Let the stupid fucks fight over skin color while the true masters do their dirty bussiness in the background.
Economic slavery is so much better then phisical slavery.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Haha so meoldramatic & pathetic. "He didn't call out X group therefore he's racist"... gimme a break.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
It made sense. I've ask this many times: who were the "many sides" that he referred to? I can definitely name one by his actual name: James Fields, Jr.
So what are these other "many sides" that are to blame? Can you name me one?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
If you're talking about the violence there were many sides. 2 main sides, both with hatred, intolerance & bigotry. Each with several smaller factions within them, some of them were legit racist groups.
Some in the media like Stephen Colbert are trying to say the pro-statue people were all neo-nazis/alt-right/trump supporters, and they are the bad guys. That's just silly not to mention bigoted.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
I've had this conversation 9 times in the past 48 hours and have arrived at the same conclusion after asking this question: what is the body count of Neo-Nazis and the KKK compared to the body count of "Antifa" and counter-protesters? The best you're going to be able to come up with for "Antifa" (the reason I put that in quotes is because it's barely a group) and BLM is Micah Xavier Johnson, the Dallas Sniper who shot 5 police officers, and there is ample evidence that he mocked Black Lives Matter and was expelled from many facets of their groups for being too violent-minded. On the other hand, the list of victims of white extremism is long and varied, including that of Heather Heyer who died in Charlotte, Virginia, after a white nationalist/terrorist intentionally drove his car into her.
So there are these "many sides" but one of them has a long laundry list of fatalities and the other has none. Seems like when we're talking about the "many sides" and the score is ~50 to 0 then is a bit more to blame than the other.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
People on both sides came armed to the teeth with bats and improvized weapons. If that retard hadn't driven into the crowd that day, people could still very well have died.
If protests goes on like this, people WILL die.
On both sides.
You think this is about a kill count? That's your argument? What is this, sports? War? Get the fuck out here.
It's a bunch of confused hooligans trying to beat the living shit out of eachother for being on the other team.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
"If that retard hadn't driven into the crowd that day, people could still very well have died."..."people WILL die"
I ain't looking for no coulda/woulda/shoulda/maybe. I'm looking at actual numbers that reflect objective reality. A white supremacist killed a white woman because he didn't like her idealogical views. I provided a list above of white racial extremists who have already killed people. I ain't talking woulda. I ain't talking coulda. I ain't talking about no maybe. I'm talking about blood on the goddamn pavement death.
And you're here giving me this "both sides" shit. BLAME THE DUDE WHO FUCKIN' DROVE INTO A GROUP OF PEOPLE. Holy fucking shit, is that too much to fuckin' ask?!
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
And now they want revenge. And they'll get it.
Because there has never been a peaceful ANTIFA protest.
"At any means necessary" is their slogan.
They jeopardize the lives of innocent bystanders when they turn up at peaceful protests instigating violence, while hiding their faces in the crowd.
They turn up to the peaceful protests of people on their own side politically, and start violence and endangers innocent bystanders.
They've even attacked their own if they lose their masks, on several occations.
They're fucking insane, and they ARE PARTLY TO BLAME for what happened last week, since the violence started with THEIR ARRIVAL.
The Nazis, Alt-righters, and KKK members are ALSO PARTLY TO BLAME FOR WHAT HAPPENED.
And of course the driver is to blame for driving into a group of people, you cunt.
But when you are left with no supervision, no punishment, no legal repurcussions for months while using increasingly violent tactics, towards a notoriously hateful and violent group, which has so much history in criminal acts of all types, specifically in the prison system, you will eventually find someone who is willing to do the unthinkable without any respect for human life or collateral damage.
And sending a proud Neo-nazi to prison for killing in the name of their cause is sending them straight to their own version of Valhalla. They'll protect him and reward him until his dying day, which is hopefully really really soon.
And now, other retards like him will see the unstoppable coverage this is making, and they'll be motivated to do the same. Which is how home-grown terrorism works. And they won't have all the facts. They won't know who started. But they know that now all rules are gone. There is no bar to sink below.
All they know is that when crowds gather they can make the headlines by ramming into a bunch of people, no matter what they look like.
The media is saying only one side was wrong in their actions during the protest. Therefore the other side will always be "justified" in their actions. The media's blatant non-mentioning of ANTIFA to this point at any rally or protest that has become violent over this past year, is placing a violent group of aggressors in the position where they are considered "immune" to any legal backlash. (Don Lemon mentioned them on CNN, described them as the rowdy type of protestors where sometimes things get out of hand, which is fucking ridiculous.)
They're simply not held accountable for their actions, and other people are starting to take things into their own hands.
Which makes them incredibly dangerous.
Kill score is not a measure of blame.
Your logic is very Pearl Harbor.
The problem is that when the amount of dead people on one side, overcomes the other with time, does that automatically shift the blame?
Is USA to blame for starting WW2 because they dropped the bomb in retaliation for Pearl Harbor?
Japan still started it. They simply couldn't handle the retaliation, which was still fucked up in every way, but they sure lost that war, and a lot of innocent people needlessly.
How does blame come into that discussion? The blocking of Japanese trading routes at sea? The use of experimental weapons on civilians? The number of dead POWs? The nuclear fallout and its aftermath?
Do you really think with the current state of media, anyone would able to derive any sort of accuracy in such an event, using the same amount of factors, from today's perspective?
Me neither. Because they had shame and remorse.
This generation does not.
Free speech is what lets you argue with these assholes.
Education is what makes you win those arguments, easily.
Empathy is what makes you reach out in order to convince them.
And history is how you remind them what happened the last time they gained power.
(Short Spike)
Let the stupid fucks fight over skin color while the true masters do their dirty bussiness in the background.
Economic slavery is so much better then phisical slavery.
(Old Spike)
Haha so meoldramatic & pathetic.
"He didn't call out X group therefore he's racist"... gimme a break.
(Long Spike)
It made sense. I've ask this many times: who were the "many sides" that he referred to? I can definitely name one by his actual name: James Fields, Jr.
So what are these other "many sides" that are to blame? Can you name me one?
(Old Spike)
If you're talking about the violence there were many sides. 2 main sides, both with hatred, intolerance & bigotry. Each with several smaller factions within them, some of them were legit racist groups.
Some in the media like Stephen Colbert are trying to say the pro-statue people were all neo-nazis/alt-right/trump supporters, and they are the bad guys. That's just silly not to mention bigoted.
(Long Spike)
I've had this conversation 9 times in the past 48 hours and have arrived at the same conclusion after asking this question: what is the body count of Neo-Nazis and the KKK compared to the body count of "Antifa" and counter-protesters? The best you're going to be able to come up with for "Antifa" (the reason I put that in quotes is because it's barely a group) and BLM is Micah Xavier Johnson, the Dallas Sniper who shot 5 police officers, and there is ample evidence that he mocked Black Lives Matter and was expelled from many facets of their groups for being too violent-minded. On the other hand, the list of victims of white extremism is long and varied, including that of Heather Heyer who died in Charlotte, Virginia, after a white nationalist/terrorist intentionally drove his car into her.
So there are these "many sides" but one of them has a long laundry list of fatalities and the other has none. Seems like when we're talking about the "many sides" and the score is ~50 to 0 then is a bit more to blame than the other.
(Old Spike)
People on both sides came armed to the teeth with bats and improvized weapons. If that retard hadn't driven into the crowd that day, people could still very well have died.
If protests goes on like this, people WILL die.
On both sides.
You think this is about a kill count? That's your argument? What is this, sports? War? Get the fuck out here.
It's a bunch of confused hooligans trying to beat the living shit out of eachother for being on the other team.
(Long Spike)
"If that retard hadn't driven into the crowd that day, people could still very well have died."..."people WILL die"
I ain't looking for no coulda/woulda/shoulda/maybe. I'm looking at actual numbers that reflect objective reality. A white supremacist killed a white woman because he didn't like her idealogical views. I provided a list above of white racial extremists who have already killed people. I ain't talking woulda. I ain't talking coulda. I ain't talking about no maybe. I'm talking about blood on the goddamn pavement death.
And you're here giving me this "both sides" shit. BLAME THE DUDE WHO FUCKIN' DROVE INTO A GROUP OF PEOPLE. Holy fucking shit, is that too much to fuckin' ask?!
(Old Spike)
And now they want revenge. And they'll get it.
Because there has never been a peaceful ANTIFA protest.
"At any means necessary" is their slogan.
They jeopardize the lives of innocent bystanders when they turn up at peaceful protests instigating violence, while hiding their faces in the crowd.
They turn up to the peaceful protests of people on their own side politically, and start violence and endangers innocent bystanders.
They've even attacked their own if they lose their masks, on several occations.
They're fucking insane, and they ARE PARTLY TO BLAME for what happened last week, since the violence started with THEIR ARRIVAL.
The Nazis, Alt-righters, and KKK members are ALSO PARTLY TO BLAME FOR WHAT HAPPENED.
And of course the driver is to blame for driving into a group of people, you cunt.
But when you are left with no supervision, no punishment, no legal repurcussions for months while using increasingly violent tactics, towards a notoriously hateful and violent group, which has so much history in criminal acts of all types, specifically in the prison system, you will eventually find someone who is willing to do the unthinkable without any respect for human life or collateral damage.
And sending a proud Neo-nazi to prison for killing in the name of their cause is sending them straight to their own version of Valhalla. They'll protect him and reward him until his dying day, which is hopefully really really soon.
And now, other retards like him will see the unstoppable coverage this is making, and they'll be motivated to do the same. Which is how home-grown terrorism works. And they won't have all the facts. They won't know who started. But they know that now all rules are gone. There is no bar to sink below.
All they know is that when crowds gather they can make the headlines by ramming into a bunch of people, no matter what they look like.
The media is saying only one side was wrong in their actions during the protest. Therefore the other side will always be "justified" in their actions. The media's blatant non-mentioning of ANTIFA to this point at any rally or protest that has become violent over this past year, is placing a violent group of aggressors in the position where they are considered "immune" to any legal backlash. (Don Lemon mentioned them on CNN, described them as the rowdy type of protestors where sometimes things get out of hand, which is fucking ridiculous.)
They're simply not held accountable for their actions, and other people are starting to take things into their own hands.
Which makes them incredibly dangerous.
Kill score is not a measure of blame.
Your logic is very Pearl Harbor.
The problem is that when the amount of dead people on one side, overcomes the other with time, does that automatically shift the blame?
Is USA to blame for starting WW2 because they dropped the bomb in retaliation for Pearl Harbor?
Japan still started it. They simply couldn't handle the retaliation, which was still fucked up in every way, but they sure lost that war, and a lot of innocent people needlessly.
How does blame come into that discussion? The blocking of Japanese trading routes at sea? The use of experimental weapons on civilians? The number of dead POWs? The nuclear fallout and its aftermath?
Do you really think with the current state of media, anyone would able to derive any sort of accuracy in such an event, using the same amount of factors, from today's perspective?
Me neither. Because they had shame and remorse.
This generation does not.
Free speech is what lets you argue with these assholes.
Education is what makes you win those arguments, easily.
Empathy is what makes you reach out in order to convince them.
And history is how you remind them what happened the last time they gained power.