Sony to take moneygrubbing to new heights


Dagambit's picture

The description confuses me, because all this shit "microtransactions" started on PC. 


2nd, this is a stupid fucking patent. game magazines and youtube will never let this resource ever thrive. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

This is exactly what is wrong with microtransactions.


I can accept that they are lucrative, and sometimes they help fund continued development of a game. Which isn't cheap.


Where I draw the line is P2W or being beaten over the head with their advertisements everywhere I look.


If I made a game. I would have cool cosmetics, but the shop is just an option on the menu. I would even have a "Hide shop" check box in the settings for the crowd that really hates them.


Being harrassed by cortana or some shit is just absurd and a lazy excuse for consoles (EDIT) Game companies at large to stop evolving their gameplay model.

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