The reason for all the violence has been nailed down. Video game violence and mental illness is the cause of all of the mass murderers here in the US. The fact that they exist in many other countries and they don't have mass murders like we do here notwithstanding, the violence highlight reel that Trump presented, shown here, has incited the ire of the powerful video game lobby and there will be hell to pay in the next election. Video games and mental illness are the real causes of mass murders, not the proliferation of guns. Gun grabbers need to be shot!
You have to love Trump playing his game while he is the hero of White Nationalists. Pure gold.
(2 votes)
(Short Spike)
Blaming violence in video games isn't going to do jack shit. We have an entire culture of medias that idolises "high body counts". Whenever a movie, game, TV show or whatever story wants to make a character look "badass" or "cool" they make that character effortlessly kill a large number of "enemies". Just think of any of the major 90's action movie blockbusters. And this hasn't stopped. Our entire entertainment industry is guilty of that because that's what people want to watch or play.
You also have the problem of the rise of echo chambers on the net that can put people into some serious and extreme delusions.
To a sick and socially isolated mind this can give the delusional impression that committing a mass killing of what they are convinced is "the enemy" is an admirable thing to do. Now how do you tackle that problem is up for debate. But I know for sure that just pointing at only one media as being the cause is only a shitty political move to give the impression that you are doing something.
However I do agree with identifying people who show red flags and not allowing them to have weapons. How they will be able to achieve this however we will see.
(Old Spike)
To stop violence, he proposes the death penalty. He wants to kill people who play video games. He wants to tag people who play violent video games as a red flag so they can convince a jury to let them kill the gamer?
(Long Spike)
Triggering video gamers is even more dangerous than triggering Trumptards...