tut tut tulsi


sato's picture

making shit up in order to prevent people from saying they don't support a foreign state? none of these politicians are stupid they know what they're saying aren't arguments against what they're claiming, they're just bs-ing cover for being bought by israel.

first time i'm glad she's out.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

shes the poverty version Sarah of Palin

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danmanjones's picture

she's a write-off for going along with ZOG on this

to throw free speech under the bus for a foreign state is unforgivable.

Not to mention she's a fucking war monger who votes for all the military spending bills & pretends Iran is trying to develop nukes for the sake of her career.

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Maxpower's picture

Pretty sure most people who want to vote for this chick only want to because they want to fuck her.

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