the only "niggers" you nigger lovers want to use as examples of smart ones are not even full jigaboos. Obama has a white mommy, NDT has a Puerto Rican madre, and that Rich Rebuilds guy, Rich Benoit is very likely mixed and is the co-founder of his youTube channel with a guy named Carl Hewitt, who is very likely a white guy. The only Carl Hewitt I could find info on was a very accomplished white computer scientist.
I like some darkies, I've watched some of those Rich Rebuilds videos before and was very impressed, Marces Brownlee MKBHD is my favorite tech youTuber (you should check out the crew he hired, that's a smart nigger), Terry Cruise seems cool, Kat Williams is funny, Dave Chappelle, who I believe is half Asian, is a good one, Wesley Snipes is a badass. I don't hate niggers, I'm just honest and I don't think they are a very intelligent race and I believe they are very harmful to nice, white countries, cities and companies.
(Old Spike)
If white people had never existed since the beginning of the world, would racism still exist?
Also white ppl are born with an evil gene, this has been actually proven, by looking in the DNA
Divide and conquer, and you are just a tool in the play.
(Old Spike)
Niggers and Asians don't get along well either. Asians aren't flooding their countries with Africans like the jews are doing to the white countries. The jews don't control Asian nations like they do the white ones. It was the whites who lost WWII, jews won.
Also, whites didn't exist since the beginning of the world, we evolved billions of years later. There are different theories on exactly how the different races were created but we know that they evolved in different regions of the world in different environments. Once you look at the environments you get a lot of clues as to how they all ended up the ways they did.
The niggers evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa, a hot and sunny place which turned their skin black. They had lots of animals to eat, which they did by chasing the animals and killing them which lead to them having strong and fast leg muscles.
Asians evolved in Asia, a more temperate and wet environment which only tanned their skin slightly, they grew their food, mostly rice which is thousands of small grains. This lead to them being fairly small and weak but with a great mind for numbers.
The Whites evolved in Europe, a relatively cold and dark place, which made our skin became pale. We farmed both vegetables and animals and had to make shelter and rations for the harsh winters. This lead our minds to tend toward engineering and problem solving.
Of course there are other races that evolved in other environments and you can see how they were shaped as well. I'm not a white supremacist, each race have their own strengths and weaknesses, although I do think the whites are the Goldy Locks race with the best mix of strength and intelligence. I would totally agree with the statement that blacks are on average faster runners than whites and Asians on average are better at math than whites. I think that all races should have a place they can call their own and continue their evolution and their own unique cultures. I want the best for all people and this is how I see the best future for all.
(Old Spike)
I am not going to read all that, but when did Jews flood any country with Africans? And how?
(Old Spike)
It should only take you about a minute to read what I wrote above but whatever. Your new question would take much longer to answer thoroughly but I'll help get you started.
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act and more recently as the 1965 Immigration Act, was a federal law passed by the 89th United States Congress and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson.[1] The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s.[2] The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
Emanuel Celler was born on May 6, 1888, in Brooklyn, New York. His parents, Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler, were each the children of German immigrants. His paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish.
Before that jew wrote that bill and got it passed the USA mostly just let in Northern Europeans, aka the best people for a modern society. It's all been downhill for American genetics since the 1965 immigration act.
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the U.S. federal executive department responsible for public security, roughly comparable to the interior or home ministries of other countries. Its stated missions involve anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management.
That's run by Alejandro Mayorkas. His father, Charles R. "Nicky" Mayorkas, was born in Cuba. He was a Cuban Jew of Sephardi (from the former Ottoman Empire, present-day Turkey and Greece) and Ashkenazi (from Poland) background.
I'm not sure if you've noticed but the demographics of the USA are getting dark pretty fast. The jews made it legal to bring in a bunch of them 60 years ago and in the past decade or two they have been bringing them in illegally, by the tens of millions.
That's just scratching the surface but there is much much more. Follow the money of the NGOs that are helping settle Haitians in Ohio and niggers all over the place. They are trying to do the same in Japan and Asia in general, but the Asians aren't bending, at least not yet. They don't let a lot of Africans or Arabs into Israel though. Strange since in the jews in the USA like Chuck Schumer, the senate majority leader, are such big proponents of ethnic diversity and giving citizenship to illegal immigrants here, but not in his home country.
(Old Spike)
Nobody overturned the 1965 immigration act because you need diversity, otherwise you are inbreeding, and get mongoloids
(Old Spike)
There were around 200 million people living in the USA in 1965, plenty for breeding outside your own family tree. We could have kept letting in high IQ whites from Northern Europe too. The jews wanted white countries to turn brown to degrade our gene pool and destroy our countries, which they have so far been pretty successful in doing. The standard of living for whites in the world is dropping because we are letting dumb niggers into our countries and giving them handouts.
There are on 15 million jews in the world, so how inbred are they?
(Old Spike)
Inbred if they didn't mix, and nobody with somewhat of an iq would move to America to stay there.
(Old Spike)
We used to mostly only let high IQ whites in to America, and they came in droves. Now we mostly just let low IQ nigs in and the high IQ whites don't want to come anymore since the country is fucked and full of niggers. It's very sad.
(Old Spike)
No i wouldn't live there since there is no guaranteed income and no minimum wage, and no socialized healthcare system, and every nutcase can get a gun.
Not even to talk about the cops in America that is the reason.
Fluoridation of the water, lack of real bread, chemicals in every piece of food you eat.
It has nothing to do with black ppl.
Plus the education system is fucked also.
(Old Spike)
Does any country have guaranteed income?
There are minimum wages in every state in the union, not sure why you don't think so. There is subsidized healthcare for the elderly, poor, and many other people who qualify.
Not every nutcase can get a gun but a lot can. That being said almost all gun violence in the USA is from whites men killing themselves and black men murdering others.
I live in a very white area and there is an Amish (all white) grocery store that I shop at and they have fresh bread made without all the junk, amazing produce and meats, and generally avoids selling the goy slop that most Americans are fed.
I have a water filter that removes the fluoride and 99.9% of all particulates.
My kids go to a public school that is 90% white kids and they receive a great education. They do bus in a few niglets from the other side of town but it's actually good since it shows the white kids how different they are from the dumb, rowdy black ones. My kids often tell me how awful the black kids are in class and when I mentioned that they might start riding the bus they said they didn't want to ride with all the black kids because they steal other kids stuff, lol. Classic.
Just a disclaimer I don't bring up race or politics with my kids, they are too young for that, but they do come to me with political and racial insights and it's amazing what they understand already.
(Old Spike)
Belgium has guaranteed income.
Minimum wages in america are laughable
MOST nutcases can get a gun
I can see some black guy shooting you right in the head
Correction- ALMOST all food is poison where you live.
I doubt your water filter does that, - and the point was your government doesn't care about you.
My son Justin is Canadian and loves black ppl and hangs out with them every day, my second son is half South American
and my third son is dark blonde. I doubt any of em are stupid enough not to see underlying causes.
I don't know how old your kids are but lets say they are 5, you are amazed because you think at their level.
You and your kids are run by fear.
(Old Spike)
Damn, one of the whitest countries in the world has managed to guarantee income for it's people. I didn't know that. I guess we'll see how that works out in the long run, especially if they start letting nigs in.
Yes, black people shoot lots of white people, it's a big problem that we could fix by sending them back to Africa.
Are you afraid to walk through nigger infested Compton at night? You should be, I am. But I don't live in fear of Compton because I'm smart and I don't live around there or anywhere like that. I'm insulated from nigger violence and I bet you are too. You should move to the most niggery place you can. Make videos about living there and let us all know what it's like.
A liberal woman in Memphis went jogging in the dark a while ago and a nigger violently raped her, caved her head in, then tossed her dead body into a dumpster, many such cases. I guess she wasn't living in fear and was living in a diverse city, she should have been smarter and understood what niggers do. Knowing what they do and that it's a good idea to avoid them isn't the same as living in fear, it's just intelligence. My kids not wanting to be around too many black kids because of the actions they have seen from the black kids they do interact with is a very good thing. They won't be out and about in nigger town when they are older and their chance of survival will be much higher than those that do.
(Site Moderator)
" I'm not sure what's wrong with the scientific data I have mentioned. White supremacist and race realists use scientific data as part of their understanding of the different races but they can also just look around and see the differences. They are obvious. "
As I said, just like a flat lander. You have to dismiss evidence that doesn't support your view. Science disagrees with the book and you can't acknowledge this fact. So really, whats the point if discussing this if you only believe what you want to believe? You are exhibiting some of the same traits you're complain about the niggers having. The irony.
" I'm asking for examples of nice nigger countries "
Well obviously you are pointing to Africa and the fact that they are all 3rd world countries. So, I should draw the conclusion that they are all underdeveloped countries because "nigger are dumb" and dismiss all the social, educational, political and cultural aspects?
Sorry, I just can't look at it so simply and as you do and dismiss all the other aspects and science that backs this up. Just as an example from the other end of the spectrum, Jews are the smartest ones out there according to this theory, right? Wonder why Israel can't get their shit together, been at war for how many decades now and is generally kind of a shit hole.
(Old Spike)
I believe that studies can be untrustworthy at times. I don't believe the conclusions of every study ever done, especially ones that were considered sound science until we started calling castrating kids "healthcare". I can assess whether a study makes sense or not, especially if there are other ways of observing the data.
You have to ignore the very real fact that niggers have never created a country, city, or company that is even close to being considered as nice and successful as the white, Asian, or Arab ones. I'm not limiting you to only looking in Africa either, find me an example of a nigger society that is anywhere close to a white one anywhere on the globe we call Earth, anywhere in our galaxy, anywhere in the visible universe or beyond. I've asked that same question at least four times to you nigger lovers and the best you can do is say some partially black people seem to be kinda smart.
The fact that the studies I believe are true seems to align with reality while the ones you trust don't make any sense when you look at the world, is where we run into problems. If the black race was truly as smart as all the others you'd think there would be one example of something great the niggers have created as a group.
Whites have Apple, Tesla, SpaceX, GE, Westinghouse, Ford, the USA, England, Germany, France, Sweden and on and on to point to when looking at how amazing whites are.
Asians have Huawei, BYD, TSMC, Anker, Samsung, LG, Kia, Hyundai, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan just to name a few.
What do the nigs have? Nothing, they are barely above savages as a whole, that's why all their nations are third world, all their cities are ghettos, all their companies are worthless, low tech, crap.
If you and your studies were correct then don't you think there would be at least one example like that for the blacks? They don't succeed in Africa, they don't succeed in America, they don't succeed in Asia, they don't succeed anywhere because we have moved to complex, highly technical societies and the niggers just can't understand it. Maybe in 50,000 years they will catch up and I'd like to give them that opportunity, but I don't want to be paying for their welfare in the meantime.
I'm no fan of the jews, I consider them a parasite, but they were able to build a country from pretty much nothing into a first world country in less than 80 years. They war a lot and are evil, they are taking billions from white nations to spend on expanding their boarders and influence and I think they need to be stopped, but they are not stupid like niggers are.
You can look at crime statistics all over the world too and you will see racial trends with blacks being the most violent and Asians being the least. You need to stop dismissing all the evidence and stop believing that taking the Vax will prevent you from getting COVID. You believe bad science, do your own research and find the truth, I'll help you out.
(Site Moderator)
" The fact that the studies I believe are true seems to align with reality while the ones you trust don't make any sense when you look at the world, is where we run into problems. "
Yes because you can only consider one variable. Intelligence. You can't consider culture, politics, education or social status having an effect. It's not a hard consept to grasp.
Just consider how much effect upbringing has on a persons future. What kind of education one gets and what kind of morals they inherit from their parent. All this has a huge affect on what kind of person they grow up to be. If one grows up in a trailer park or in a slum there a good change that they will just continue that trend what they learned from their parents and the cycle repeats. Thats why we don't see many big company leaders coming from shitty back grounds. But there are exceptions too that overcome those obstacles.
This has been studied. It's not controversial. It's quite logical actually. If you are bent on believing in your own theory you can do so, but just remember you can only do it by dismissing evidence.
"they don't succeed anywhere because we have moved to complex, highly technical societies and the niggers just can't understand it. Maybe in 50,000 years they will catch up and I'd like to give them that opportunity, but I don't want to be paying for their welfare in the meantime. "
I have no words.
"You can look at crime statistics all over the world too and you will see racial trends with blacks being the most violent and Asians being the least"
So Africa is the most crime infested place in the world?
Still don't get why Israel is such a shit hole despite having the most intelligent race on the planet, I mean thats your whole point all along. Intelligence creates success. Why don't they have a country full of success stories?
(Old Spike)
Where do you think culture, politics, education, and civilization comes from? Do you think there is a magical culture fairy flying around waving it's wand and giving good and bad cultures out to the people of the world based on their location and skin color? Those things are down stream from intelligence. The environment does have some effect on a child, but it is likely a high IQ child will be successful even if raised in a harsh environment and a low IQ child will be unsuccessful even if raised in a nurturing environment.
I'm curious what makes you think that niggers being raised without their fathers and with cracked out mothers makes them perform so badly in academics but so well in athletics? If it's not genetics what about black culture is so good for them when it comes to running amd jumping? Is it more likely that a white boy, or girl, raised like a black kid will become the fastest sprinter in the world? Are whites depriving their children of athletic excellence by raising them in a loving family?
Why was Detroit the most successful city in the world when it was white but became one of the worst in America when it became majority black? Why is Liberia such a wasteland when it was set up the with the same laws, academic institutions and the same constitution as the USA, except it was full of niggers instead of whites? Why did Haiti go from a beautiful, successful French colony to the worst place place in the Western Hemisphere after the nigs took over and killed all the whites in the country?
Of course Africa is the most violent, rapey, crime infested part of the world. Where did you think that was? Just about any African nation is going to have far higher crime than any white trailer park. West Verginia gets a lot of crap for being a white trash state full of dirt poor, low intelligent whites...and it is, but it's still nicer than just about any black place on earth.
I don't like the jews at all but comparing Israel to an Sub-Saharan African run country is insane. Israel was created by the Rothschild's in the 1940's and is already a pretty decent first world nation. It's clean, has relatively low crime, and is a modern state. Jewish neighborhoods around the world are nice places to live, nothing like nigger ones. The jews did steal most of their wealth from the whites to get to their standard of living and they are evil bastards but they are not at all like niggers, jews are actually worse but their societies and intelligence are not like the blacks.
(Site Moderator)
"Where do you think culture, politics, education, and civilization comes from?"
There are a million things that can affect it. Environment, food, neighboring tribes and experiences with them, imagination, mind altering substances. One is of course intelligence but that certainly isn't the only one. I know that would be convenient for you but that's just not the case.
"I'm curious what makes you think that niggers being raised without their fathers and with cracked out mothers makes them perform so badly in academics but so well in athletics?"
You can't understand how bad upbringing can affect academic success but still being able to perform athletically?
Like will your muscles shrivel if you have an absent father and a bad childhood? If this is the line of reasoning you have its really no wonder why you have these ideas.
"Why was Detroit the most successful city in the world when it was white but became one of the worst in America when it became majority black? "
You really need to look into the history of Detroit and the causes of its downfall. Its easy to find facts about this, but maybe you like to go about it selectively?
I'll give you a head start. Poverty / unemployment is the main cause for most social issues like crime and substance abuse. A well off part of the town doesn't go to shit by itself, it goes to shit when people are poor. This is a common trend around the world, when people struggle to survive, it breeds crime and violence.
" Of course Africa is the most violent, rapey, crime infested part of the world "
Well just looking at some stats it looks like south america is in the lead. Africas crime rate is a bit higher than the US so not that bad considering. Interesting how South Africa has the most crime and that is the country that has the most whites in Africa. Also interesting is how China has quite high crime rate (similar to most of Africa) and you were claiming asian's were the most well behaved and intelligent. They also have very few niggers so you can't blame it on them.
" I don't like the jews at all but comparing Israel to an Sub-Saharan African run country is insane "
No it's not. They should be well off being how smart they are, but they are basically a shit hole when you compared to any white country.
Heres some reading you can do on the subject of race and intelligence. You might have a lot of out dated beliefs (a bit like flat earthers) so this is a good read as it goes through the history of this subject. What misconceptions there were back in the day and how the research has advanced. When inevitably you come across something you don't like (or believe) you can do more research on that particular area and see how they reach said conclusion.
(Old Spike)
I've explained my line of reasoning about genetic differences in an earlier post. I said that blackies run and jump faster and higher than whites on average because they spent the last 100,000 years or so chasing their dinners through the planes and jungles of Africa. You are the one trying to reason that it is something about the way blacks raise their children that makes them really bad at math but really good at running and jumping. Can you please explain what you think it is about black parenting that leads to these results?
I've looked into the downfall of Detroit and Kansas City and New Orleans, Flint, Jackson Mississippi, and countless others. The story is always the same, too many niggers. You think poverty and violence comes out of nowhere, it follows the niggers around wherever they go. They are the cause of the poverty and violence, hence why I don't want them around. Prosperous cities don't just become poor out of nowhere, they don't become prosperous out of nowhere either. White people build great cities out of nothing and then blacks destroy them. Look at the nigs in England, Sweden, Ireland, France, Germany. They are overall poor and violent in every country that will let them in. It happens every time everywhere on Earth. Find me one place in the world where an area went from majority white to majority black and got better. It doesn't exist. The nigs fuck it up every single time.
Check out South African crime data before and after Apartheid, and make sure you check the demographics of the criminals. South Africa was the greatest nation in Africa when it was controlled by whites, now it is controlled by blacks and is deteriorating rapidly. Also look into Orania, an all white South African town that is a really wonderful place, and improving everyday.
Israeli jews have a comparable standard of living to that of the people in the USA. It is much higher than that of the average African country. The USA has given Israel so much money it works out to something like half a million dollars per Israeli jew. They are living just fine. They shouldn't be, but they are thanks to whites. I'm sure the Arabs still left in Israel have it rough since the jews are evil bastards but Arabs have it rough everywhere.
You seem to be interested in scientific truth, which is great, good for you, but a lot of modern "science" is retarded. I remember when science said that men had XY chromosomes and women had XX. Now "science" says that doesn't matter and chicks have dicks. Chopping off a kids dick and then cutting out some of his colon to attach to the hole left in his body that has to be stretched open daily to prevent the wound from healing and calling that a vagina used to be criminal child mutilation, now it's healthcare and good parenting. You've obviously had the firmware update but I'll stick with my tried and true white guy science.
Don't trust the Government or their agencies either. It used to be when you found a laptop worth a bunch of pictures, videos, and emails from a guy and he's smoking crack, fucking prostitutes, and talking about colluding with foreign governments in return for large bribes, that was a crime and that person would be arrested and the laptop would be used as evidence in his trial. Now the intelligence agencies, president, and the media all just call it "Russian disinformation" for a few years, then admit it was in fact a real laptop and just tell everyone to forget about it, and a lot of people do forget.
Don't be a sheep. Think about what you believe, and if you truly believe something then live it. I moved out of a shitty mixed race area into a very white one and it was a great decision for me and my family.
(Site Moderator)
" Can you please explain what you think it is about black parenting that leads to these results? "
ANY bad parenting / being poor / living in a crime ridden area will drop the changes of a child "making it". Color doesn't matter.
Thats really the whole point and you can't grasp it. All you see is color not any of the other factors. Also just the fact that certain races have been oppressed for hundreds of years (by other people who think they are superior) leaves a certain legacy that can perpetuate for a long time. In a way it can become a cultural identity for that race, or at least for certain people who can't rise above that conditioning.
" You think poverty and violence comes out of nowhere, it follows the niggers around wherever they go. "
Like tens of thousand of niggers moved in and all just refused to work? Like they had open jobs but nobody took them?
Heres some reading:
" Check out South African crime data before and after Apartheid, and make sure you check the demographics of the criminals. "
You just make shit up with out checking it because it fits your beliefs, don't you?
Here some reading.
After the apartheid crime actually started to fall.
Biggest rise in crime was when apartheid was coming to an end. I'd imagine racial tensions does that.
" You seem to be interested in scientific truth, which is great, good for you, but a lot of modern "science" is retarded "
Yes I am. If you are not, I don't think there's no point in discussing this with you. You've already demonstrated that you don't care about the facts and either make up your own or just dismiss them. I doubt you read any of the wiki page because it's "retarded".
(Old Spike)
So if poor parenting leads to children's failure then why do so many black kids succeed in athletics? Could white parents use the same techniques to make their kids the fastest sprinters in the world and what exactly are those techniques?
After the jewish bankers took control of the auto industry, tens of thousands of niggers were moved into Detroit to undercut white labor. Then the niggers and jews started making shitty cars, the 99% ethnically homogonous Japanese companies were able to provide a better vehicle at a more competitive price leading to the decline of the American automobile industry which eventually had to be bailed out by the white tax payers to keep those stupid niggers employed for a bit longer. Now they are moving a bunch of the factories to Mexico and building shitty cars there. Honda and Toyota started building cars in America to avoid high tariffs and they built their factories in rural areas and hired white people who make cars well.
I'm glad you understand that racial tension causes crime, mostly niggers hurting white people. That's one of the big reasons I'm not for racial diversity, it always creates more violence.
Do you think chicks have dicks, high testosterone, and XY chromosomes, or do you disagree with a lot of the modern "scientists" like I do?
(Site Moderator)
" So if poor parenting leads to children's failure then why do so many black kids succeed in athletics? "
Bad parenting doesn't take physical fitness away. This should be obvious. I don't know why this is an issue.
" I'm glad you understand that racial tension causes crime, mostly niggers hurting white people. "
Well I was thinking that oppressing some demographic of the population might cause that because they are treated as "sub human". But what do I know. I sure would be pissed if I was treated as a second class citizen. How about you?
" Do you think chicks have dicks, high testosterone, and XY chromosomes, or do you disagree with a lot of the modern "scientists" like I do? "
I'd disagree with that "LGBT social science" but I don't disagree with biology.
(Old Spike)
Does bad parenting lead to higher physical fitness? If so, then why? What are the blacks doing to make their kids so fast and jumpy?
Can you name any place on earth where every person is treated the same? It doesn't happen. Our differences, if too great, will always lead to conflict. The differences between the races are too great. Our differences are also good, we just need to be separated to avoid conflict.
So you disagree with some modern science but not others. That's the same as me. Now we have to figure out which "science" is good and which are bad. I do that in the way I have been for the past 20 post or so. I give examples and look at statistics and use my own experiences. It seems like you just roll the dice to decide which "science" is right and which is wrong.
(Old Spike)
Does bad parenting increase physical fitness? If so, then why? What are black parents doing to make their kids so fast and jumpy?
There are no places on earth where race is not a factor. We can't escape it. That is why having specific areas for specific races is the best way forward. We can have a mixing ground too and you can go there and enjoy the diversity.
You agree with some modern "science" and disagree with some of it. That's the same as me. I use examples, evidence, statistics and my own experiences to decide which is good and which is bad. You seem to just pick and choose with what makes you feel good.
(Site Moderator)
" Does bad parenting increase physical fitness? If so, then why? What are black parents doing to make their kids so fast and jumpy? "
I really don't know what you're after.
Bad parenting wont have a significant affect on fitness but it will how ever have a huge effect on mental well being and what kind of person you become. Supportive surrounding generally will give kids better chances in succeeding at academics or in life at general. The brain isn't like all the other muscles. Just one traumatic event can fuck up the brain but your biceps don't care as long as they are fed properly.
" There are no places on earth where race is not a factor. We can't escape it. "
You can't escape the fact that the worlds races are slowly but surely mixing. After a thousand years there will be no white man (or it will be a small minority) and there wont be anyone that really cares. Your way of thinking will go extinct sooner or later.
" You agree with some modern "science" and disagree with some of it. That's the same as me "
You can measure intelligence between races in a fairly accurate manner when you take into account factors like culture, education and socioeconomic status.
But you know what we can't measure or prove? If there really is 50 different genders just because someone says so.
(Old Spike)
Why is the NBA and the NFL and Olympic running so dominated by blacks? Is it the parenting or is it genetics? If you think it's the parenting then what about black parenting makes their kids fast runners and high jumpers?
White people are already a major minority. I think whites are about 10% of the global population, something like 60% are North and South Asian, and around 15% are niggers. Can't you just leave some white places alone or do you actually want to replace us like the far right white supremacist keep saying?
So what are the accurate results for IQ between the races when taking all that into account?
(Site Moderator)
" Why is the NBA and the NFL and Olympic running so dominated by blacks? Is it the parenting or is it genetics? "
Genetics. So?
" Can't you just leave some white places alone or do you actually want to replace us like the far right white supremacist keep saying? "
I have no problem with having white places, but it's not really a realistic option in the long run. You can't really enforce a whites only area in today's world. There not enough people like you left in the world for that to pass.
" So what are the accurate results for IQ between the races when taking all that into account? "
You can start by reading the wiki page I linked before. Essentially it say there is no discernible difference. There very well might be differences but they are minor compared to environmental factors.
(Old Spike)
Wait, so after all that you think that Africans are faster runners and can jump higher based on genetics? That's my argument. What happened to the environmental factors and parenting being the biggest contributors? You think that only applies to intelligence? So you're basically a nigger supremacist. You think that the nigs are genetically faster than whites and Asians but have the same intelligence? So whites are just loose loose. We just have genetically inferior muscles, is that your new claim?
There are plenty of people like me, we just don't control the media and our speech is being banned, censored and suppressed. Anywhere there is free speech there are lots of people like me. You lefties just rule the mainstream for now.
People were segregated for almost all of human history. Only very recently have we been "diversified". We can easily go back to segregation and it is the best option. Whites who live around blacks know this and the more who get a dose of that diversity the more will want to segregate. Again, you should really try it for yourself. Go live in a very black area. It's almost always the cheapest place to live but I bet you would rather pay more to be around whites, just like everyone else.
(Site Moderator)
" You think that the nigs are genetically faster than whites and Asians but have the same intelligence? So whites are just loose loose. We just have genetically inferior muscles, is that your new claim? "
Not my claim. Science says that.
But also I can observe that in society. Granted it might be difficult if you have a white supremacy complex, then it's really hard to stay objective and you only see what you wanna see. Thats why science can help you see reality, but you have to believe it's not just some conspiracy from the scientist jews or what ever the fuck you believe to convince yourself :D
" Go live in a very black area. It's almost always the cheapest place to live but I bet you would rather pay more to be around whites, just like everyone else. "
It's the same reason I wont go live in a white trash trailer park. Anywhere people are dirt poor it's usually a crime ridden place, but not always. Some Africans can live with very little and be happy with it. It's amazing how culture makes a big difference in this. I think it actually might be western capitalist culture + being poor that breeds crime. It's a system thats based profit, but when theres no money to be made it turns to shit.
(Old Spike)
I'm the one saying that niggers are faster runners, which you now say the science agrees with. That doesn't seem very white supremacist of me. I also say that the science says that Asians have higher IQ's. Also not a very white supremacist take. You're just a nigger supremacist and think they are smart and athletic while whites are only smart. Your bias is keeping you from the truth. You can see clearly that blacks are faster runners and that it is due to genetics, but you should also be able to see that whites are smarter and that is due to their genetics.
I didn't say you have to move to a poor black area. You should move to a rich black area, but they probably don't exist since they have such low intelligence. There are not white "trailer trash" countries. Just small segments of the white population struggle with maintaining a high societal level. On the other hand there are full on dumb nigger countries. In fact all nigger countries are full retard and all black cities and all black companies. There is a pattern there for you and the scientists to find.
(Site Moderator)
Well were just going in circles.
If you don't want to read the science behind it, that's fine. You just gotta continue on you niggers and jews hating path and I'll continue on mine where I think were more or less equals as humans. I know, it's a twisted way of looking at things.
(Old Spike)
I agree, this thread has gotten too long. Just one more though.
To be clear I think that different races have different strengths and weaknesses due to the evolution of those races in the regions that they were living for tens of thousands of years. You, and your science, and me, and my science, agree that niggers can run and jump better than whites and Asians due to their genetics. I also think that Asians have a higher IQ than whites on average. I'm not sure if your science agrees with that one.
That said, what does your science say is something that whites are better at than nigs and Asians? Or are whites just the bottom of the barrel genetically in your opinion?
(Old Spike)
hmmWhere do you get these ideas? Black ppl run faster because they are taller, Asians are not smarter they are child like
(Site Moderator)
Evolution (selective pressure from nature) didn't have any real effect on intelligence between the races. In evolutionary terms, we have had societies that actually benefit from high intelligence for a very short time. Even when we started to have that, it wasn't "selective". ie. smart people survive, dumb people die.
When it comes to evolution affecting intelligence, white Europeans and Africans stand on the same line. We have been "cave men" most of our history. Doing cave man thing, hunting, harvesting and hanging around with small communities.
Not sure what science says about Africans being generally more athletic. Europeans needed to use their muscles just the same to catch food and farm the land etc. It just might be just luck that African got genes that favor those thing. Asians are shorter, theres no really benefit to that either, but still that a trait.
" That said, what does your science say is something that whites are better at than nigs and Asians? Or are whites just the bottom of the barrel genetically in your opinion? "
I don't think about it like that. Well I'm glad I'm not asian, they are short and have small dicks.
Seriously though there are some things like we are more resistant to some diseases than Africans.
(Old Spike)
So evolution took us from Ape to human, changing our brains in a fairly substantial way, and then it just stopped? All the different selective pressures from living in Asia, Africa, or Europe did not contribute anything to how our brains developed?
The different terrain, the different weather, the different altitudes, the different diets, the different resources, for tens of thousand or hundreds of thousands of years had no effect on the human brain? Really?
But... those different selective pressures did change our skin, our eyes, our hair, our noses, our muscles, our dicks, our blood, our immune systems, our height, our tastes, our buildings, our gods, our stories, our cultures, our civilizations..... just not our brains. And even though to this day our racial differences are clear, you think it's just because of the last generations parenting style? You are insane.
I will continue to believe what I believe and I'm sure you will do the same. All I ask is that you don't force your beliefs on me and my people. We don't want niggers and jews or even smart Asians to live in our lands. We tried that and it didn't go well. Every time blacks move into white areas rape, murder, theft, filth, and poverty all increase. This happens everywhere on earth. Anywhere the niggers go they bring destruction. So please, keep them to yourself. I am not trying to force "Nazis" into your countries, cities, or neighborhood. Don't try to force niggers and jews into mine.
(Site Moderator)
You've missed the point as always.
In evolutionary terms all the world races have been living like cave men for most of their existence. There was no pressure to favor highly intelligent individuals more in Europe / Asian than there were in Africa. There is no selective pressure that would make Africans dumber.
" We don't want niggers and jews or even smart Asians to live in our lands. "
Who is we? Do you have some sort of club?
(Old Spike)
Africans could chase after food and wonder around looking for edible plants all year round. Whites had to plan for winter, hunker down in a well built shelters, make fires to stay alive, and many other things that require a higher level of intelligence to survive in harsh conditions.
How you don't consider any of that selective pressures is crazy to me. Dumb people would not survive Northern European winters, any retard that can run fast could make it in Africa.
The we is white people. We are a tribe just like all the other races are tribes. We are all tribal. Look at voting habits. I'll bet you that niggers, Jews, Asians, and Latinos will overwhelmingly vote Democrat. White people will mostly vote Republican. The problem with whites is that we are the least racist and least tribal group in the world. Hopefully the misery of racial diversity will wake up the white tribe and we'll forever remember to protect our own people from the competing tribes.
Just a little disclaimer: I want all the tribes to do well and get along and trade with each other, I just want them to be separate because I can see what mixing does to a society, it destroys it.
(Site Moderator)
You're claiming that Africans would not be able to understand that you need to prep for winter?? Yeah they have their own challenges that Europeans wouldn't have, like extreme heat and scarcity of waters in deserts and savannah. Each race has developed ways to survive in their environment and it's not any high level intelligence in either case. It's more about experience, determination and just good ol muscle power.
As always, your just making shit as you go. Again I wish you well on your nigger and jew hating path.
" The we is white people. "
Well, not all white people think like you. Actually you are in the minority.
(Old Spike)
You accept that the different races faced different challenges and had different selective pressures but somehow you think that lead to the races having the exact same brains. That's not how evolution works.
The niggers didn't figure out how to deal with deserts. That's why the technical name for niggers is Sub-Saharan Africans. They were stuck, cut off from the developing world because of the Sahara desert. Whites were building castles in Scotland while nigs were living in thatch huts. Whites and Asians were sailing around the world while Africans were still using poop in their mating rituals, they still do that btw.
The country of South Africa was created by Dutch (white) farmers. They farmed that land for hundreds of years but no nigger ever had. The jigaboos were still nomadic. The Zulu were peak civilization in Africa and they were just marauding murderers and rapists. They never stopped and built anything.
As I said and as you know most white people vote to conserve white American values. That's why the liberals are bringing in millions and millions of retarded black and brown people who vote against White America. I'm in the majority amongst my people, but my people are being replaced in our own countries. But I'd go even further and say pretty much all "liberals" agree with me too. I've never met a liberal who wants to live around a lot of black or brown people, not even the black or brown ones. Everyone on earth wants to live with whites or Asians.
(Site Moderator)
" You accept that the different races faced different challenges and had different selective pressures but somehow you think that lead to the races having the exact same brains. "
Yes different challenges but the selective pressures were basically similar for all people for most of mankind existence when it comes to intelligence.
We have been hunter gatherers for most of our existence. Survival in Africa was not that different from survival from anywhere else that it would impact intelligence. Again were going in circles.
" Whites were building castles in Scotland while nigs were living in thatch huts. "
I think this is in Africa. Quite the achievement even by today standards
I know your not big on reading, but there are plenty of ancient civilization in Africa that have left castles in other structures from thousand of years ago.
I think this will do it.
For the third time (now for real) I will leave you on your nigger and jew hating path. Maybe some day you will see that all that hate is a waste of energy.
(Old Spike)
The pyramids are in North Africa my dude. Egyptians are not niggers. Lots of North Africa, the Mediterranean, was controlled and influenced by Europeans and Persians. Egypt was run by one Greek family for hundreds of years. It was called the Ptolemaic dynasty, Cleopatra wrecked it and then the Romans took over. Before that it was Alexander the great and he ended the 3000 year reign of the Achaemenid empire which was Persian.
Remember, real niggers, blacks, are from Sub-Saharan Africa. You're getting them confused with sand niggers, who also suck and no one wants to live around them, but they are nowhere near as bad as real niggers.
Practice what you preach and embrace nigger society. Leave whitey out of your retarded plans for your future.
(Site Moderator)
Will Ethiopians do?
(Old Spike)
Now you're on to something. That is technically Sub-Saharan and in Africa. It does however practically touch the Arabian Peninsula, and appears to have a lot of influence from that region. It is the only Sub-Saharan African area mentioned in the Bible, so obviously areas outside of Africa were aware of its existence thousands of years ago. I think that region was the peak of Sub-Saharan African culture but I bet they have significantly different DNA to those who did not cross breed with Arabs.
This is another interesting thing we see in the world. When more intelligent races mix with the dumber ones the IQ of the offspring is usually somewhere in the middle. This is why we see African Americans with about a ten point IQ advantage over fully Sub-Saharan Africans, because of all those white chicks that got jungle fever over the centuries. Fun fact, Bob Marleys dad was white. I just found that out this year. Of course the IQ of the mulatto offspring is lower than the whites, so it's still a net negative for the world.
Your video seems pretty fair and it illustrates that there was a lot of outside influence in the area. A lot of the great structures featured in the video come from very late in the Kingdoms history, after they converted to Christianity, which was primarily a religion of the whites. There is even a tapestry that seems to depict a white man in a manor similar to white christian artistry.
The Kingdom seems to have grown from the D'mt Kingdom who were Southern Arabians or Semites. The video you posted mostly consists of drawings because there is not much to look at anymore. Some of those drawings even depict the rulers as being light skinned. Higher IQ Arabs and later Europeans probably had the most to do with shaping that region at the time with the full blacks being used as slave labor as was always the case back then.
So ancient Ethiopia is kind of Sub-Saharan Africa with a lot of asterisks. But look, I think if the rest of the world left Africa alone and just made trade deals that were mutually beneficial and were friendly without mixing with them, they would do alright. An average IQ of 80 isn't too bad. There are some smarter ones there too who can lead and make the decisions and there are plenty of people there that can do manual labor pretty well. That's what I see being the best option for the future of the world. Everyone has their place, some will do better than others, but everyone will be alright and we can go back to evolving and progressing to higher and higher levels.
(Old Spike)
Still waiting to hear about one good mostly black place on earth.
(Site Moderator)
I'm still wondering why south africas homocide rates fell after the apartheid.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
The Dutch colonized the area in the 1600's when there was practically nothing there. After hundreds of years of white infighting over the region the anti-British whites declared independence and named the country South Africa in 1910. The blacks were always told to stay in their own areas but this became even more official as the country took shape. Looks like things were going pretty well there for a while and South Africa became the most prosperous and safest country in Africa, attracting people and business from all over the world.
Then as jews started pushing nigger rights all over the world in the 1950's things started to get worse, and worse, and worse from a peace and safety perspective anyway. I believe commerce was still strong until the 80's. As blacks wanted more and more access to what the whites had built, crime went up until they were pretty much in a civil war in the 80's. Thanks to the jews the blacks were given everything the whites had spent hundreds of years developing and creating. Since the whites were removed from power in the early 90's the country has been on a relatively quick decline back into African chaos. As you can see in the graph, the murder rate never fell back down to what it was before the niggers started to take over and it's going to keep rising as you can see by the 2020-2021 spike.
I think whites should stay out of Africa and leave the nigs to run their own countries and I think the Africans living in white areas should leave and let the whites run their own countries. But no one wants to be in a black country and everyone wants to be in a white one.
(Site Moderator)
" Since the whites were removed from power in the early 90's the country has been on a relatively quick decline back into African chaos "
Yes, and as you can see in the yearly 90's the homocide rate started to drop when apartheid was winding down. Doesn't add up to what your saying.
There was a sharp rise from 80's to early 90's when whites were still in power. Also doesn't add up to what you saying.
(Old Spike)
I explained that. There was practically a civil war going on in the 80's but part way through the whites in charge conceded to the blacks demands that were funded by the jews. Once the whites had agreed to end apartheid things cooled off and the transfer from white to black control was done in a fairly orderly fashion. Not long after the transfer was complete and the whites no longer had power, a lot of them left the country and the nigs started taking over everything. Soon after that everything started to break down and even without racial tension the nigs just started to be violent towards eachother. Food became more scarce, the economy was collapsing, the power grid is in shambles, water systems are failing, sewage and waste management are breaking down.
Murder and rape are on the rise and are already much higher than anytime before the nigs started fighting to gain control in the 80's. Shits going to get worse and worse unless whitey comes back. Russia is in talks to help them out but it takes a lot of the white mans resources to keep a nigger country even close to first world status.
(Site Moderator)
" I explained that. "
Yes, you've explained when blacks rule, everything goes to shit and when whitey rules everything is good. We can see that doesn't hold up here. Infact the opposite happened from the 80-90's.
(Old Spike)
That's because the jews were financially backing nigger riots in the 80's in South Africa. They do the same thing here in the USA. You can clearly see that before the nigger riots murder was much lower than after the blacks took control in the 90's.