A Trump campaign advisor weighs in on the Ilhan Omar controversy.
My 2c: Conflating all Jews with an apartheid regime doesn't seem like the healthiest thing for Dog's chosen race. It's also a phoney rebuke since 80% of Congress are Christian & Omar landed in hot water for calling out the influence of AIPAC money - it's a pretty standard attack on corruption in politics, not on a race of people.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
Criticising israel and the blind support in the us for israel is not antisemitic.
This guy is just a fucking jewish* cunt that has been called out and has no argument and thus resorted to responding as he did. If someone would have used the same words against a jewish member of congress they would be cucified already.
* he is a jew and he is a cunt, in the good old "alt right fashion" we are suposed to point shit like that out.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
Conflating all Jews with an apartheid regime
Where is this "apartheid regime"?
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
lol you're not serious, but if anyone else is wondering, there are literally two sets of laws in israel, one for jewish israelis and one for arab israelis. marriage law is different of course, but so is property law (eg state land cannot legally be sold to non-jewish israelis, and jewish israelis can refuse even private land be sold to non-jewish israelis, but have no say if a jewish israeli wants to buy land in their area), and so are the laws that govern what public services have to do. just when considering where to build schools for example they have to consider how many jewish citizens are in an area and how far they would have to commute, but not non-jewish citizens. jewish israelis are guaranteed access, but non-jews (arabs) aren't.
(Old Spike)
Unfortunately he is serious. The amusing part of the far right in the US is that part of them are jew hating (like real Nazis) and another appears to be made up of "jew lovers" like fullauto, probably the vast majority of both voted for the failure that sits in the white house.