Dang Girl

Pantysoaker's picture

Katelyn Ohashi - 10.0 Floor (1-12-19)

do the helen keller, and talk with ur hips

Average: 4 (7 votes)


monkeymania's picture

Old post but Ozzy did a great review of one of her routines.


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danmanjones's picture

This is a sequel

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monkeymania's picture

That is great stuff. The spready slam is Ozzy legend.

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RaiThioS's picture
Beta Tester

Spready slam makes me wince. Bent nail syndrome is no joke.

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beer420's picture

woah, wiki says she's 21 and she weighs 78 pounds....I guess she's like 3 feet tall

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votriminh's picture

that ass too thicc to only be 78 lbs.

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monkeymania's picture

Yeah, I know there's something close to dwarfism going on there but for a chick to have a booty and legs like that, it's mandatory that she have a large rack.

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skeptoid's picture

She's a fucking elf or something.

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ninjzz3.0's picture
Image result for Make my peepee tingle meme
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