Undercover Nazi Michael German: Police Inaction Encourages White Nationalist Groups


Pantysoaker's picture
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what happened to all that russia stuff?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I know, right.  Weird how the whole "Trump - Russia" shit up and vanished like a fart in the wind.

What the left fails to realize is that these dime-store NAZIS were born and gained their strength from the very same sort of identity politics they love and have brought to the forefront.

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eh's picture

Oh don't worry, the fact that Trump and his org colluded with the Russians won't disappear as much as you would like it to. It's developing and when it all comes out, the Trump shitshow will be a full-fledged pig shitshow.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Yea, right, sure, and don't forget Hillary Clinton has like a 98% chance of winning the 2016 election.

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eh's picture

Typical. IT'S 2017 MORON. What does Hilary in 2016 have to do with Trump's transgressions? Jesus fucking Christ. Just go with "It's all Obama's fault" or "Fake news" or maybe "Alternative facts." Whatever bullshit you are slinging today. Trump is a pathological liar, suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, and shows clear signs of beyond early-onset dementia. His lies and lack of leadership have made him and by extension this country a laughingstock of the world. People who support this idiot are the worst though. So much in common with people who got suckered at the local fair but refuse to admit it. Truly a sad bunch of people. Maybe you can declare yourself second in command.

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danmanjones's picture

"the Russians"

lol. You people are funny,

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