But I know a couple people personally who lost their limbs because they couldn't get a family doctor to prescribe medicine. I bet you those people would be willing to get their limbs back at the cost of going into bankruptcy. I know I would. I would rather go into Bankruptcy then losing a leg because I couldn't get a doctor to sign off on meds.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Where did this happen NS. What was the medication. Usually you can go to the ER and sit for 8-12hrs sure, but see a Doctor. Did your friendS not consider doing this when it turned black? Did they wait until neighbors complained about the smell? What.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
it wasn't that they couldn't see a doctor, it's that they couldn't get a doctor to sign off on meds. which obviously means it's diabetics who's stopped taking their insulin and couldn't find a doctor to prescribe ivermectin
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
But there were 2 of them! That's like... 2:1. Surely the family doctor would have seen reason. Plus with ivermectin readily available at the farmer's market the pressure would be on to not lose the commission.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Everyone knows ivermectin is just for horses. Right left wing media?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Restricted to horses?! Nonsense! The intended recipients are right there on the bottle (..jug or whatever).
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Exactly. On behalf of the great sheep of this world, I demand a retraction and public apology for the lies of the Jewish run media.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Literally NOBODY ever claimed that. NOBODY!
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Whats with all the horse dewormer talk then? Why did Walmart have to go to court for not filling Ivermectin prescriptions?
They got a committee together and decided horse dewormer was just funnier. Sheep dewormer was too on point.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I'm telling ya. It's a damn Jewish conspiracy.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
What do you expect? OF COURSE in these "circles" there will be more than 1 example of idiots "knowing better" than established medicine.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Yeah. But didn't they have their own YouTube doctor making the podcast rounds saying he invented mRNA and ivermectin is great. Started off looking like a farmer then bought some suits later on. That guy. Where is he now. Probably bought stock in ivermectin and retired.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
His name is Dr. Robert W. Malone. He's a physician and biochemist. The Jews went out of their way to wreck his life.
He's doing ok and lives with his wife of 45 years on a horse ranch in Virginia.
The real question is what happened to the trillions of dollars that were created during the COVID "pandemic" and why did the Jews start two wars during that time?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
He'll be qualified to tell us if ivermectin is equally effective on horses then.
(Old Spike)
Free health is nice if you have a family doctor.
But I know a couple people personally who lost their limbs because they couldn't get a family doctor to prescribe medicine. I bet you those people would be willing to get their limbs back at the cost of going into bankruptcy. I know I would. I would rather go into Bankruptcy then losing a leg because I couldn't get a doctor to sign off on meds.
(Site Administrator)
Where did this happen NS. What was the medication. Usually you can go to the ER and sit for 8-12hrs sure, but see a Doctor. Did your friendS not consider doing this when it turned black? Did they wait until neighbors complained about the smell? What.
(Old Spike)
it wasn't that they couldn't see a doctor, it's that they couldn't get a doctor to sign off on meds. which obviously means it's diabetics who's stopped taking their insulin and couldn't find a doctor to prescribe ivermectin
(Site Administrator)
But there were 2 of them! That's like... 2:1. Surely the family doctor would have seen reason. Plus with ivermectin readily available at the farmer's market the pressure would be on to not lose the commission.
(Old Spike)
Everyone knows ivermectin is just for horses. Right left wing media?
(Site Administrator)
Restricted to horses?! Nonsense! The intended recipients are right there on the bottle (..jug or whatever).
(Old Spike)
Exactly. On behalf of the great sheep of this world, I demand a retraction and public apology for the lies of the Jewish run media.
(Old Spike)
Literally NOBODY ever claimed that. NOBODY!
(Old Spike)
Whats with all the horse dewormer talk then? Why did Walmart have to go to court for not filling Ivermectin prescriptions?
Walmart case.
(Site Administrator)
They got a committee together and decided horse dewormer was just funnier. Sheep dewormer was too on point.
(Old Spike)
I'm telling ya. It's a damn Jewish conspiracy.
(Old Spike)
What do you expect? OF COURSE in these "circles" there will be more than 1 example of idiots "knowing better" than established medicine.
(Site Administrator)
Yeah. But didn't they have their own YouTube doctor making the podcast rounds saying he invented mRNA and ivermectin is great. Started off looking like a farmer then bought some suits later on. That guy. Where is he now. Probably bought stock in ivermectin and retired.
(Old Spike)
His name is Dr. Robert W. Malone. He's a physician and biochemist. The Jews went out of their way to wreck his life.
He's doing ok and lives with his wife of 45 years on a horse ranch in Virginia.
The real question is what happened to the trillions of dollars that were created during the COVID "pandemic" and why did the Jews start two wars during that time?
(Site Administrator)
He'll be qualified to tell us if ivermectin is equally effective on horses then.
(Old Spike)
This would have been kinda funny in 1992.