he did as good a job as any of the other actors..its star wars not schindlers list..its not supposed to be taken so seriously...is it?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Really liked this video (SWTheory is great) and it does make me want to watch ROTS again.
The writing may have been a little 1-dimensional at times, but Christensen did rather well, taking us from brooding teenager to... you know. :-) Nothing but repect for the guy.
(Old Spike)
he did as good a job as any of the other actors..its star wars not schindlers list..its not supposed to be taken so seriously...is it?
(Site Administrator)
Really liked this video (SWTheory is great) and it does make me want to watch ROTS again.
The writing may have been a little 1-dimensional at times, but Christensen did rather well, taking us from brooding teenager to... you know. :-) Nothing but repect for the guy.