Nathan Rich aka 'Hotpot King' has worked as a credited visual fx techie in dozens of blockbusters [link], speaks & writes Mandarin & enjoys his life in China.
Winston Sterzel aka 'SerpentZA' is a loser in a suit who knows how to monetize ignorance on Youtube by smearing the country he lives in & where his wife was born. His channel is like China Uncensored, minus the funny/satire & Falun Gong boss.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
Yeah I do not trust this bald guy either...
All seems a bit too greate in China from his perspective.
(Old Spike)
this guy is just making stuff up. used to watch serpentza's videos where he'd tour china on a motorbike, talking about life over there. was interesting since i live in a neighbouring asian country. because i watched a lot over a long time, i saw how life for him slowly changed, through gradual government encroachment on the lives of his friends and occasionally himself.
while riding he'd be talking about how someone he knew had gone back to their home country, but when trying to return to china they were refused because while he was gone someone spread a rumour that they had said something critical of the government over social media. another time someone else he knew had sold a property to a chinese person, complete with contract, receipt and everything. a year or so later he tried to leave the country and couldn't, because the guy he sold to had made the false claim that he still owed something like $10,000 to him. guy went to court with the contract and all, and the government (who runs the court ofc) sided with the chinese guy because he was chinese and the foreigner had to hand over another $10,000 just to be able to leave the country. another story was one of his friends who got scammed by a builder. they went to the house, showed the videos and pictures from only a year eariler when it was just finished, and now a year later nothing worked and the walls were falling down. was complete loss.
i remember the smaller things more clearly though. he'd just be walking and talking to camera on a lunchbreak or whatever, and random people (mostly old men) would just start harrassing him. he pointed out the little badges they wore - communist party supporters. over time there got to be more and more, and i remember he was attacked through social media too by people trying to get him kicked out of the country for no specific reason, just "china hating" by pointing out how many surveillance cameras there were around now and stuff like that. eventually he just got fed up with it and left.
i never saw anything more than commentary. there was no "look at all this shoddy workmanship here, china is terrible" it was always just "look at all this shoddy workmanship here. (the end, no opinion)"
this is not just mostly wrong but also poorly argued. "he's saying wealthy chinese are idiots." no, what he said was "the wealthy chinese i met were idiots."
(Old Spike)
Winston said "Of course I've met millionaires & billionaires along the way but I've never had any respect for them because it's new money and they don't know what to do with it & just threw it away on garbage". That statement gives a general impression of the wealthy class in China. Nathan paraphrased it with "he's saying wealthy chinese are idiots." - this is what he's 'saying' - the impression he's giving. It's obvious he's not directly quoting, he's showing how the audience will interpret Winston's statement.
You said he "is just making stuff up" but you haven't debunked anything he said. He showed that Winston is an English language teacher while claiming to "train doctors" and having run a successful IT company, both these claims give a false impression.
(Old Spike)
no. "...respect for them". "them" means the ones he's met, who "...threw it away on garbage." - past tense. he's discussing specific people, not in general. in general would be more along the lines of "i don't respect any of the chinese new money because they just throw it away on garbage."
what's to debunk? this guy hasn't made a case at all. serpentza got started in china as an english teacher, then went on to other things. if this guy or you had watched many of his videos you'd know that because he discusses it. places he used to work, as well as all the moonlighting in all manner of other jobs. wouldn't be surprised if bald guy here also teaches english classes at night to support himself while he gets his day business going. just yesterday i was talking to a guy here who owns a bar, and in the daytime he's teaches english also. is he a fraud too?
(Old Spike)
You said "this guy is just making stuff up" but you didn't debunk anything he said.
You missed the point about what he said about rich Chinese, even after I spelt it out to you. Ah well.
Ultimately I think it's annoying how Winston consistently goes after negative shit & paints an impression of a place that's so shitty & calling himself 'objective'... he's what you call a bullshit artist where I come from. Presenting himself as someone who "trains doctors" is a good example. The guy wears a suit while teaching people how to shake hands and say hello & fronts like he's some kind of medical professional. It's not straight up at all. The guy's a wierdo.
(Old Spike)
You could also make a video showing SerpentZA praising China, it would much easier as there are a ton of clips to choose from.
But that won't get as many clicks.
I find it funny that this video curently has 3.3k dislikes yet all the comments are either bashing SerpentZA or praising how "Un-biased" this guy is. Not a single one calling out his BS or cherry picking comments and twisting them to fit his pro China narrative.
I get why he made the video, what better way to grow your channel than by attacking another thats bigger and has angered your target audience. Hope he dosn't slip up and say something that someone might perceive as negative towards China or he might start to understand why SerpentZA isn't China's biggest fan anymore.
(Old Spike)
From what I've seen on SerpentZA's channel there are far more negative videos than positive ones. Looking at the videos on there just now, there's just 1 out of the first page of ~20 videos that's positive & it prefaces the video with "there are plenty of things I don't like which I'll share in the next video". I dunno how that's "much easier", most of it's plain muckraking.
I doubt he went after Winston to increase his viewership. He doesn't need the money. He does wanna grow his channel it's not really a big ambition of his, more like a hobbie. He also didn't promote this debunk video. He promoted one he did last year that debunked a NYTimes video, pointing out how every part of it was misleading propaganda incl the translations, music, sound fx etc.
(Short Spike)
Id add to this that in the end, from a western point of view, there is quite a lot to criticize China on. He has a unique perspective being from Africa, but his ADV partner is going to really notice China's flaws. Especially coming from Upstate NY like he did.
If he seems negative, its not like there wont be good reason for it. China is not a fantastic place to be. ....yet
(Old Spike)
Have you been there?
(Short Spike)
I have indeed.
(Old Spike)
like i said, that's more recent. there are quite a few videos where he laments how china has changed in recent years.