Tue, 2017-08-01 21:13 — BabyDuckling Corn bin collapses and catches fire in southern Indiana Video of Corn bin collapses and catches fire in southern Indiana I forgot to add a description! 4.7 Average: 4.7 (20 votes)
(dumb cunt)
so did Grandpa make it?
(Short Spike)
unfortunately yes
(Long Spike)
americans are soo corny
(Old Spike)
Michael Bay would be so fucking proud. RIP
(Old Spike)
action starts 1:45
(Short Spike)
Unexpected fireballl...
(Short Spike)
Was curious about what caused that flammable phenomena and found this
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
Corn + fire = popcorn??? Gotta be kernels that popped . . Right?
(Short Spike)
"Corn Bin" Ohhh you mean grain bin.
BTW why can't I copy and paste without using the source button? And spellcheck doesn’t work anymore...
(Short Spike)
why am I getting 2 message boxes when I reply to someones comment?
(Old Spike)
to make it difficult, you need to use the bottom one to reply