Now here is an excellent idea if you have to leave your pet or baby in the car for a short time while you're in a shop or running an errand.
My dogs sometimes have to wait in the van when I take them to work so I wanted to install a run-on (a mode where you can leave the engine running whilst the key is extracted from the ignition and doors are locked) device but unfortunately they don't do them for my van. So I have to think of a diy solution now.
(2 votes)
(Site Administrator)
check this puppy out:
looks like you can rig the power adapter cord to run off a 12 volt battery meaning if you have a deep cycle 100ah battery sitting in the back you can have it charge while driving.
(Old Spike)
Yeah, you have to order it with the battery to make full use of it, that means it's about a thousand dollars. I'll think about it, thanks for the link anyway, great find!
(Old Spike)
Oh, that's the point of aircon when it's turned off. Makes sense now.
(Long Spike)
you can get a mini-cooler, cut a hole with a small pipe sticking out, cut another hole next to it and install a small cheap fan, rig it up to run of of batteries, just add ice (or ice packs) ... make sure to leave some kind of note on your window though informing others that the dog is ok...otherwise, it'll all be for nothing