Sorry about the shitty mic quality. I need to invest in something new since my nice headset took a shit on me, leaving me to record with earbuds. No matter what, the next episode will sound better.
Sorry for the sexy tone. It was pretty late and I was being courteous to someone who was asleep.
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
That's wierd about Trailer Park Boys. I took Monday off work to watch the last 2 seasons & looked up Mike Smith who plays Bubbles. Ricky & Julian are the other 2.
(Long Spike)
That opening. bahahahaah!
(Long Spike)
Yes! Excellent improvement on the opening.That was good.
(Site Administrator)
(Short Spike)
Are there really only 14 people commenting? Or is that just an exaggeration? What is the lurker to commenter ratio?
Im not sure I agree with pushing original content, SH and SN has always been powered by comments and the discussion on existing videos. Original content should be rewarded, but the main focus should be on the comments section which right now is a shitshow. The comment system needs to be re-worked to allow people to actually read the discussions, it's very unintuitive right now, people are replying to comments knowing their comment will be posted right below the previous one, but if someone actually does it the correct way and hits the reply button on an existing comment, and a mile long discussion is created from that, it can push a comment down to the bottom of the page where at this point if someone reads it it's completely out of context.
There's also no indication so what comment is a reply to what. I generally have to align up my mouse with the edge of the box and scroll up so see what the comment is refering to. Reddit has thew same issue, but they use guidelines and have a 'parent' link. This site has nothing to help with that.
(Old Spike)
I agree it's the comments that drive the site. Reddit is a good example - it uses grey lines to keep track of the reply chain.
Spiked has less horizontal space to work due to the navigation area on the left but if the comment area is tightened up a bit we should be able to get 10 or so replies until it got ridiculous.
I don't have much of an issue with the comment layout myself, my biggest issue is with the main site navigation. I'd prefer that it was just a static link so we can use the browser back button to flip back to the Recent section. It could also show on every page instead of just the homepage.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
Seriously though, I've been mulling it over. I'm thinking fuck it, we're all late 20's/early 30's now, let's go all in on politics. I kinda started my own podcast and can post it here to jolt discussions.
You gotta remember, Spikedhumor was when Web 2.0 launched. Spiked Nation launched with Web 3.0. We're entering Web 4.0 soon. Original content has gotten rather predictable and stale. And the algorithms are taking over. We can break that by posting our own shit up here, and turning this into a network of crazy people with crazy ideas.
And ditto on the opening. Great remix!
(Site Administrator)
Thank you for the props now quit being a hold out and post your podcasts man. Support your local Spiked Nation!
Knew I heard that tune before...
(Site Administrator)
Good find! What you are hearing in the podcast is an authentic vintage department store music tape from late 70's early 80's.
(Short Spike)
Is that why I have a sudden urge to purchase hot pants and feather my hair?
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
@SpikedLegend, I figured it was a cheap knockoff of a classic song.
The song I posted is the song I listen on the radio growing up.
Where I live, they take hit songs and re-arrange them so they would work in french.
And it sucks, man. It sucks real bad.
The real sad thing about it is that those translated songs where the "mainstream" music of the days.
So it's the music that people remembers when reflection back, instead of the "real" music that real artists did.
Imagine america remembering Britney Spears more than Aerosmith.
Fortunately things changed over the years and the last of these travesties I remember seeing is this one.
(Site Administrator)
So bizarre!
(Site Administrator)
Thanks you guys. I'm super proud of this new opening and am making it permanent aside from a different video clip to precede it each episode.