Mike Wallace gives a decent summary @ 0:45
Here's the rub: Not a single American was charged, indicted or convicted for conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election. DoJ has stated there will be no further indictments.
Here's the funny:
The original account (@kbq2251) who posted the video of Rachel Maddow Crying has been Suspended by Twitter.Spread this video everywhere because Twitter obviously doesn’t want you to see it. pic.twitter.com/Gq6iSYIfMT
— ALX ❌ (@alx) March 23, 2019
(1 vote)
(Short Spike)
0-1:00 still too early think Mueller Probe Is Over
(Old Spike)
DoJ says they will not be recommending any further indictments & no American has been indicted for conspiring with Russia to influence the election. I can't see how anything else really matters.
There's very real evidence of Trump/Kushner corruption but that's another matter & ties into the US policy in the M.East.
(Short Spike)
That does not mean they didnt find anything or he is free because No future indictments are coming up. A sitting president cant be indicted
OLC Office Legal Council " To indict a president via “an unelected grand jury and prosecutor” is “inconsistent” with the framers’ “carefully considered judgment” that it is impeachment or bust. Indictment in office would subvert the “underlying dynamics of our governmental system in profound and necessarily unpredictable ways”.
(Old Spike)
Whether Trump himself can be indicted is another issue. It's up to the DoJ to assess whether the president should be prosecuted for crimes. I don't know how it works but haven't seen anyone in the DoJ mention it so will assume he's in the clear, for now.
(Old Spike)
600+ days, no indictments... funny how it didn't take any close to that long to come to the same conclusion about hillary.
(Long Spike)
Mueller investigation cost $25 million which was covered completely by what they took from Manafort so it cost nothing. Over the same period, U.S. taxpayers paid $90 million for Trump's golf trips alone. There's no way they were getting Trump himself on anything. There seems to have been quite a bit going on around him. More than just a little bit. Regardless, anything under the Mueller report would have been under Trump's pardon power-he will likely pardon Manafort. It's the state charges like the Southern District of NY on Roger Stone that will really carry weight because Trump can't pardon those found guilty on state charges. If you really believe Trump was clean in all of this, you MIGHT be a Trumptard. All in all, it was a pretty witchy witch hunt.
17 months
37 Indictments/Charges (Individuals)
3 Indictments/Charges (Companies)
7 GUILTY pleas
Indicted: Paul Manafort
Indicted: Rick Gates
Indicted: George Papadopoulos
Indicted: Michael Flynn
Indicted: Richard Pinedo
Indicted: Alex van der Zwaan
Indicted: Konstantin Kilimnik
Indicted: 12 Russian GRU officers
Indicted: Yevgeny Prigozhin
Indicted: Mikhail Burchik
Indicted: Aleksandra Krylova
Indicted: Anna Bogacheva
Indicted: Sergey Polozov
Indicted: Maria Bovda
Indicted: Dzheykhun Aslanov
Indicted: Vadim Podkopaev
Indicted: Irina Kaverzina
Indicted: Gleb Vasilchenko
Indicted: Bijan Kian
Indicted: Ekim Alptekin
Indicted: Internet Research Agency
Indicted: Concord Management
Roger Stone indicted
Guilty: Michael Flynn
Guilty: George Papadopolous
Guilty: Richard Pinedo
Guilty : Alex van der Zwaan
Guilty : Rick Gates
Guilty: Michael Cohen
Guilty: Paul Manafort
Over 199 Criminal Charges
(Old Spike)
The futrure is bright, the future is orange......
(Old Spike)
Come die, assholes. This is the hill that was promised.