Ah yes it’s that time of year again. For some a celebration of the birth of some guy that was really born a few months later where a magical Turkish saint dressed by Coca-Cola comes to your house and puts gifts under a pagan tree that got altered to represent the holy trinity. For others it’s that time of year where you get triple time working a shift at seven eleven. And for many it’s just another day. But at spiked nation it’s an excuse to make an announcement!
So by now many of you would have noticed lawngnome has been kicking names and taking arse with the image gallery. Well, It gets better tumbi is going to have a crack at the gif gallery!
Please give him a warm welcome, or whatever it is you do in these circumstances. If you have a gif you want to see posted feel free to submit it here:
In other news dan has taken care of those pesky Russian spammers, hopefully for good.
So, happy holidays, merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus, have a nice day or whatever the current politically correct term is for the thing you do around this time.
Fucking 2018, Think that was bad? Bend over because I guarantee 2019 is going in dry.
nakey out!
(Short Spike)
Happy holidays :)
(Short Spike)
damn, nice to have good news! Thanks tumbi!
(Site Moderator)
where is Ninja and his galleries? I need him in my life.