
daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

One of the few times the alt right approves of nigroes....

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Who is "the alt right"?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You tell me, according to a comment of yours quite a while back, you are "definitely alt right" but even you can't tell us how the term is defined. Or can you, or tell us what you mean by this?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

So you don't know then.  Figures.  I'm going to guess you would agree that "alt-right" is interchangable with "white nationalist".  Using that popular definition I am not in anyway "alt-right".  I don't recall the comment you are referring to where I labeled myself "alt-right" and if I did it was likely when the term first appeared in popular culture and it's meaning was still being parsed.  But I digress.


White nationalism, as some wish to apply it to the US, is a fucking retarded fantasy.  I don't give a damn what you look like.  If you believe in and support the principles set forth by the Deceleration of Independence and US Constitution (which includes the Bill of Rights) then you are alright with me.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

white nationalist would be part of the the alt right. they go to the same parties.


"If you believe in and support the principles set forth by the Deceleration of Independence and US Constitution (which includes the Bill of Rights) then you are alright with me."


i think what you meant to say is that you're alright with people that have the same interpretations of those documents. people could believe in and support the principles.... but think the 2nd amendment means only militias should have guns. and i doubt  you would be alright with someone like that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I would like to know, the term is used way too broad to agree with anything other than the alt-right is simply the far right minus religious attachments. I don't know where it starts or stops. The term is almost as broad as "leftist" on the other side of the political spectrum


"White nationalism, as some wish to apply it to the US, is a fucking retarded fantasy.  "


No it is not. It just cannot be generalised. Probably the proportion of "white nationanlists" within the US and the UK population is way higher than in other countries, though.



Nice dodging and diverting, did you go learn from the biastoid?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Charge the little assholes with assault and deport the illigal back home.  There, an easy solution to two problems.

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NoToucH's picture

The father is a coward if he lets himself and his family get shot by some bb gun wielding losers and not do anything about it. Also why inmediatly fucking cry infront of the camera, americans love to cry infront of the camera huh even fucking ufc fighters, pathetic, even if its sad for that family. So much annoying bullshit in one video.


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