YouTube suddenly has a lot of channels and vids in a little corner that are just 24/7 pumping out Donald Trump conspiracy theories - crazy shit about a shadow war - and they are all monetized. 4chan has a huge troll calling himself Q who is supplying the base material for all of this horseshit. This is all new stuff driven by 4chan - see the 4chan simulator video below for more information.
Also, I've noticed a sudden rise of White Nationalist YouTube channels that are rallying around that fucking idiot Faith Goldy - all monetized. But I show Cujo's shiny testicles and I get censored.
Anyway, this video is a bruh warning about tribalism and how it is exploited by the powerful to set us against each other and ruin all of this cool shit we have, like freedom and privacy and stuff.
(Short Spike)
I don't understand how the 4chan conspiracy theories and tribalism are connected through youtube monetization but I'll watch this video and get back to your blurb which hopefully makes more sense afterwards...
(Old Spike)
Sure see if you can connect the dots - has something to do with tribalism. My point is that YouTube doesn't appear to care about demonetizing websites advocating the kind of tribalism and paranoia that only leads to war. None of the shit YouTube is doing to supposedly protect people from extremist content appears to be affecting the extremists, from what I can tell.
You may also be thrilled to hear that I'm considering doing a weekly SpikedNation news show called "SpikedNation this Week".
(Long Spike)
I would view this.
(Short Spike)
The video didn't help, but your additional comment cleared it up.
I don't really have an opinion.
And the news show, I'm interested, just try not to talk about your dogs balls too much.
(Old Spike)
It's not my dog but each show will have a segment specifically about his shiny balls.
(Long Spike)
They were very shiny. And he seemed quite fond of his shiny balls. Did that dog make it through?
(Long Spike)
Historically you can show where concepts like 'all men are equal' come from. The bible has jack shit to do with it. Religion is just another form of tribalism where the message of the tribe changes according to the leaders. Clergy in this case. It's a shame I don't remember the words but the people who wrote the constitution weren't christian in the sense of 'they were catholic or protestant' or so on. They were christian in the sense of that they seemed to believe in some form of creator but theirs was the true creator. Not the blind madman of the bible.
Ok second major topic and the guest is wrong again. Neither communism nor marxism was about 'equality of outcomes' any more than America is about 'equality of opportunities'. The sad reality is just so different from that age old cliche tribalistic viewpoint. 'Our shitty ideology is better than their shitty ideology even though we both are just arranging resources according to our imagined needs'.
Not waiting for the third point.
(Old Spike)
I'm not sure you were getting Brian's point. He was making the same point the Peterson makes. It's just a fact that the values evolved through Christianity underpin Western Civilization. No the founders were not doctrinal and dogmatic type Christians for the most part. But the point is that the inability of Christians to adapt out of their doctrinal and dogmatic tendencies has left our society in a kind of nihilist crisis. It's simply a description of the issue. Neither Brian nor Jordan Peterson really offers much of a solid solution to the problem and they both admit as much. One of them is a Christian and the other one is an atheist. But they both agree on the problem and just starting out with the truth and being honest about what's going on increases the likelihood of finding a solution to the problem.