Jon Bones Jones Vs Brock Lesner


danmanjones's picture

Lesnar can't fight in UFC, he's a roid-head.

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Grothesk's picture

If it's going to make the UFC millions of dollars I'm sure they won't mind looking the other way.  Jones is a cokehead and he still fights.

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

He will make Lesner look like a chump. Lesner has one move and its him charging at his opponent with bruit force to get them down and pummel them. That shit won't work on Jones.

Jones ain't crazy at all to want this fight.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

when lesner gets him on the ground jones will have a bad time

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

Thats what I'm saying. I don't think the Lesnar bum rush will work on Jones. I can't see him getting him to the ground.

But if he does, yes, I agree it could be all over for him. 

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

Heres the fight for those who haven't seen it

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Pontif II's picture

The G.O.A.T. was never a drug addict ! Wait i take that back. That list is long as fuck.

I give him props for how he has been conducting himself over the last few months but he still has some growing to do. He looks like he turned the wagon aroud but he has not proven he can keep the wagon going down the right path. If he does  we could be looking at the UFC's next big money machine.

He is fun to watch fight.

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

Sniffing some coke doesnt automatically make you a drug addict. Besides, those are his demons and are no ones business. This is why I stopped rooting for Cormier, because he wouldn't shut up about it after being so vocal.

Are you not the best at what you do because you like beer or something?

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Pontif II's picture

Beer is like number 3. behind dropping  a healthy duece and getting some who ha.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

jon jones is a piece of shit. you wont find any other athelete in any other sport who has as much video of them purposefully trying to injure a competitor. you can win a fight without ending a career

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

That happens to be a huge problem that I have with him. I still think the oblique kick should be illegal.

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

And I think he purposely pokes peoples eyes.

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester
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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

Too bad he has to give the belt up.Fool got popped for roids again smh

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

it's not a big deal. they fine him 50-60k from the 400k he made from the fight and suspend for 2 years. he only fights once per year. so he gets a year off

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

I think its an automatic 2 year suspension.

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Grothesk's picture

Yeah, UFC can't sweep this one under the rug.  Pissing hot again should be curtains for his career, but Dana has a hardon for this idiot.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

lesner does roid also. let the 2 roided up dude fight each other i say! :)

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