NYC Mass Burial


Needless_Kane's picture

The Holocaust - Wikipedia

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monkeymania's picture

Arbeit Macht Frei

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Maxpower's picture

It's ultimately the state's responsibility to provide for the people in their domain. NY didn't prepare for an imminent crisis, even though they were warned they may be short on ventilators for such an incident as far back as 2006. But I'm sure this is Trump's fault. Somehow. Some way. Because it always is for these lunatics.


I don't care whether you like Trump or not, but you can't deny that his presidency has really drawn out the loonies in the media, in Hollywood, and maybe in your own personal life. It's really exposed the maniacal, frothing at the mouth bias that you always suspected was just below the surface of all these seemingly "compassionate", "tolerant" liberals. A worldwide pandemic is just an opportunity to them. They are complete sociopaths.

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monkeymania's picture

Much more concerning is the psychopathic entity of Trump's cult followers who swear he, as their dear leader, is telling nothing but the truth despite the fact that he is a constant and lifelong pathological liar. Right wing Trumptards are either rich or very stupid. I can respect the rich ones. I talk to them all the time and they are just happy to have been cleaning up like legal bank robbery. The fact that you can look at his actions of the last 2 months and see anything but a complete disaster is a disgrace. I know there's no getting through to you just like all the Trumptards I know.


He'll win the upcoming election. When all of the truths finally come out and they will-his taxes, the spending of hundreds of millions on golf, the nepotism of his family in power, the cashing in on the presidency as a money-making enterprise, and just the endless lies, it will be just dumbfounded people who can't believe it got to be such a clownshow and those who don't give a shit.


Fake news:



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danmanjones's picture

I agree with a lot of what you said but the "right wing" thing is kind of illusory. Biden is about as right wing as Trump. Both parties are center right. They just have different rhetoric. America can't be fixed at the ballot box IMO. It's more of a corporate dictatorship than a democracy.

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Maxpower's picture

I don't believe Trump is perfect. I just think the other side is such a blatant clown show, you'd have to be crazy or stupid to support it. A self-aggrandizing nationalist who sometimes gets things wrong is a million times better for us than the most eloquent globalist snake you could conceive.


If anything, this pandemic has vindicated a lot of the points he made about open borders and being so heavily dependent on (hostile) foreign nations for essential products. We need to start producing here or so heavily punish production elsewhere it is unprofitable. We need to be self-sufficient. Bottom line.

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monkeymania's picture

Yeah. Leadership really is important kinda. His lack of leadership spiced with outright lies over the course of the last 2 months has been criminal. Sorry, but he's just not fit for the office. Maybe reality TV and good ratings can get him and his cult in a circle jerk but this is a country, not a casino you run into the ground and declare bankruptcy, though that's the formula he is using.


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danmanjones's picture

damn those hostile foreign nations putting their countries so close to your military bases.

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Maxpower's picture

I remember posting a message like "we're all just bracing for this to come here", and you told me this disease this would never come overseas because it's being so expertly contained. lol


What other people say is just a big whatever anymore.

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danmanjones's picture

People "remember" all sorts of things with varying levels of accuracy. I was saying in January that you don't need to freak out about it because over 97% of it was in China & about 99.9% within Asia. I was also saying to start preparing back then by grabbing some masks. gloves & boosting immune system (if you were worrying). Then in early Feb I figured it was going to become a pandemic & posted some content to say that. There were lots of experts who followed a similar process but I don't claim to be an expert & I brought stats & valid info here to inform people about what was going on while the China Bad fuckwits were posting shit to demonize China rather than look at what was going on in their own country. It's up to you to do your own research at the end of the day, especially with all the fakenews out there.


It was expertly contained in China, once the central govt mobilised the nation around Jan 20 but I haven't really been stuff about that on here. I posted some shit about the 2 hospitals that were built in 10 days because it's interesting & some fuckwits even gave me shit about that. China's measures bought the world 1-2 months of prep time but pretty much all of us squandered it. Our 5-eyes countries only banned flights from China & Iran & did little to no screening at the airports at all. Here in NZ most of our cases came from US & Europe. In New York the initial cases have been tracked back to Europe. This wouldn't have happened if we'd put proper screening at the airports as the WHO was recommending. Banning flights was a crude measure & is more of a last resort than a smart policy IMO. Only banning flights from countries that were politically palatable was fucked. I was blabbing about that in February & March to people here & getting on our journalists' backs to expose the fuckup that was going on with the lack of screening at ports of entry. Some of them even listened & this is the final step we have to do in order to get our country back to some kind of normalcy.


That's always been the biggest issue - the airports must be treated as quarantine zones. Taiwan is an example of how to keep it out, look at what they've done. China is an example of how to fight it off once you have breakout. It's not perfect but lots of lessons can be learned from what they did. I'm not going to post stuff about that on here, it won't make any difference. It's up to your government to take the right steps, and to a certain degree, your journalists because they have the ability to pressure the govt.

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Maxpower's picture

The WHO is China-owned garbage that was and is taking their marching orders from them. Expertly contained in China is people being bolted into their apartments to die if need be. It's people being shipped off to hastily crafted quarantine centers with no medical equipment for people who need ventilators to survive. It's armed enforcement of quarantines and people being plucked off the streets and put into metal boxes no bigger than a refrigerator. If you believe the numbers China reported, then I got a bridge to sell you.


As a wise Hong Kong man once said "Don't trust China. China is asshoe."

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danmanjones's picture

you should look into WHO funding some time.

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