Reality Sucks


lawngnome's picture

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lawngnome's picture

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danmanjones's picture

lol. Bet you're luvin this haha.

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lawngnome's picture

Like I said, We smelt ya from a mile away.


Thanks for being just one of us and not using that power to your advantage...   NOT







Again, We are not your subjects.     You are lame AF, and a tryhard with tactics and an agenda.

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danmanjones's picture

don't be a drama queen.

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bannik's picture
Discord user

Yes Glorious leader


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lawngnome's picture

Don't delete stuff that you don't like/dissagree with.

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schenobi's picture

I hate what this site has become

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Evulva 1's picture

Sites fucking lame.

If it's not the troll soaker's garbage slinging it's this stupidity 

Reddit it is I guess

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monkeymania's picture



Guys, just skip debating dinmin. Feeding the brainwashed troll isn't good. Let him debate himself. I don't post on here anymore and until just now, ignored his posts and comments. All he does is edit his comments to fit his narrative of the moment. When he removed my post because he didn't agree with it and it obviously bothered him, this site went off a cliff because who knows what he is letting on here? It's possibly just bullshit under his autocratic message control. What a difference from what it was.


He's a pro-China goon. Everything from him praises the glorious CCP and everything else is bad and the fault of everyone but China. He's insidious, bogus, and foul. I'll just lurk on here and go back to ignoring his bullshit. I highly recommend doing so.


Spiked dinmin Nation is dogshit. Spiked Nation has some good content to offer.

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lawngnome's picture

I bet Nathan Rich is part of the Thousand Talents Program.

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monkeymania's picture

Title of video has been mysteriously edited. It was "Video Deleted By Danmanjones" posted after Dinminjones removed it froma comment section because it bothered him.


I wonder how that happened?

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lawngnome's picture

What a tool.

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lawngnome's picture

Commies gonna commie with their commie tactics.

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monkeymania's picture

dinmin has really taken a big step. Now he is using his editing rights to control what is posted on here. It's a whole different site now. Waiting to hear from Nakey on it. I don't know if dinmin owns the site now or what the story is.

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lawngnome's picture

Get ready to be talked down to, while Nakey pretends he doesn't know really whats happening & tries to wash his hands of anything.   :  )

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