New bodycam footage shows Arizona cops Matt Schneider and Mark Lindsey taze Johnny Wheatcroft 11 times, even in the nuts, on July 27, 2017. Wheatcroft is now suing the two Glendale Police officers for 'excessive use of force and torture'. Wheatcroft, 37, was sitting with his wife, a friend, and his two young sons, aged 11 and 6, in the back when the officers approached his Ford Taurus, saying they observed a seat belt violation.
(3 votes)
(Short Spike)
Police guy going to deathrow he tased a snow immigrant
(Old Spike)
Well, you don't fuck about when cops execute a traffic stop.
Probably the guy has a history anyway, although the name is pretty unusual for a mexican.
(Site Administrator)
cop "stop being a big baby"
wow, just wow.
(Long Spike)
"Don't Tase Me Bro" was a decade ago!!!??? WOW. Time flies. It never will stop making me laugh though.
(Old Spike)
"As officers continued their investigation, a usable quantity of methamphetamine was found within the vehicle."
So a meth head was resisting and got pwned, good.