Happy Australia Day Avi Yemeni

danmanjones's picture

Avi Yemeni arrested for abusing his wife

The Fashion Police nabbed the 'Ozraeli' manlet for wearing his mum's jeans in public. 


His arrest is a gross violation of muh free speech.

He was innocently trolling crowds at Australia Day looking for material that he could take out of context & post to his bigoted Youtube fanbase. 


Who's Avi Yemeni? (link)


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stokkebye's picture

If you claim you are a muslim can you legally beat your wife and claim it as religious practice?

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danmanjones's picture

why, are you thinking of converting?

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stokkebye's picture

Islam is right about woman!

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danmanjones's picture

Fascinating. Got anything to say related to this post?

You're a fan of Avi Yemeni's I presume?

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stokkebye's picture

Who the hell is that?

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