The Scottish in me demands to know how much of a discount?
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
so if you haven't got corona wearing a face mask will not help. infact wearing a face mask will provide a nice warm and moist environment for the virus to take hold. because this prime area is smack on the T area of the face there is a better chance you will get it.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
What the fuck are you talking about? You sound retarded, please stop spreading this bad advice. Masks DO work if wearing the right one and fitted properly and you take it off properly. You need an N95 or higher mask that seals to your face and when you take it off you do so by the straps so you dont touch the mask with a concentration of the virus on it. I keep mine in a zip lock bag with the date and place used marked on it, I leave it out in the sun as that is natures disinfectant and I wait 9 days as that is the max this virus can survive on surfaces.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Anti-viral surgical masks work almost as well as N95 ones for people in close contact with virus-infected people. For wearing out in public to go to shops or whatever they're probably both about the same.
The effectiveness of the anti-viral mask is backed up by my biologist friend who just got back from being qurantined in Beijing & then self-quarantined in Thailand fo 2 week to get back to NZ. She knows a lot about it. Plus science [link]
Incidentally we have 6 cases now & have imposed a 2 week self-quarantine rule on everyone who flies here starting from tomorrow. The 6th case is a worry... could be our first cluster.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
i'm talking about the fact that these same face masks provide a warm wet environment that is great for the corona virus to grow. good thing it's on your face when it does because if your the type of person that adjusts their mask every now and then before washing their hands (because that's a really good place to pick up the corona virus) you have a better chance of being infected.
it doesn't matter if it's a surgical mask N95 higher, if you have something nasty on you hand and decide to adjust your mask for some reason before washing your hand it's now on your mask.
so yeah i will give out this advice and it's not retarded in the least. the retards are the countless people walking around with surgical masks thinking they are now impervious to all known forms of disease. ya think they put on and take off their masks in the correct fasion? no, they fuck with it all day after playing with the atm, cross walk buttons, and whatever else they can touch. these are the people that will only help corona spread. so why don't you help out and go inform them of how retarded you think they are.
fucking 9 days in the sun, do you ever get a chance to wear it? what happens if it rains do you start again? have you ever had one of those situations where it's go time and break that thing out in a hurry only to taste bird shit? i sware if i was you next door neighbour i'd grab that thing out of the tree or where ever you keep it, use it as a box and go play cricket for a few hours then put it back. nah fuck that i'd just pay a homless dude to jerk off into it.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Viruses dont "grow", you're thinking of bacteria. God damn dude, learn some science! I keep it sealed in a ziploc bag and put it in the sunshine on my counter. I have about 20 of them, so I rotate them. Dude, I've been preparing for this for the past 2 months. I use disposable gloves to take it off, directly into the ziploc bag and hand sanitize the shit out of my hands afterward. BTW all it take is ONE virus to make it into your lungs and you are fucked. Now when the shit really hits the fan and/or I have to take care of a family member who is sick, I have tyvec suits with hoods and booties, real deal respirators and goggles, along with plastic sheets for the walls and floors to make it easy to disinfect the room and fans for the windows to create negative pressure room. I know my shit my dude! Back in college I took care of a house for people with mental disabilities and some had deal with some nasty diseases from being in state hospitals back in the 70's when they all got shut down. I've had training in disease preventions and sanitation. I took college courses in emergency medical techniques as well as biology and had training in the military as an Infantrymen were we learned about field medical treatments. Plus I watch science videos and read science books and science journals for the fun of it. I have been following this virus since it was first reported in China back in Dec or Jan.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I stopped licking door handles recently. Apart from that, I haven't done shit.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
Oh no, no no, i'm not arguing anymore. my goal now is wailing on you and sunlight like a sledge hammer to a circus tent peg till ya just go and quit. Hell i’m even switching to word for this and opening a few beers.
Man for a while i thought you were sending your facemasks on a dreadlock holiday but you lock them up in plastic bags. That’s not nice, you should at least give them a little sand and water, maybe access to a cabana boy so they can order drinks. Oh and have some chill out music playing in the background like cherish by Madonna and stuck with you by Huey Lewis and the news.
I have an idea! You should open business and call it “stokkebye’s house of anal bleaching”. Yeah, people come in, drop their dacks, and sit in specially constructed chairs with their coits presented to the sun god.
“How long does the process take mr stokkebye?”
“Oh, just keep your date pointed skyward for 9 days or so and, oh wait let me put a plastic bag over it so it doesn’t get wet. Remember to keep your feet in the stirrups. I’ll be around every day or two to rub in some essential oils. Would you prefer lavender, chicory, coconut or new car?”
“I herd you have sandalwood”
“We used to do incense but people kept getting burned when the stick got low. That and well, we lost more stubs than you’d think is possible.”
You’re probably so high tech the special chairs are on sun tracking lazy susans so all of those big brown eyes look on at sol lovingly and get maximum exposure. As a gift to the community you should always have someone out the front so people can use them like a sun dial and tell the time. Say that reminds me, do you supply sun shades so people don’t receive rectal damage during increased solar activity. If you’re going for economy you could break a pair of sunglasses in half. Then you can stick the temple of each piece in a different persons arsehole. Just make sure you leave it out in the sun for a while after they’re done so it gets disinfected.
Ya know, as a side business you could let people in the back and have them hand over cash for a bag of marbles to throw at all the arseholes you have sprouting out of the ground. Give out prizes for direct hits and call it the back 9. Get it? Cause they are there for 9 days and it’s in the back door, literally. Sorry, i couldn’t quite work in a good golf reference there but had i been able to it would have been a hoot.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Holy fuck you sound retarded! Im sorry about your condition, I had no idea till now. I wont be so hard on you anymore, ok bud! Also, its ok for you the feel the need to be defensive about this situation, some can handle it and some cannot, some cope and adjust and adapt better than others, I feel sorry for you my man, you will get through this! It'll be ok, someday. You got three stages of emotion you need to work through: denial, violently oppose, then acceptance. You got just ONE more step then you can start to think survival. You see, what we are experiencing in real time is what we call natural selection, those that read the signs and heeded the warnings prepared early on, like 2 months ago, those that failed to act, well lets just say thats natural selection at work!
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
Say, do you label those plastic bags so you don’t get mixed up? you should give them cutesy names like bobby and Clara not 1 through, wait, how many did you say you had? who cares. Anyhoo how about cool names like “Bane” or “MC face huggins”. For sexy time with the wife you could label one “the strap-on” or two with “his” and “hers”. Yep, that was a segway, and OMG you’re going to love this:
I can picture your wife sitting in the kitchen with a cup o’ tea and a sullen look upon her brow when her friend enters stage right.
“Whatever could be wrong Ms stokkebye you should be very happy? I hear tell that the new anal bleaching business is doing incredible well and with the carnival setting up shop next door you would be making a fortune from the, what is it you call it, The back nine game? I can’t say i approve of that part as i have been passing marbles for the last few days but your husband said that he would give me 10c discount on every marble i return when i come for my next bleaching session. The best part is because i was out in the sun for so long he told me i was disease-free.”
“i am happy it’s just that last night stokkebye and i were, well.” Ms stokkebye says as she glances out the window “As you know i had a bleaching done and we were trying it out. We were using my rear entrance if you know what i mean. I asked him to clean himself off and i would give him a blowjob finish but, he just walked out” she starts crying and points out the kitchen window. “he’s been there with his pecker in the sun for the past 4 days disinfecting it”
“What’s the magnifying glass for?”
“He’s making sure the suns rays are focused small enough to hit the target. I’ve told him he can just come in and wash it off. He won’t stop and keeps burning his legs and testicles. His left nut looks like it’s had a blowtorch taken to it, there’s no hair left.”
“Look, he’ll be back in a few days and you two can take it from where you left off. Besides that potential law suit where the carnival people accidently nailed a tent peg in that mans pooper was dropped.”
“That’s the thing, now the carnival is suing that man because they want the peg back and the proctologist can’t find it.”
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Of course I label them, with the date and place I went to in case there is a confirmed outbreak there or something like that.
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GKhan (Old Spike)
wow, in the end they're really giving that guy a good talking to.
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phanto (Short Spike)
I'm curious though. Many medical tools and accessories are reusable if properly sterilized in between uses. If they are washed for long enough with a strong enough bleach solution, would there even be a problem with reusing them?
Considering that there are shortages of masks all over the world, wouldn't it be a good idea to reuse masks if they are properly sterilized in between uses?
Although I must admit that this particular operation definitely does not scream "Sterile environment" to me.
(Old Spike)
The Scottish in me demands to know how much of a discount?
(Site Administrator)
so if you haven't got corona wearing a face mask will not help. infact wearing a face mask will provide a nice warm and moist environment for the virus to take hold. because this prime area is smack on the T area of the face there is a better chance you will get it.
(sounds retarded)
What the fuck are you talking about? You sound retarded, please stop spreading this bad advice. Masks DO work if wearing the right one and fitted properly and you take it off properly. You need an N95 or higher mask that seals to your face and when you take it off you do so by the straps so you dont touch the mask with a concentration of the virus on it. I keep mine in a zip lock bag with the date and place used marked on it, I leave it out in the sun as that is natures disinfectant and I wait 9 days as that is the max this virus can survive on surfaces.
(Old Spike)
Anti-viral surgical masks work almost as well as N95 ones for people in close contact with virus-infected people. For wearing out in public to go to shops or whatever they're probably both about the same.
The effectiveness of the anti-viral mask is backed up by my biologist friend who just got back from being qurantined in Beijing & then self-quarantined in Thailand fo 2 week to get back to NZ. She knows a lot about it. Plus science [link]
Incidentally we have 6 cases now & have imposed a 2 week self-quarantine rule on everyone who flies here starting from tomorrow. The 6th case is a worry... could be our first cluster.
(Site Administrator)
i'm talking about the fact that these same face masks provide a warm wet environment that is great for the corona virus to grow. good thing it's on your face when it does because if your the type of person that adjusts their mask every now and then before washing their hands (because that's a really good place to pick up the corona virus) you have a better chance of being infected.
it doesn't matter if it's a surgical mask N95 higher, if you have something nasty on you hand and decide to adjust your mask for some reason before washing your hand it's now on your mask.
so yeah i will give out this advice and it's not retarded in the least. the retards are the countless people walking around with surgical masks thinking they are now impervious to all known forms of disease. ya think they put on and take off their masks in the correct fasion? no, they fuck with it all day after playing with the atm, cross walk buttons, and whatever else they can touch. these are the people that will only help corona spread. so why don't you help out and go inform them of how retarded you think they are.
fucking 9 days in the sun, do you ever get a chance to wear it? what happens if it rains do you start again? have you ever had one of those situations where it's go time and break that thing out in a hurry only to taste bird shit? i sware if i was you next door neighbour i'd grab that thing out of the tree or where ever you keep it, use it as a box and go play cricket for a few hours then put it back. nah fuck that i'd just pay a homless dude to jerk off into it.
(sounds retarded)
Viruses dont "grow", you're thinking of bacteria. God damn dude, learn some science! I keep it sealed in a ziploc bag and put it in the sunshine on my counter. I have about 20 of them, so I rotate them. Dude, I've been preparing for this for the past 2 months. I use disposable gloves to take it off, directly into the ziploc bag and hand sanitize the shit out of my hands afterward. BTW all it take is ONE virus to make it into your lungs and you are fucked. Now when the shit really hits the fan and/or I have to take care of a family member who is sick, I have tyvec suits with hoods and booties, real deal respirators and goggles, along with plastic sheets for the walls and floors to make it easy to disinfect the room and fans for the windows to create negative pressure room. I know my shit my dude! Back in college I took care of a house for people with mental disabilities and some had deal with some nasty diseases from being in state hospitals back in the 70's when they all got shut down. I've had training in disease preventions and sanitation. I took college courses in emergency medical techniques as well as biology and had training in the military as an Infantrymen were we learned about field medical treatments. Plus I watch science videos and read science books and science journals for the fun of it. I have been following this virus since it was first reported in China back in Dec or Jan.
(Site Moderator)
I stopped licking door handles recently. Apart from that, I haven't done shit.
(Site Administrator)
Oh no, no no, i'm not arguing anymore. my goal now is wailing on you and sunlight like a sledge hammer to a circus tent peg till ya just go and quit. Hell i’m even switching to word for this and opening a few beers.
Man for a while i thought you were sending your facemasks on a dreadlock holiday but you lock them up in plastic bags. That’s not nice, you should at least give them a little sand and water, maybe access to a cabana boy so they can order drinks. Oh and have some chill out music playing in the background like cherish by Madonna and stuck with you by Huey Lewis and the news.
I have an idea! You should open business and call it “stokkebye’s house of anal bleaching”. Yeah, people come in, drop their dacks, and sit in specially constructed chairs with their coits presented to the sun god.
“How long does the process take mr stokkebye?”
“Oh, just keep your date pointed skyward for 9 days or so and, oh wait let me put a plastic bag over it so it doesn’t get wet. Remember to keep your feet in the stirrups. I’ll be around every day or two to rub in some essential oils. Would you prefer lavender, chicory, coconut or new car?”
“I herd you have sandalwood”
“We used to do incense but people kept getting burned when the stick got low. That and well, we lost more stubs than you’d think is possible.”
You’re probably so high tech the special chairs are on sun tracking lazy susans so all of those big brown eyes look on at sol lovingly and get maximum exposure. As a gift to the community you should always have someone out the front so people can use them like a sun dial and tell the time. Say that reminds me, do you supply sun shades so people don’t receive rectal damage during increased solar activity. If you’re going for economy you could break a pair of sunglasses in half. Then you can stick the temple of each piece in a different persons arsehole. Just make sure you leave it out in the sun for a while after they’re done so it gets disinfected.
Ya know, as a side business you could let people in the back and have them hand over cash for a bag of marbles to throw at all the arseholes you have sprouting out of the ground. Give out prizes for direct hits and call it the back 9. Get it? Cause they are there for 9 days and it’s in the back door, literally. Sorry, i couldn’t quite work in a good golf reference there but had i been able to it would have been a hoot.
(sounds retarded)
Holy fuck you sound retarded! Im sorry about your condition, I had no idea till now. I wont be so hard on you anymore, ok bud! Also, its ok for you the feel the need to be defensive about this situation, some can handle it and some cannot, some cope and adjust and adapt better than others, I feel sorry for you my man, you will get through this! It'll be ok, someday. You got three stages of emotion you need to work through: denial, violently oppose, then acceptance. You got just ONE more step then you can start to think survival. You see, what we are experiencing in real time is what we call natural selection, those that read the signs and heeded the warnings prepared early on, like 2 months ago, those that failed to act, well lets just say thats natural selection at work!
(Site Administrator)
Say, do you label those plastic bags so you don’t get mixed up? you should give them cutesy names like bobby and Clara not 1 through, wait, how many did you say you had? who cares. Anyhoo how about cool names like “Bane” or “MC face huggins”. For sexy time with the wife you could label one “the strap-on” or two with “his” and “hers”. Yep, that was a segway, and OMG you’re going to love this:
I can picture your wife sitting in the kitchen with a cup o’ tea and a sullen look upon her brow when her friend enters stage right.
“Whatever could be wrong Ms stokkebye you should be very happy? I hear tell that the new anal bleaching business is doing incredible well and with the carnival setting up shop next door you would be making a fortune from the, what is it you call it, The back nine game? I can’t say i approve of that part as i have been passing marbles for the last few days but your husband said that he would give me 10c discount on every marble i return when i come for my next bleaching session. The best part is because i was out in the sun for so long he told me i was disease-free.”
“i am happy it’s just that last night stokkebye and i were, well.” Ms stokkebye says as she glances out the window “As you know i had a bleaching done and we were trying it out. We were using my rear entrance if you know what i mean. I asked him to clean himself off and i would give him a blowjob finish but, he just walked out” she starts crying and points out the kitchen window. “he’s been there with his pecker in the sun for the past 4 days disinfecting it”
“What’s the magnifying glass for?”
“He’s making sure the suns rays are focused small enough to hit the target. I’ve told him he can just come in and wash it off. He won’t stop and keeps burning his legs and testicles. His left nut looks like it’s had a blowtorch taken to it, there’s no hair left.”
“Look, he’ll be back in a few days and you two can take it from where you left off. Besides that potential law suit where the carnival people accidently nailed a tent peg in that mans pooper was dropped.”
“That’s the thing, now the carnival is suing that man because they want the peg back and the proctologist can’t find it.”
(sounds retarded)
Of course I label them, with the date and place I went to in case there is a confirmed outbreak there or something like that.
(Old Spike)
wow, in the end they're really giving that guy a good talking to.
(Short Spike)
I'm curious though. Many medical tools and accessories are reusable if properly sterilized in between uses. If they are washed for long enough with a strong enough bleach solution, would there even be a problem with reusing them?
Considering that there are shortages of masks all over the world, wouldn't it be a good idea to reuse masks if they are properly sterilized in between uses?
Although I must admit that this particular operation definitely does not scream "Sterile environment" to me.