Nomad came very close to destroying the Enterprise in the original Star Trek episode "The Changling." In Star Trek: Descent Into Darkness," Spock said "Khan was the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced." but he was wrong. This is part 11 in a series of videos working out which villains were more or less dangerous than Khan. The final video will list the most dangerous adversary in classic Star Trek (see if you can guess who it is). The episode "The Changling" was written by John Meredyth Lucas.
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(Old Spike)
did they re-use the script for the motion picture?
also. kirk's got the be on the list. numerous red shirts that have died under his command and countless others who have died in other sections of the ship off screen. and for what? so kirk can hookup with an alien
(Old Spike)
Clearly Nomad & V'ger were the same shtick. I make the point that the episode "Mirror Mirror" tells us that each episode is in a different universe. There's no other fathomable reason why no one said, "Hey, just like Nomad," in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
(Old Spike)
the more i think about it now, the more i think that it's just the universal translators they use. it generalizes speech.
different universe is kinda deep. but i think it would have to have alot of variences between the continuity of each episode throughout the series. like multiple episodes of vast space because in those universes the enterprise was destroyed or humans never reached space, dead crew men showing up in later episodes. one where kirk never joined starfleet..
i can get behind the idea of where each episode is a parallel universe that has split and will merges back into the main universe. like say you had an episode where a pivotal crew member dies. in the main universe, kirk goes to his quarters, in a parallel universe, he heads to recreation room. at sometime and point. kirk enters the elevator in both universes and exits onto the bridge at the exact same moment, merging universes. both of these "episodes" happened but we only saw one of them, those people that died. did die. possible thru other means during the split, but as the viewer, we were only privy to one of them