When will Never-Trumpers admit that their whole justification for not liking him is entirely personal and surface and not related to his loyalty to America or the effectiveness of his policies? Every venture they've ever launched has just been a fucking joke, every insult boiled down to some grade school "you're an ugly poo-poohead".
#Resist is for anti-American dickbags and sore losers. It's for dual-loyalty shitstains who want us to be overrun by open borders. It's for globalist cocksuckers who got their start here and whose main HQ reside here, but no longer need the US, and so have turned coat as "international businesses". This is how Google can justify aiding China in internet suppression. This is how nations lose all meanings, and we devolve into a global set of class system of haves and have-nots. Governments who expect tax revenue from its citizenry who also then no longer pay any loyalty to that citizenry: what then are we paying for? What then are we fighting to preserve? How are we not living times ripe for a revolution?
(Old Spike)
When will Never-Trumpers admit that their whole justification for not liking him is entirely personal and surface and not related to his loyalty to America or the effectiveness of his policies? Every venture they've ever launched has just been a fucking joke, every insult boiled down to some grade school "you're an ugly poo-poohead".
#Resist is for anti-American dickbags and sore losers. It's for dual-loyalty shitstains who want us to be overrun by open borders. It's for globalist cocksuckers who got their start here and whose main HQ reside here, but no longer need the US, and so have turned coat as "international businesses". This is how Google can justify aiding China in internet suppression. This is how nations lose all meanings, and we devolve into a global set of class system of haves and have-nots. Governments who expect tax revenue from its citizenry who also then no longer pay any loyalty to that citizenry: what then are we paying for? What then are we fighting to preserve? How are we not living times ripe for a revolution?