Niggas be Cousin Fuckin


Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

'We given them so many good ideas! That's cultural appropriation! Boo. Blacks. Boo.'


Am I doing it right, there, vinzent?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

No, not really. The white trash incest narrative is a Jewish one. You should know that by now. 


The Jews and niggers are way way way more into incest than the other races. But the Jews keep that hidden from the retarded masses while they flood white countries with these horrible fucks. 


That video is of an Arab Muslim in the English Parliament advocating for legalizing incest as to not be culturally insensitive to the niggers who are taking over. WHAT THE FUCK! Time to get rid of all of them. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Ok. So you're talking about cosanguinity (sang ie. blood) and you're right that it's an icky practice. Biologist here. Even the WHO advocates against the practice of first cousin marriage because of the health risks to offspring, the most common of which is neurodevelopmental..yup, each generation stupider than the last.


But would it surprise you to hear that there's a cultural divide along these lines in Europe also?  Greeks don't do it and Italians do. It's not a matter of strengthening family bonds. Pure and simple the motivation is to keep family wealth inside the family... and to shtoop your pretty cousin of course.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Well the Italians are the niggers of Europe. Humans should not be marrying close relatives for the reasons you mentioned. White countries should not have to fight against niggers over legislation about this. We are not the same and we need to be in separate, well defined areas. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

The more you use the term the more it loses its sting coming from you. It's like a kid with tourettes or something. You kinda remind me of an episode of 1980's TV show 'That's Incredible', where a mom encouraged her kid to burp whenever he wanted. Less cute now cause he was college age. Anyway, I laughed reading what you say about  Italians. It might please you to know that in the 40's and 50's French Canadians considered themselves so badly treated by English Canada that they openly referred to themselves as 'les nègres blancs de l'Amérique'. True story.


I also got a further chuckle from your video when the MP suggested Joe Blow and Suzie Q Tax-Payer pay for 'advanced genetic testing' to make sure it's safe before folks fuck their cousin. Now is when Brits should say a resounding 'no' there, bub. I mean they drew a line at bestiality and folks adapted.. for the most part.

Was looking for a sheep joke but they're all so baaaaaaaaad - 9GAG


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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

lol. That's good to hear. Spiked is all about the chuckles. Nigger used to be a fairly common word just twenty years ago. It is still the niggers favorite word. They say it all the time. White people used to say it without even thinking about it. It was on TV and in the movies and no one was crying. The point is to get back to that. 


I used to live in Montreal and I agree with their self assessment. The francophone's need to finally accept that they lost the war for North America to the Anglo's, and thank god for that. 


I think the jews want to push pedophilia next. They already got sodomy and transexuality accepted and have re-branded pedos as MAP's (Minor Attracted People). Then they will push bestiality. The jews are some sick fucks. They cut off parts of baby dicks and suck on them while they bleed. They need to go.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

You got it from here? This is a great scene.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Great scene but inaccurate. The "niggers" who mixed with the Sicilians were North African Muslims, not sub-Saharan blacks, aka real niggers. They were more like Arab or even Arab/white mixed. 


*From Google

The Moors were a group of Muslim people of African descent who lived in the Iberian Peninsula (modern-day Spain and Portugal) and North Africa during the Middle Ages. The term "Moors" was used by Europeans to describe this group, but it does not refer to a specific ethnicity or race. The term has been used to describe a variety of groups over time, including: 

  • Dark-skinned people

    Beginning in the Renaissance, the term "Moor" was used to describe anyone with dark skin.

  • Berbers

    The Moors were originally nomadic Berber tribes from the Atlas Mountains in North Africa. 

  • Muslims in Europe

    The term was used to describe Muslims living in Europe, such as those in Sri Lanka or the Philippines. 


Whatever happened to the Italians, and Sicilians, they ended up with a lower average IQ than Northern Europeans. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

The French lost the war for North America, sure. But they've got a nice corner of it where French culture and language dominate, and Quebec is easily the prettiest girl at the dance. So how bad did they lose anyway.  As for the war for North America, Americans would also do well to remember their history and all the money and guns France sent up through Louisiana to help fund their little insurgence.  I dunno bub.. Seems to me the French played quite the part.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

We speak English for good reason. The nigs are destroying Quebec. They are fools. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Well. Someone on here would seem to agree with you, and not recorded history, rather consistently.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

It appears so. Don't get me wrong though, I like the French, I just like the English more. The struggles between the white cultures is what has gotten us to where we are today.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

saying "someone" makes it sound like it could be anyone, it's fistlulz, he downvoted at least 5 times in the last 20hrs. downvoted 10 things on wednesday last week. the support he's getting only comes from users we could lose and nobody would notice

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

It's true. I'm definitely the underdog here. The gay left is strong and vocal on this site these days. 

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