Message from a republican


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Much of this message can also be applied to (too?) many of our dear muslim moderates. 

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danmanjones's picture

"The country that defeated Hitler's armies is no place for Nazi flags"

I don't think Trump wants to talk about Russia to be honest.

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phanto's picture

I agree with some of what he says. But not to that the line between good and evil is made between left wing and right wing. That cut happens on each sides, at the extremes of the spectrum. 

Saying that only the far right is wrong gives moral justification for the extreme left wing idiots who will unjustifyably call anyone who disagrees with them "nazis"/"racists"/"sexist" and use violence and threats against them to silence their differing point of view. This practice is just as unacceptable as nazism.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Of course the far left is bad, but this is not the topic. The message was: "if you are part of a demonstration where nazi flags are waved you are not there for the fun of it but because you share the ideology." 

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phanto's picture

And that I agree with and I don't even understand why the other protesters there even tolerated the racist group's presence. Especially since they keep saying that they are not racists and only want to keep the statues up for historical reasons. 

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