This is Christopher Cantwell who was at the Charlottesville race rally. He's been oppressed so much that he's on the verge of tears and there is a warrant out of his arrest because he may have incited a riot.
Cantrell interviewed by Vice News the day before the above video was released: https://news.vice.com/story/vice-news-tonight-full-episode-charlottesville-race-and-terror
Or watch the Vice News video right here on SpikedNation.com: http://www.spikednation.com/videos/vice-charlottesville-race-and-terror-22-mins-long
Business Insider overview to put things in context: http://www.businessinsider.com/why-people-are-furious-with-trump-charlottesville-white-supremacist-vice-video-2017-8
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
What a coward.
Can someone please explain what makes him a "terrorist"?
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
Yeah, that would make the video a lot more comical if every time he stopped to sniffle it showed him screaming the things in the VICE video.
(Old Spike)
"This is Christopher Cantwell who was at the Charlottesville race rally. He's been oppressed so much that he's on the verge of tears and there is a warrant out of his arrest because he may have incited a riot."
First off, just to shut down your bullshit before you get started, this guy's ideology is fucked and goes against everything outlined in the Constitution. OK. We clear on that? Good.
That being said, he is being oppressed in so much as alt-left facist have decided they will use violence to prevent him and his group of fellow morons to march for whatever dumb fuck reason it is that they want to march for.
This guy's group has done everything that was required of them to march. They were wrongfully denied and like he says, the American Civil Liberties Union came to their defense and got a court order allowing them to march.
If he wants to call himself a NAZI and allign himself what what NAZIS believe then that is his right to do so under our Constitution. Now if he violated the law beyond that then that is a different matter, but as best as I can tell, it isn't his size showing up to the marches of other groups with bats and masks to assault people with a different point of view. If anyone is inciting a riot then it's the fucking Communist ANTIFA fucks.
Then there is matter of the police being told to stand down because the politicians who were forced to issue the permit for the march were pissed that they lost and figured they'd let ANTIFA do their dirty work for them.
What you may not realize Grothesk is that you and these ANTIFA punks you agree with are only going to make the problem worse with this bullshit. If you know anything about ACTUAL WW2 history, you would know that Hitler came to power in part because Communist thugs were doing exactly what ANTIFA are doing now.
(Short Spike)
Hitler rose to power because Germany was in severe economic depletion post ww1. German citizens were in the worst depression in its history. His demagoguery won the desperate people over especially since in early speeches (rise to power) he incorporated a target group to blame. This helped bolster a socialist movement. A national socialist movement. You are the one spewing bullshit to corroborate your own bias narrative. Hitler also admired Mussolini since fascism was a proven mechanic to hold control after procured. This also inspired his famous failure of the Beer Hall Putsch by Mussolini's march on Rome during his rise to power era, which in turn got him more attention and arrested. Hitler helped the German people rise from squalor to conqueror, but at a great price. Control by force and fascism eventually corrodes the fabric of your own society and also leaks violence to foreign ones. There are signs of it today and you got to be a goddamn super retard to not even blink right at its source.
(Long Spike)
Unfortunately for you I DO know my history, FullAutoGal. I would just LOVE to see where all this resistance was to the rise of the Nazi Party from The People; certainly you can find me a reputable site (that DOESN'T have links to articles about how white people are losing their power or the bright side of Hitler) to back this up because that would be fairly easy to find...right?
There was very, very little resistance to the rise of the Nazi Party. Intellectuals were essentially cowtailed and berated while anti-Jewish and anti-"other" rhetoric went unchallenged. We've learned our lesson and this shit IS getting challenged. My grandfather fought Nazis in the Italian mountains in WWII and if he were still alive he'd say, "of course you have to slap these fools when they get ballsy with this kind of speech."
I look forward to seeing you absolutely DESTROY me with a link to the great and violent resistance to the Nazi Party in their early stages, up to 1937, let's say.
(Old Spike)
"Unfortunately for you I DO know my history, FullAutoGal." - Check your cis white male privlidge and please stop assuming my gender, bigot.
"I would just LOVE to see where all this resistance was to the rise of the Nazi Party from The People" - That's my point dick head, there might have been more if not for the fact that the NAZIS could point to the violent Communist thugs and claim they were needed to stop them. You see you keep looking back on history knowing what the NAZIS would eventually become. The whole point is that violence and extremism on one side leads to more violence and extremism on the other side.
If you are seriously concerned that relatively small group of guys carrying torches is a threat then you're just as stupid as they are. If you think they will be weakened by a mob of violent Communist beating them in the streets then you certified retarded.
This not Weimar Germany, Mr. "I DO know my History". Your asking about the people resisting the NAZIS then is entirely irrelevant. There is no danger in letting these fringe fucks have their march and mocking them from a far. They are NOT real NAZIS. They have no political power and never will here in the US because they are so fucking fringe and wave the flag of a mass murderer.
You know who else waves the flag of a mass murderer? ANTIFA. Yet here you are glorifying them and supporting them because they're attacking NAZIS.
"; certainly you can find me a reputable site (that DOESN'T have links to articles about how white people are losing their power or the bright side of Hitler) to back this up because that would be fairly easy to find...right?" - Unfortunately for you I won't, because I'm not playing your pointless game. I know you desperately want to jusify the lawless vigilantism of ANTIFA by pretending 2017 America is no different than pre-NAZI Germany, but it simply IS NOT.
"There was very, very little resistance to the rise of the Nazi Party." - YES! AND! AND! AND the NAZI part was aided in their rise to power by Communist thugs who gave people a reason to support the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
""Intellectuals were essentially cow-tailed and berated while anti-Jewish and anti-"other" rhetoric went unchallenged." - And you think a group of flag waving masked Communist showing up to start a riot would have stopped Hitler?
Obviously you don't know your history. You see Hiter had his own personal group of thugs called the Sturmabteilung, literally meaning Storm Detachment, which functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. Do you want to see a version of that pop up here? Those so-called NAZIS went through the proper channels to have their rally. ANTIFA showed up out of nowhere to suppress their speech.
"We've learned our lesson and this shit IS getting challenged." - Sure, challenge them all you want. Speak out all you want. I'm not telling you to keep your mouth shut. What I'm saying is very simple yet I reazlise very difficult to get through that thick fucking skull of yours. ANTIFA IS THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE NAZI COIN. These wanna-be NAZIS are claiming the white race is under assault. Well guess what it looks like when a mob of masked communist show up and do exactly what the NAZIS are claiming? It looks like they're fucking RIGHT.
My grandfather fought Nazis in the Italian mountains in WWII and if he were still alive he'd say, "of course you have to slap these fools when they get ballsy with this kind of speech." - Then your Grandfather would be have been a dumb ass just like you. And since he's dead and can't speak for himself, I'm going to assume he would have said no such thing and you're simply hiding behind his memory to prop up your own stupidity.
I look forward to seeing you absolutely DESTROY me with a link to the great and violent resistance to the Nazi Party in their early stages, up to 1937, let's say.
I have just DESTROYED you.
(Long Spike)
FullAutoGal said: I have just DESTROYED you."
"There is no danger in letting these fringe fucks have their march and mocking them from a far."
So your argument is simultaneously that no one resisted the Nazi Party in the 1930's and yet they rose to power...so we shouldn't resist these people now? Let me tell ya: I'm certainly DESTROYED by this logic in that it makes no goddamn sense and is making me go cross-eyed.
FullAutoGal said: And you think a group of flag waving masked Communist showing up to start a riot would have stopped Hitler?"
It sure as hell it doesn't hurt. Your argument is contradictory and makes no sense at all. "Grothesk, no one resisted the Nazi Party so there is no point in resisting now?" What?!
FullAutoGal said: "certainly you can find me a reputable site (that DOESN'T have links to articles about how white people are losing their power or the bright side of Hitler) to back this up because that would be fairly easy to find...right?" - Unfortunately for you I won't, because I'm not playing your pointless game."
Well, of course you won't provide any backing information. I mean, obviously. This is the modus operandi of the right. Why back up your opinion with facts and actual history when you can just emote endlessly about it? Your opinion is good enough, let me tell ya. I'll do your homework for you and provide this summary of information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_resistance_to_Nazism Note that it states there was not unitifed nor heavy social or even political resistance against the Nazi Party...which is why my argument of the Nazi Party should have been opposed makes sense your argument of "sit back and do nothing" sounds like the babbling of a fuckin' idiot who doesn't know history OR has another agenda at play.
FullAutoGal said: You know who else waves the flag of a mass murderer? ANTIFA."
Uhhh, link or source on that? Or is that just your opinion that you offered with absolutely no backing? It seems to me that Fox News or Graven McCrunnis would have reported upon that at some time or another. Can you name me a single fatality of "ANTIFA"?