China has for years engaged in forced human organ harvesting from prisoners like Uygers. It has made for "Organ tourism" where human organs needed are bought by reps for rich people needing transplants. Pretty sick.
An independent people’s tribunal has unanimously concluded that prisoners of conscience have been—and continue to be—killed in China for their organs “on a significant scale,” after a year-long investigation.
(16 votes)
(Long Spike)
What the hell did people think happened to those people who don't reappear from 'reeducation'? Too many useful organs to be used for the people.
(Old Spike)
The milosevic trial that this same guy headed was a kangaroo court and this tribunal is even more ridiculous. Bring on the 5 star ratings. Never mind looking at the veracity of the accusations.
(Long Spike)
I just wanted to see what your response as the champion of China would be. I'm sure there's nothing to it and it's all lies, a hoax, and a witch hunt. No way China has been doing it for years anyway.
(Old Spike)
You are the one making the claim here, a claim that rests on shaky grounds. It's par for the course with you as a champion of RussiaGate.
This tribunal hasn't even released their final report and yet you present the most far reaching allegations as fact.
What is it they say about people repeating the same mistakes?
(Long Spike)
Like I said, I just wanted some comments from you, so I could get a handle on the truth. It's obviously just all unfounded claims without even a hint of evidence whatsoever.
(Old Spike)
Maybe in a few weeks when I'm back home & bored with life again I'll get into it. You'll have to allow some grey area though - the idea that it's either all true or all untrue is pretty silly. The tribunal is laughable but there are some nuggets of truth in the accusations, from what I can tell. The FG were executed in high numbers in the 2000s & some had their organs transplanted & timed for convenience - that part seems true based on what I've seen but PRC says the practice has stopped & I've not seen anything compelling to suggest it still goes on today. Executing political prisoners in high number is not something I could defend, regardless of my position here as the reigning, defending, heavyweight China Champion.
The trouble is that PRC has a level of opaqueness in their judicial system that makes it vulnerable to this kind of slander. It's their fault to a point that this kind of shit sticks.
(Long Spike)
Dinminjones, we are still waiting for you to "get into it". You have been putting up your pro-China 50 cent party posts, so what's the problem.
(Old Spike)
Given the conditions in China and the status of the individual tell me why powerful interests with the means to do so wouldn't harvest peoples' organs to make lots of money or to save important party members and whatnot? Why wouldn't they?
(Old Spike)
It's hard to explain to you how "powerful interests" work in China. Essentially there is just 1 powerful interest that matters & that's the central government. Businesses there know the score & fall in line. It's the opposite of how things work in the "free" world. There is corruption but it's being reduced & mostly has been in the military procurement side of things.
The decision whether to recycle organs would not be based on the money, it would likely more be ethical & opinion related. Foreign opinion does matter to the CCP and so I doubt this practice exists any longer, if it ever did. There is some circumstantial evidence that it was being done around mid 2000s towards the end of the Falun Gong crackdown but the evidence is pretty thin. Almost all of it comes from Falun Gong sources - this is a group that's esentially an anti-PRC media organisation. FG receive funding from foreign govts - Canada & USA primarily - to paint China in a bad light & has put out all sorts of crazy stories in the past with plenty of motivation ($$) to do so & no practical punishment for being caught lying. This could be yet another crazy FG story or there may have been some truth to it. I doubt we'll even know.
(Long Spike)
These aren't far out allegations.. The whole world has had an eye on it for 10+ years, waiting to get more evidence and let things leak out of the locked up, backwards ass, sneaky and "clever" China.
They've taken Falun Gong Organs, but suddenly stopped and we all need to believe them now?... lol You as a citizen there wouldn't hear a peep about it.
Keep sucking that CCP dick.
Do you get paid by the 50 Cent Army by chance?
(Long Spike)
From December 2018, “The Tribunal’s members are all certain – unanimously, and sure beyond reasonable doubt – that in China forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims.”
There was a 2nd tribunal meeting in April 2019, and then this one just last week.
(Long Spike)
"PRC says the practice has stopped & I've not seen anything compelling to suggest it still goes on today." - the reigning, defending, heavyweight China Champion.
It's all hogwash accusations. PRC all day every day yo.
(Long Spike)
That was weird, agree? I wish I got more screenshots. He was a little angry... even admitted to being triggered, called one of us little shits and got all admin crazy. Saying we don't have free speech and we can't criticize china. And then would correct/edit it all nice and "oh, I didn't say nothing bad."
Fuck me i guess for being careful.
(Long Spike)
I saw this link on reddit, the Bodies Exhibit was supplied by China.
Actually, if I remember correctly, that disclaimer was one of the first whiffs we got of it.
(Long Spike)
I still don't see the problem.
Government ran country, which is how the liberals want the USA.
Government sees way to make extra money... they use it. Hmm, socialism at its prime.
If you are not using something, share with others right?
These guys are just wasting their life in prison forever, so spread the wealth.
Thought this site with all its leftists would back this idea full heartedly.
Why are you against it?
Also, if you are against it, why are you not against abortion?
Planned parenthood does this shit every day about 300 times.
So, I am not shocked or appauled this just scaled up from infants to prisoners.
(Long Spike)
I'm for it. I just enjoy the stable genius comments.
(Old Spike)
Abortion sucks and this sucks as well. The problem isn't only that prisoner's still have a right to their lives, the problem is also that a lot of people are in prison only because of what they think and say against an oppresive government. They're not only getting rid of the opposition, they're making money with it. I guess ultimately the problem is that the rest of the world is actually buying those organs.
(Old Spike)
To be fair, if you need a heart. The waiting list will outlive you, and your assistant shows up with one ready to go. You'll take it. We all will.
Lets keep our focus on growing them so this filthy market shrinks.
(Long Spike)
Undercover Footage of Falun Gong prisoners.
China really doesn't like crossfit huh?
(Long Spike)
Lies and biased reporting.