had a thought for a while about how the only new users we get. get here two ways. one is someone running youtube account that sees a video of theirs was posted here via youtube analytics. the other is someone google searching the title of video. today that meshed with the possibility of someone from those groups who's not familiar with the site, sending off a complaint to the host of the site and how they're most likely not going to create an account to debate free speech.
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
Saying "all lives matter" or "white lives matter" is considered hate speech.
Hate speech laws are for niggers and faggots.
(Old Spike)
Hate speech laws are for ppl like you :)
(Old Spike)
Yeah, to censor truth tellers. You're right about that.
(Old Spike)
I just realized we need you here, you are the dumb guy the pack can practice attacks on :).
(Old Spike)
Glad to help.
(Site Moderator)
Why do these groups act like animals and resort to violence? tsk tsk Not very civilized at all.
(Old Spike)
Kicking out invaders is a very civilized thing to do. Invading is not civilized. Stop the niggers and jews from invading white homelands.
(Site Moderator)
Well at least in the US it was the white man that brought the black people there. And mind you, they did it in a quite uncivilized manner. Now it's too late go back, you just need to grow up and get along. Let go of that hate.
(Old Spike)
The niggers brutally round up their own to sell to the jews as slaves. The jews brought them to white countries, just like they do today, and they sold them to whites in a civilized manner. Then the whites used them to do low intelligence manual labor tasks.
They are currently murdering and raping and stealing from us at very high rates. They are too dumb to be useful and too violent to keep around to do basic manual labor. They can go back to Africa. The whites have expelled invaders from our lands before, we can do it again.
(Site Moderator)
Ok start tomorrow....
we all know you wont do shit. You'll just sit in front of the screen and complain on the internet.
(Old Spike)
We are trying to do it through diplomacy first. No one wants to have to go to war to get our stuff back but we will if we have to. There is evidence that the tides are turning in our favor. People just voted overwhelmingly to kick illegal niggers out of America. That is also happening in places in Europe. The movement is growing and hopefully we can succeed in a diplomatic way, but no one wants to move back to nigger town, not even the niggers. So we might have to kick them out with force at some point.
Why not advocate for the niggers leaving on their own before it gets too violent? Why not advocate for having a homeland for white people so we don't have to live around niggers tha no one likes? These are the things I advocate for.
(Site Moderator)
And by advocating you mean complaining on the internet?
Or have to taken some actual steps through diplomacy and if so, what are they?
Or are you more like just cheering people to do something about it while you sit on your ass?
(Old Spike)
I clearly remember he said " i am not a racist "
(Old Spike)
What is racist about what I say?
Do you believe there are differences between the races? Or is that racist?
(Old Spike)
Sure. I advocate, spread the message, donate, vote, volunteer, have white kids, live a white life. All things that promote a nice white society.
(Site Moderator)
Yeah, many people vote, have kids and live their lives they see fit, kinda ambiguous....
Who do you give donations to and where do you volunteer that will help get black people out of the country?
(Old Spike)
I donate to people who are spreading the truth and I volunteer at my kids school, almost all white, and other events. The way I vote, donate, choose a wife, raise my children, and live my life is not ambiguous though. I do those things in a way that I believe will improve this country and my life and my families lives. I think having a white country is the best solution to most of the biggest problems we face in America.
I'm not in an active militia or anything like that. I do have weapons and I will defend myself from people who intend to harm me or my family. But yeah, I'm not marching down the streets yelling at people or shooting anyone if that's what you were expecting.
(Site Moderator)
So basically your efforts come down to complaining on the internet and donating to other people who complain on the internet?
Like I said, you ain't doing shit. All talk, no action.
(Old Spike)
We spread truthful information on the internet and in our lives and we live our lives in ways that are nurturing to a good society.
Were the professors at Oxford who wrote the first English dictionary just complaining about how people talked?
Was Galileo just complaining about the Earth not being the center of the universe?
Was Hitler just complaining about the jews?
Can you give me an example of someone who is "doing something" that meets your standards?
(Site Moderator)
" Was Hitler just complaining about the jews? "
Well, this is a good example. Hitler definitely did more than complain. He actually went by what he preached, and did it publically and wasn't afraid to show his face.
If Hitler acted like you, it would have been the equivalent of him writing on the opinion section of the news paper under a fake name. Though he would have been more eloquent in his words than you and might have actually persuaded some people.
(Old Spike)
How many comments and books and talks do you think he had before he became what you think he was?
He started off complaining. Read his book.
Watch this movie I helped produce: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1djxXrOAmgjGZ
Check out the information in the posts I make.
Thanks for not providing an example of someone "doing something". You never have anything real to say. You lefties live in a magical world where things just happen out of nowhere and men are women and niggers are just as good at math as Asians.
(Site Moderator)
Ok so your just taking your time like Hitler did in his youth. Thats fine. There no rush.
" Thanks for not providing an example of someone "doing something". "
Well this started out by you saying that you want to kick black people out of the country.
I was just asking what steps are you taking to pursue your goals. Because my guess is your not doing anything other than sitting on your ass and complaining on the internet. So far you have just confirmed what I thought of you.
Anyone can complain on the internet. Thats what most people with a social media account do. With their own versions of how the world has wronged them and their ideas of how to fix everything. It's not really doing anything. Specially if your doing it here.
(Old Spike)
I'm just living my life, doing scientific research, building new technologies, and raising my kids. I do what I can politically, which isn't much at this point, but maybe I'll do more when the kids move out or something. I'm also spreading information not just "complaining". You just complain and tell people to listen to what the jews tell you to listen to. That's why you can never answer my questions. Your mind is molded jew mush.
This actually started out when I noticed that Spiked had become a lefty cesspool. It was a few weeks before the election and you were all so sure things were going to go your way but they didn't did they? No, and it's because of people like me and the information that we spread and the people that we help fund. That is how things start. We'll have to wait to see how they end but you can see the trends if you're smart.
I just posted a Candace Owens video. Fifteen years ago, when she was just a little niglet, the son of the then-mayor and future Democratic governor Dannel Malloy sent her death threats. She complained. She sued and got a nice little settlement. She complained some more. She was so good at complaining that the jews hired her to complain professionally. She complained about the jews murdering innocent men, women and children, so the jews fired her. She complained. She started complaining on the jewish owned website called youtube. People listened. She just interviewed a US Navy Sailor who the jews tried to kill sixty years ago to try to get the USA to fight a war against Egypt for Israel. They both complained. I complain with them. Learn the truth and join in on the complaining. It's great!
Still would like to know if there is anyone doing anything in your opinion and if you can name them and describe what it is they are doing. Can you?
(Site Moderator)
" Still would like to know if there is anyone doing anything in your opinion and if you can name them and describe what it is they are doing. Can you? "
Well lets start with the minimum of what I'd consider "doing something to further a cause".
Do it publicly. Attach a face and a name to your message and I'll believe your more than a troll.
Professors at Oxford do it publicly, Galileo did it publicly actually challenging the church, Hitler did it publicly, he loved the attention.
Trolling anonymously on a site that's almost dead is a far cry from actually doing something.
Anyway, your comments speak volumes on what kind of character you are and what you do to further your cause.
(Old Spike)
Is there anyone alive today that you would consider is "doing something" and what are they doing?
(Site Moderator)
Strange question.
Pretty much anyone who is trying to accomplish some kind of social / political / artistic / economic / scientific change and be publicly open about it.
(Old Spike)
What does pubically open about it mean to you? Do they have to have a youtube channel or can they just talk to people openly about it?
(Site Moderator)
Lets just say that they need to attach their name to their work.
Not all of them are public figures but anyone can still see who did the work, like in science you can track down the names of the scientists who wrote a paper.
Of course the amount of publicity depends a lot on what they do. If it's political / social change they are after, then of course they should be public about it and be standing behind their message, instead of doing it from the shadow because their too afraid.
Thats the least they have to do. Imagine if politician could remain anonymous and faceless.
(Old Spike)
You can be put in jail until you die for not believing the Jewish lies.
Anonymity is a tool we unfortunately need to use while the Jews occupy our homelands.
One day the shoe will be on the other foot. Then people who believe niggers have the same intelligence as whites and cutting off a kids dick is healthcare and Israel is our friend and the Holocaust was real and Hitler was a crazy man and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself and pooping on guys dicks is love making and so on. They can hide or go to jail.
(Site Moderator)
Even I think she shouldn't go to jail, but it's a very sensitive subject in Germany. Though it was a relatively short sentence and got just fines before that but she stuck to her story. Grandma had some balls.
Well if your ambitions are stifled by this kinda cases, I don't think you have what it takes. It takes some balls and you seem to lack them. Very typical of internet trolls when put on the spot. All talk, no action.
(Old Spike)
What would I gain by doxxing myself?
(Site Moderator)
The question is rather what are you afraid of losing.
Don't you believe in free speech and being able to say what ever you like?
(Old Spike)
How are you not understanding this? Have you ever heard of a good doxxing story? No, it usually ends in people being swatted, harassed, losing their jobs, being attacked, and so on.
Your thinking is backwards. I believe in free speech but the jews who occupy our governments do not. That is why we have to stay anonymous or face serious issues in our lives. Head off the DOJ Merrick B. Garland is a jew and he doesn't follow the laws of the land. He works for jewish interests.
People who speak truth about the holocaust, even historians, scientists, engineers, get their lives ruined.
At 20 years old this kid was banned from all social media and eventually also from banking, flying, Airbnb, and more. He would not be allowed to work at most corporation if any all. He was doxxed a couple of weeks ago and a jew showed up to his house to harass him so he maced her and kicked her down the stairs, she called the cops and they didn't press charges. Just a few days ago he was arrested for that and is facing jail time.
This Asian guy is also mass banned for his speech.
Kanye West tried to expose the jews and look at what happened to him. The jews took Billions from him and spent Billions destroying him.
This guy runs one of the few white organizations left in the world and he has his members wear masks when they are in public to protect their identities from the jews.
This musician is banned from most of social media and he won't be able to get any good jobs in the music world anymore.
And of course the list goes on and on and on and on. I was banned from youtube when I was commenting about all the jews that Biden was hiring for positions in his cabinet. People get banned and fired for having true covid beliefs. Saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Hunter Bidens was a ban-able offense. The nigger on the supreme court isn't allowed to know what a woman is or what free speech is.
(Site Moderator)
I'm not talking about doxxing, I'm talking about being public about your opinions, like a politician or anyone that wants to pursue social change.
So there are no public far right figure in existence that have the same ideas as you? Or are they all hiding on X under a false name trying to change the world. Well change ain't going to happen if nobody is willing to show their face IRL.
Or maybe youre going to use those white hoods, but I think they've gone out of fashion.
(Old Spike)
I just listed a bunch of public far right people and how their lives are negatively affected by the Jewish rulers. Did you not see all that?
I don't want Jews coming to my house to harass me. Why don't you go public?
(Site Moderator)
" I don't want Jews coming to my house to harass me. "
Well that says it all.
"Why don't you go public?"
About what? I'm not into politics. Least of all American politics, which I think it's mostly a circus.
I have no big grand ideas that I think everyone should follow. Just some general idea like try not to be an asshole to your fellow humans. There enough of that shit going around as it is.
(Old Spike)
But you're being the biggest asshole and advocating for flooding white countries with retarded niggers. Stop being an asshole and tell everyone to just leave the whites alone.
If you tell the truth the jews will attack and harass you and your solution is for people to stop telling the truth. That is also asshole behavior. Stop it.
(Site Moderator)
You're again confusing me with someone else.
I'm not advocating flooding white countries with black people. Why would I do that?
Nor am I saying that you can't say anything you want about the jews.
I've actually being cheering you on to say what ever you want but you pussy out because you're afraid of them.
(Old Spike)
I just don't want to give you my real name. I think that is reasonable. I've provided evidence on why I made that decision and I champion those who step out into the public eye and face the consequences associated with it.
So you don't think there should be a bunch of niggers in white countries?
(Site Moderator)
I don't want your name, I couldn't care less.
I'm just asking how serious you are about you beliefs. Are you just your run-of-the-mill troll hiding in the shadows or are you a man thats willing stand behind his beliefs even when challenged. Like that granny in germany.
" So you don't think there should be a bunch of niggers in white countries? "
I doesn't bother me. In most cases it's because white people brought them there.
All you can do is type on the internet and naively think that makes a difference and some day black people will be shipped back to Africa.
(Old Spike)
Well you can judge me however you want, it doesn't bother me. Call me a troll or a Nazi or a loser or whatever. I'm serious about what I believe but am I willing to go to jail for telling the truth and leaving my children without a present father? No, I'm not willing to do that. In the future when there is more support for my beliefs and my children are grown up, then would I be more public and proactive? For sure.
It's all about timing and strategy. Right now being anonymous is good for most of the real right wing. We just get the truth out and people spread it. We have a few prominent leaders and a bunch of modest ones. That is working for now. I think we will gain majority support when the economy inevitably tanks in the relatively near future.
(Site Moderator)
What would you do if you weren't afraid of going to jail? How would you go about sending black people to Africa?
Also I'm wondering about the timing,...these kinds of groups like KKK have excited for a long time but they never really grew popular among the general public. How will it be different this time around?
(Old Spike)
I would just advocate for the same things but maybe do it on video and post those videos on social media. Same thing lots of people do and are fairly successfully at. Maybe someone would start white only organizations that I could join if that were allowed again. Live in white only neighborhoods if that were allowed. Stuff like that.
The KKK started off very popular. They stopped niggers raping white women very successfully and were loved for it. They were heavily featured in a favorable light in the movie "Birth of a Nation" which was very popular. What you think of as the KKK is what the jews have taught you to think about them. They were completely destroyed, just like all white institutions, and were just a joke that was controlled by the jews to use for propaganda purposes. Even in their final bullshit form they haven't done anything since the 1980's but are still referenced often by people who's minds have been corrupted by jewish lies.
I would definitely like to make a video about the true history of the KKK and other similar white organizations that have been lied about. You can check out Devon Stacks's "Pat-Con" series on rumble to find out a lot about that subject. Here is Part 1:
There are 4 parts totaling about 9 hours of great information about how the jews destroyed white America. Check it out. See if you find any faults in his arguments or his research.
(Site Moderator)
" I would just advocate for the same things but maybe do it on video and post those videos on social media. Same thing lots of people do and are fairly successfully at."
So there are people who do it and haven't gone to jail? So whats stopping you?
You didn't really answer any of my questions so here they are again.
I'm interested how you would start shipping black people to Africa. How do you think you could convince them all to leave, or would it be done by force? Would the government do this, or just the far right? What would you do with the people that resist? Would you kill them? Would you be ready to kill black people if they insisted on living among whites didn't go back to Africa?
Also very interested in the timing how it will be different this time around?
(Old Spike)
Some have gone to jail, some are more careful and have only been doxxed and harassed. All of them are heavily censored and demonetized with no prospects of ever having normal employment again. They have hit pieces run against them, they are threatened with jail, they are banned from participating in society like normal people. I'm not willing to subject my family to any of that.
As far as getting rid of blacks there are several ways and steps to doing that. I think first we would need to elect or install a leader who is aligned with that idea. It's happened before. Then staff the government with like minded people. Then I'd say they could start by deporting all people who arrived or were born here illegally. Shoot, Trump was just elected running on that platform, he won't follow through because he works for the jews not the American people, but the people want those niggas kicked out, and fast. Then we could send all the niggers in jail to some country that says they are virtuous and willing to take in the poor nigs. Cuba did that to the USA in the 80's and many South American countries are doing that to us now. We just need to do that in reverse. Then get rid of welfare and Affirmative Action, the niggers will be broke since they can't compete with whites and Asians, many will leave for other welfare lands but some will stay and resort to crime to get by. We could arrest and deport them like the others. Then with the like 10% of niggers left who are actually decent we could work out a plan to resettle them in Africa and they can build up a country, hopefully. We tried that back in the day with Libera but niggers were too dumb. Maybe the top 10% of nigs could handle freedom though.
So something like that I could imagine being the road map for making the USA great and white again. There would be conflict no doubt but the whites kicked the Arab Muslims out of Europe long ago and many other examples of whites taking land for themselves in history. I don't even think it would be that difficult or expensive. It would actually save the taxpayers tons of money. We just need to get the political will to do it. Again, this has happened before.
You can look into how Israel was created and the Nakba to see how the jews made their homeland less than 80 years ago. See how Haiti went from a white to a nigger country. Lots of examples for you to learn about.
(Site Moderator)
I understand that you have the idea that you'll turn the United states basically to a KKK club by posting on X (and of course here on spikednation) and people will just go along with the message and think it's a good idea but I'm interested in the practical sides of the process. In your last response you still didn't address these.
How do you think you could convince all the black people to leave, or would it be done by force? I'd imagine all of them would resist in one way the other. Just like you would if you were told to move to another country.
What would you do with the people that resist? Would you kill them? Would you be ready to kill black people if they insisted on living among whites didn't go back to Africa?
No doubt there would be many white people who would think this is unjust and start supporting black with this. How would you handle these white people. Could they all be executed for going against United States of KKK.
(Old Spike)
I did answer all that.
There are some books that the Jews have banned that you should read if you can. The Turner Diaries and The Day of the Rope. I can't find anywhere to get them so let me know if you do. The Day of the Rope was written by Devon Stack who made that Pat-Con video I linked above.
Isn't it weird that the left cries censorship when the right wants porn kept out of public schools but they say nothing when certain books get totally banned? It's like the left are the real Nazis.
(Site Moderator)
Nah, you didn't answer my question at all. Just some policies that you'd like to be implemented that would somehow deport millions and millions of people.
(Old Spike)
Yes. Deport them. You have heard of deportations right? You know they are a thing right? You know they happen don't you? Lets do that. Is that too complicated for you?
I think you are a wanna be fed and that's why you want to doxx me and have me say things that could be considered illegal. Why don't you give us your name, address, and a picture of your photo ID and then describe what you think should be done to KKK members, American Nazi's and white supremacists? Or are you a pussy bitch who hides behind a keyboard and complains?
(Site Moderator)
I'm sorry if I'm making you paranoid. Just curious what kinda shit goes in the mind of a racist that's all.
Are you going to start acting all coy now? No need to be ashamed if you do want do kill some black people, I understand that goes with being a racist. Thats like the purest form of racism.
(Old Spike)
I guess I'm not a racist then. That's a great weight off my shoulders. Looks like you are a faggot keyboard warrior though. Good to know.
Continue complaining on the internet and hiding behind your avatar and collection of badges. You're such an accomplished internet complainer. Keep hiding and crying in your moms basement. You obviously can't handle the real world anyway. You might get your feelings hurt.
(Site Moderator)
I'm sorry if I offended you, wasn't my intention.
Can we get back to how you're going to send black people back to Africa? I still have a few questions about that.
(Old Spike)
All good. Just stop asking me who I am and to call for the deaths of people. i'm not going to do either no matter how many times you ask.
"As far as getting rid of blacks there are several ways and steps to doing that. I think first we would need to elect or install a leader who is aligned with that idea. It's happened before. Then staff the government with like minded people. Then I'd say they could start by deporting all people who arrived or were born here illegally. Shoot, Trump was just elected running on that platform, he won't follow through because he works for the jews not the American people, but the people want those niggas kicked out, and fast. Then we could send all the niggers in jail to some country that says they are virtuous and willing to take in the poor nigs. Cuba did that to the USA in the 80's and many South American countries are doing that to us now. We just need to do that in reverse. Then get rid of welfare and Affirmative Action, the niggers will be broke since they can't compete with whites and Asians, many will leave for other welfare lands but some will stay and resort to crime to get by. We could arrest and deport them like the others. Then with the like 10% of niggers left who are actually decent we could work out a plan to resettle them in Africa and they can build up a country, hopefully. We tried that back in the day with Libera but niggers were too dumb. Maybe the top 10% of nigs could handle freedom though."
What is missing from my explanation that you want to know about?
(Site Moderator)
How do you sweet talk this to black people of moving to some shit hole in Africa? Obvious this wouldn't go down with out resistance. Millions of people will not just move because they are told to do so.
So, how would this resistance be dealt with? If you use force, I'm sure there would be all sort of militia group spawning that not only include black people but variety of races that think this is extremely discriminatory.
Would the enforcers of these new laws (that you so desire) be able to use lethal force when someone doesn't comply? Would you be willing to enforce these your self given the chance?
I mean I can see how the Nazis did this with jews. If you didn't comply, you get a bullet to the head, no question asked. It was quite simple brute forcing them into compliance.
I for one would consider this kind of an asshole move. It would cause a lot of death and destruction. Basically civil war on a whole different level.
(Old Spike)
Again, deportations are happening now, all over the world. You can look up how they do them. Are you against deportations in general?
Do you think people should pay taxes? What if they don't want to pay them? Are you for locking people up in cages and separating children from their families if the taxes are not paid? If they don't want to live in a cage or pay taxes are you willing to kill them or pay the government to kill them for you?
As far as talking to the few intelligent niggers who don't commit crimes or take welfare, we can just explain to them that this is not the country for them anymore and they need to leave. We could pay to fly them to Liberia which we already purchased for the purpose of resettling the niggers back in Africa. If they won't go then we lock them up and deport them, in the same way all countries in the world do it today.
Your jew corrupted mind is stuck in WWII. How did the Christians expel the Muslims from Europe? How did the Haitians get rid of the French from Saint-Domingue? How did the Chinese deal with the Mongols? How was Liberia created and who moved there? How did the Egyptians get rid of the jews? There are lots of examples of mass exodus of people from lands. Even Hitler wanted to resettle the jews in Africa, but they decided to declare war on Germany instead. Unfortunately they won by killing a lot of white people and now they get to spread their lies all over and punish people who don't believe their bullshit. It's all very 1984.
(Site Moderator)
" Again, deportations are happening now, all over the world. You can look up how they do them. Are you against deportations in general? "
Yes, I know deportations happen when someone is illegally in the country.
You want to move most (90%) of black people who are legal citizens and have lived for generations in the states back to Africa. Around 50 million of them -10% who are smart.
You are again dodging all the question.
I don't think it's an unreasonable assumption that trying to get rid of millions of people would cause a lot of resistance. I know you live in a fantasy world but you can't be that unhinged that you think people wouldn't be all in arms resisting this. Maybe it helps if you imagine this happening to you. Would you resist?
So naturally I'm curious how would this be handled. With force = lots of death and destruction, or some other way?
How would you handle this and not come out of it as an asshole?
(Old Spike)
backdraft "....but you can't be that unhinged...."
let me predict the future:
Vinzent: "Hold my beer! *insert deranged babble here*"
(Site Moderator)
shhh...I'm trying reverse psychology.
(Old Spike)
Let me know if this helps. We pass laws that make it illegal to be black in the USA, then we deport all the illegal blacks. Does that work for you?
You do know that niggers are coming to white countries from all over the world right? They disagree with whatever about where they live and they leave. We can make them disagree with being locked up for being in the country illegally. Lots of them would just leave since they don't want to face the consequences of breaking the law. We take away their welfare and government jobs, lots will just leave. They can claim economic asylum in your country or whatever. As long as they leave the USA. They can walk to Mexico, lots of niggers walk thousands of miles to be by the whites, they can walk back.
The blacks who stay and are breaking the law by doing so will be arrested. Do you know what arresting people is like? It would be like that. Some niggers would try to kill white people, like they already do. We would arrest them and deport them. We may have to defend ourselves against the illegal niggers but that would be easy.
What kind of resistance do you think the low IQ niggers would use? Try to run a real scenario through your head and explain what you envision happening.
(Site Moderator)
" Let me know if this helps. We pass laws that make it illegal to be black in the USA, then we deport all the illegal blacks. Does that work for you? "
Yes, I know thats what your going for, but I'm not sure you grasp the implications of this. It would be civil war. Do you know what war is like?
Thats why I'm asking, would you be willing to kill black people or anyone that stand by them, because that's what you'd essentially be doing by making black people illegal.
Tell me, would this work for you?
(Old Spike)
I'm not sure it would be Civil War. How many people would side with the Africans? How would that side arm and fund their efforts? The gay left is going to grab some AR15's and keep the welfare checks flowing to the blacks? I have my doubts about that.
(Site Moderator)
" How many people would side with the Africans? "
It might be unimaginable to you but even back during the slave days there were people who sided with black people and did in fact set them free, actually fought to get them free. If that was possible 200 years ago, then what do you think is possible today?
You have to take a reality check and understand that not everyone thinks like you. Most white people see black people, as just....people. It might be a weird concept to you but that where the world is headed.
(Old Spike)
I'm psychic, gotta change my profession, lol
".... take a reality check ....." this or "fact checks" are not within the repertoire of this kind of scum because, you know "who checks the fact checkers".
(Old Spike)
I see. You think the American Civil War was fought over slavery. The jews got you good. It couldn't have been about money and sovereignty, no no no. Here is a fun history lesson about Lincoln from a different perspective:
Back during the slave times niggers were barely considered human and only about 1% of the population had frequent interactions with them. The political will was mostly with freeing them, which was a good idea. They did that and some people who knew nothing about niggers or genetics in general helped them in the same way you'd help save dogs from a bad home. It's like when people get together to free tigers or elephants from captivity. A noble cause but you don't want to release the beasts into the general population. They need to be segregated from society. Like I've mentioned there was a big push to send the niggers back to Africa so the tax payers bought a country, called it Liberia, and gave it the American constitution and built court houses and libraries and a Capitol building, all that stuff. Within a few decades the niggers in Liberia were eating each other, as they do. It is now considered one of the worst places on Earth.
It might be unimaginable to you but slavery was the norm for tens of thousands of years, and guess who ended it? The white man. They didn't just end it in white countries either, they sailed around the world and ended it everywhere. At great expense and loss of white mens lives we destroyed the jewish merchants slave enterprise and stopped the niggers in Africa from hunting down their own to sell off to those jews. The niggers in Africa fought back to try and keep those sweet jew bucks flowing in for what Africans regarded as worthless niggers. Of course the whites were far superior at fighting and were able to crush the nigger slave traders. The niggers owe us reparations for our unbelievable efforts and sacrifice to end slavery and push human civilization a big step forward.
Of course slavery is now coming back, but not in any white countries. It's back in Asia and Africa and this time I don't think the whites should get involved, and were not. There is no political will to go to Asia or Africa and free the slaves there. The jewish media mostly hushes it up but this Temu thing is putting some light on it.
There is a trend toward political will to kick out the non-whites going on right now. I think that feeling will grow. In this hypothetical you asked about, we are saying that a right wing anti-immigrant president is in power and the people want him there. The only people who will be against kicking them out would be gay leftists, and the niggers themselves. I don't think they would put up much of a fight if any. Are you willing to kill white people to stop blacks from being deported from your country?
I have never met, or even talked to online, a person who want's to live by black people. Sure they will say they are fine with black people being around but I can't find anyone, at all, that is willing to or wants to move to a place on planet Earth that is over 80% black. Most people don't want even 10% blacks around them. Not even blacks want to be around too many blacks. No one looks at blacks as just "people". They all look at them as niggers and don't really want anything to do with them in any significant way. White flight is real for a reason.
Hey let me get some fact checks on:
Hunter Biden Laptop
COVID-19 origins
Joe Biden mental state
Putin's failure in the Ukraine
Venezuelan gangs roaming Aurora Colorado
(Site Moderator)
Now I'm sure I'm psychic too. I was wondering if it will be the jews again, and there we have it.
White men ended slavery all around the world just to fuck with the jews :D
Never mind the free labor as long as we can stick it to the jews. Thats hilarious.
Ok, I think I'm done with this.
Somehow with you it always end up with jews. It was the same thing in the last thread. That's the answer to everything but what can you expect from someone thats been watching far right propaganda for years on end.
(Old Spike)
The white man ended worldwide slavery for moral reasons but the jews were running the American and European slave trade operations. If the white man banned gambling it would hurt the jews who run most of the casinos in America. If we banned usury it would hurt the jews who run most of the banks and credit card companies. If we allowed free speech it would hurt the jews who own most of the media and social media and search websites. If we banned porn it would hurt the jews who own most of the porn websites. If we banned football it would hurt the jews who own most of the football teams. If we banned financing foreign wars it would hurt the jews who benefit from most of the wars we fund.
You can fact check me on any of those things if you'd like. The owners of banks, media, football teams and so on are all available online for you to find and check out. You won't because you enjoy living the lie that the jews have made for you but that lie will be exposed, hopefully sooner than later. I think they are getting scared which is why the jews are doing a huge Middle East expansion right now, paid for by white tax payers.
But stick to the point. Are you willing to kill white people to stop blacks from being deported from your country?
(Old Spike)
lol, the amount of "crazy deluded" in this post is hilarious.
(Old Spike)
You're just butt hurt because you're slowly finding out that your whole world perspective is a lie. Learn from it or go cry like the lefty faggot you are.
(Old Spike)
Are you accusing him from rollerblading? :)
Look at his avatar then look at yours, you know he eats you for breakfast right?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
This is getting better by the minute......
(Old Spike)
Hitler, the most popular man in history. So likable too.