Cybertruck vs F-150 Tug of War

GKhan's picture

Tesla Cybertruck vs Ford F-150 Tug of War | From Cybertruck event

No surprise here but fun to watch.

Cybertruck: Estimated weight of 2,700 kilograms (6,000 lb) and estimated horsepower as high as 775 HP. 

F-150: Weighs up to 2,300 kilograms with a max of 395 HP (V8 version).


It will be interesting to see how the electric F-150, Rivian ($69K) and Bollinger ($125K) stack up. The one thing Tesla really has going for it is the price ($39K-$69K). 

Average: 4.3 (4 votes)


phanto's picture

To be fair that was more of a challenge of who had the most traction and they stacked the deck even more to their advantage than should have been necessary.


The F-150 was lighter and was apparently set to 2WD. On top of that the bed was empty so there was almost no weight on the two wheels to which the power was being sent to. It was like shooting a fish in a barrel. I strongly doubt the F-150 would have won even if it was set in 4WD but they never gave it a fighting chance.



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stokkebye's picture

You could weigh it down all you want, 775 hp will win no matter what you do!

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phanto's picture

No. It is not about how much power you have, it is how much power you can put to the ground. If your 775 hp truck only takes 200 hp to break traction and spin its wheels the remaining 575hp don't count. All you need is to put enough weight in that F-150 for it to have more traction than the other truck, maybe fit it with fatter tires for a larger contact surface patch with the ground, put it in 4 Low and watch it pull away slowly while the other truck spins its wheels helplessly. All the F-150 needs to do really is have more power than the other truck can put on the ground before it breaks traction, which it does.


You could even beat that 775 hp truck with a 100 hp Toyota Yaris if the Yaris was on dry pavement and the truck was on ice with summer tires for the same reason.

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GKhan's picture

Technically you are both right as the formula is based on mass and friction. And of course this competition was curated to favor the truck. A fair fight would be interesting to see. Tesla's having amazing traction control and loads of torque. I am sure it would still win, but would it be able to keep the 0-60 time under 5 seconds? 8) 

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monkeymania's picture

Saudi money is pouring in for them already.


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GKhan's picture

LOL. This is awesome but I think you meant the eco-terroists are big fans.

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