

danmanjones's picture

This video doesn't mention that Iran signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1968 & has never been found to have breached it. The "secret" sites disclosed in 2003 were not in breach of the NPT because no nuclear materials had been introduced to them & they weren't for weapons.


The US National Intelligence Estimate of 2007 found that Iran had no nuclear weapons program at all. Mossad agreed with this finding.


Stuxnet was introduced by overly paranoid Judaic terrorists & was aimed at causing a nuclear meltdown. The way it was introduced was a total stab in the back of the NSA.


Israel, India & Pakistan have never signed the NPT but all have nuclear weapons. Cooperating with those treacherous bastards on nuclear weapons prevention shows how low the US has sunk.

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lawngnome's picture


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stokkebye's picture

Funny pictures

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lawngnome's picture

UFO's are Electric Wheelchairs infected with Stuxnet?

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