This is the only video about the recent Wang Liqiang story that I could find. Where is 60 Minutes?
Australian media was flooded with his bullshit story 2 months ago, then he disappeared shortly afterwards when ASIO pushed through anti-spy legislation.
Wang's story even made it onto spikednation...
Unfortunately people tend to jump the gun & get pretty irrational when it comes to certain topics, as seen in the 2nd comment below...
A video posted here, showing he was convicted for fraud in China, was ignored & deflected by local China Bad cult members...
A video posted here, showing he was convicted for fraud in China, was ignored & ridiculed by local China Bad cult members...
The "spy", Wang Liqiang, is now on the hook in Australia for a fraud cases in Shanghai that I mentioned 2 months ago...
(Old Spike)
Why does this even matter?
ASIO trotted this clown out to primetime media to suppress public resistance to new draconian measures they wanted to introduce. With enough fools in Australia believing this psyop, introducing the new bill was smooth sailing...
So the Aussie spooks have new powers to prevent foreign interference, so what?
This is naive thinking. They use these kinds of powers to go after people who threaten the establishment. It happened a lot in Australia & NZ during the cold war, people were targetted who had nothing to do with the USSR on the phoney claim of being communists & by extension in bed with Russia - environmental activists, investigative journalists, etc. were surveilled & in some cases harassed or worse.
Australia got played by their government.
(Old Spike)
sato, you there mate?
You had plenty to say on your original post but now you've gone all quiet...
(Old Spike)
hmm... still no comments from any local cult members. Interesting.
(Long Spike)
LoL. With all the Pro-Chinese shit you constantly post........You know what they say about pots and kettles.
I personally know people that work in Canberra, for the Australian goverment. They know they are getting spied on by China (among other countries, but China's spy network is both invasive and aggressive).
When you can't take your phone into the same room you are having a meeting in because a certain foreign country has hacked your bloody personal phone (and the information there in ,of course). And any government worker/diplomat sent to China has their phone hacked before leave the airport terminal at their destination.
Fucksake danmanjones.....You used to post up some awesome shit.
(Old Spike)
I'll keep what you said in mind. You should just click on the stuff you're interested in & ignore the rest. Pots & kettles concept doesn't apply here IMO. I don't post xenophobic disinfo. Nor do I insult people for disagreeing.
Yeah they have spies in Aus & Aus has spies there, that's what countries do. That airport story sounds like BS. Why the hell would a diplomat hook an unsecured phone into the internet at an airport?
Having draconian measures introduced on the back of this kind of disinfo is something that actually me personally & the weirdos who supported it here can't even man up & admit it was bullshit.
I don't constantly post pro-China shit. 99.9% of the China shit I post on here is dealing with disinfo. I can count on 1 hand how many pro-China posts I've made here. The 2 hospital ones, a lightshow one & one about a horticultural festival. If you think this post is pro-China you're missing the point.
(Old Spike)