May be forced to unblock people on Twitter.


danmanjones's picture

They're demanding a right to troll the president personally within a privately-owned medium, it has nothing to do with free speech.

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BabyDuckling's picture

Trump says using Twitter is the best way to talk to the American people.  He keeps blocking Media from press briefings and denys camera usage.  The people need to know what is going on in the administration.  When Trump did a 2 part tweet banning Transgenders from the military (without consulting top military officials despite declaring he did) , there was a 9 minute pause for him to finish the 2nd part.  The Military was watching the tweet because thats the way Trump communicates (or fires , or harasses people who work under him).  The military was worried he was about to declare war on North Korea through twitter (this was right after NK launched a supposed ICBM).   So yes , we the people of the United States of America should have access to his twitter.

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danmanjones's picture

Anything the president wants to officially announce via twitter he uses @POTUS. Any bullshit Trump wants to get off his chest he uses @RealDonaldTrump. I think Americans should be able to access @POTUS but not the other one. The other one is more like his own personal gossip column.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

***insert ROFL gif here***

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ekimchua's picture

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Thank you good sir!

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