Antivaxxer protesting sensible decision


boldfart's picture

Whith this  and Merkle's open invitation to  repists and thieves , Germany is doomed!


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Please explain why Germany is doomed when insisting on vaccinations and also " Merkle's open invitation to  repists and thieves"

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boldfart's picture

T he Qerman people that are against vaccination  can undermine the health program.  Willful self-distruction!. If you cannot work out the rest, then it is not worth while explaining it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"T he Qerman people that are against vaccination  can undermine the health program.  "


You probably meant "German"?


How can they "undermine" the health programme? 


I would actually like to "work out the rest" but can't as I cannot find any indicators of which of Merkel's (if this is the person you meant, the german chancellor?) invitations is enabling rapists (if this is what you meant?) and thieves. Like in verifyable data, you know. 

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