Statistical adjustment: >> NYC Adds 3,800 Probable Virus Victims to Death Toll
Evidence of cover up?
>> Wuhan adds 1,290 cases to the death toll
(4 votes)
Statistical adjustment: >> NYC Adds 3,800 Probable Virus Victims to Death Toll
Evidence of cover up?
>> Wuhan adds 1,290 cases to the death toll
(Old Spike)
50% more is doubling up? Did not know that.
(Old Spike)
yeah he even tweeted it
This has become extremely annoying....
I've been a long long time lurker at Spiked sinced the spike humor days, early 2000s. I visit this site on a daily basis for the last 15+ years.
Last troll I remember you guys finally got rid of was "grototh" or whatever a few years back, I can't remember his name exactly. Even that guy wasn't as annoying as danmanjones. He had some good taste in music I remember.
I had to actually create an account (which I never really cared to do since I won't comment, if ever). But danmanjones needs to stop flooding the pages with this Pro-China shit, you're clearly a 5-cent army soldier, and oh yeah, it's a real thing. Chinese gov't pays ppl like danmanjones call "五毛“ to spread the "good word" about itself. It's despicable.
Go fuck around in Weibo or some other place, don't plague this community with that shit you stupid fuck...and yeah, I'm Chinese too and watching you spam these retarded videos with hidden agenda is annoying as fuck.
And for the record, NO ONE in the world believes China's stats, for good reasons.
And here's a spill, I happen to know this de-facto because unlike you, fucking peasant, I have close family in China holding central gov positions...you understand what that means right? I was told not to believe shit the gov put out, it's a cesspool full with local officials unwilling to bump up their nice "low and successful supression" rates in fear of being deemed incompetent. So shut the fuck up and stop driving your idiotic propaganda. This virus will spread and it's not really controllable, we're all gonna get it sooner or later, that's the likely outcome.
Even if I don't tell you the above, if the whole world questions China's stats, something is wrong with their fucking stat. Releasing stats like China's is an insult to the other nations in the world for their intelligence. Only ignorant Chinese people in China believes that shit and some die-hard fans here in NA as well. They're delusional.
STFU, I wanna get some useful feeds from this site, fuck off with your shit.
(Old Spike)
Kiss my ass I'll post what I want. There is no hidden agenda. If there's something you think I've lied about or whatever then say what it is. Crying about what I post or what you perceive my bias or opinions or motives to be won't change anything. If you can't handle the site being open to different opinions or content you don't like then don't visit.
Nobody got rid of Grothesk he just stopped coming here. I didn't think he was annoying at all. I didn't agree with most of his politics but he wasn't an idiot, just a Liberal with a capital 'L'. He may have been chased away - people here can be quite nasty & there's a moronic right wing thing going on here that's become proudly obnoxious since Trump was elected.
If you have something more substantial than the opinion of your family members bring it to the site. Even if it's just a hunch, describe how you think it works - which authorities system are dicking around with the numbers, what do you think the official numbers should be etc.
I'm not gonna be silenced by morons posting Falun Gong disinfo. We had a month of no China & it was good, then these clowns began flooding the site with that shit again. I see you don't object to that, just the shit I post. If you don't like it, don't click it. Easy.
It's not 5-cent it's 50-cent. Get it right.
(Old Spike)
Despite you having a point about danman being annoying:
Go away kdog.
Another sock account from spiked nations "favourite" twat.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I think you where talking about Grothesk - yeah he died / he just dissapeared
I don't think you should be talking like that, try to be nice or funny when you break someone's opinion down.
Thanks man, point taken. This was why I've never registered nor posted through the years, I only spectate. It was actually my first and only post, probably came off pretty mean, like I've stated, I was pretty annoyed.
To answer some suprising quick assumptions, I'm neither pro-China nor against it, nor am I kdog. You must get haunted by that dude if you just assumed I was him. Falung Gong gangs needs their own hell as well.
But imagine seeing enough of the same type of contents like danmanjones from WeChat, Weibo, dumb ass people re-sharing posts on my phone then coming to this site and see that somehow this person has saturated this site with it as well, it's upsetting.
Anyways, I'm not here to debate, no time and there are better ppl here for that. Just wanted to voice my annoyance with the recent influx of unnecessary Chinese content, whether you're for it or against, stop hijacking the feeds. I see 10 new videos on here daily and half of it is about China, it's lame as hell. I came here for funny videos and read some comments for thought, random stuff, music, whatevers. Just stop with so many pointless vidoes about China.
Anyways, nice to finally meet you all, love this site as always, let's not turn it into a chinese forum, please carry on.
(Old Spike)
I don't post many videos on here about China. Most of the China content comes from 3 other users & most of it's disinfo which I respond to, same as I respond to disinfo of aimed at demonizing any country.
It's amazing you take aim at me for refuting the basic bitch anti-China shit being thrown around on here. What are you some kind of Uncle Chan?
(Old Spike)
You call everything posted here about China disinfo, what do you know? you don't live there you only have been there a few times, just believe the ppl who live there they can testify, it is as if you have an uncontrollable urge to be proven right about China-good
(Old Spike)
because it is disinfo. it's blatant.
I have no urge to push China good or bad, that's just childish.
How do I know something is disinfo?
- I have my sources & have spent time looking into things. It's bloody obvious when you're informed on a topic & someone claims some superficial lie is some kind of proof of something.
How can you tell these China Bad dickheads are full of shit?
- they resort to lies, harrassment etc rather than discuss things honestly.
(Long Spike)
You've often done this.
"ideologically driven haters who attack people who disagree with them"
(Old Spike)
When you come at me I'm going to give some back. I never took the first swing. You're a classic example of someone who throws their toys when their ideology is challenged. It shows weakness.
Why do you find it so difficult to discuss things honestly?
- and don't give me that same shit about "I just wanna have fun". You don't harrass me on here for months, encouoraging others to do the same for "fun". It shows cowardice.
(Long Spike)
Like i've said before, this isn't a courtroom. Like you are trying to turn the site into.
Many of us come here to shoot the shit and talk about strange stuff, joke and speculate.
-You seem to be here to smear the west, get into arguments and attack americans.
You post CONSTANTLY about China, trying to shine it in good light. So expect us "to give some back".
In B4, "You don't like it, don't reply/watch it".
Also, I'm glad i'm not the only one who picked up on how tryhard you are and what you really stand up for. It's not fun, it's learning an enemy and how they operate. Mwah !
(Old Spike)
You think I'm "trying to smear the west". I'm part of "the west" you fool. You feel like you're being attacked when you see criticism of your shithole government. It's not my fault you personally identify with those assholes. They are not "the west" either. I didn't notice you saying shit when I was debunking RussiaGate.
"You post constantly about china"
bullshit. You've been accusing me of this for months but it was never the case. Lately I've taken to posting some more stuff about it but nowhere near as much as some others on here. You wouldn't say shit if I was China Bad horseshit like the shite yourself & others lood this site with.
The problem with you is you feel attacked when your government is criticised with credible facts. That's not my problem. If your ideology is more important to you than the truth & you attach your personal identity to your government that's more of a 'you problem'.
(Long Spike)
Me thinks you align with Communism and Dictators too much to be "part of the west".
Shocking that I feel attacked when you call me names, LOL.
I'm out before you try to silence and ban me again, It seems like you are on one of those types of weekends again.
Oil and water, bro.
(Old Spike)
I've never tried to ban you you liar. You've tried to ban me though & periodically you give it another go. It would take about 20 seconds for me to ban you, there is no "try" to it.
Why do you lie?
I can't help myself for dragging into this bullshit.
danmanjones, you kept saying you felt the need to fight back, but for who? Are you fighting back for the common Chinese people who were powerless to defend themselves and gets swayed by the gov't and lives under its shadows?
Or are you in fact fighting to paint a better picture for the Chinese government?
Let's see what the gov't has done, since the late 90's and early 2000's with the help of WTO, China opened up like never before and prospered exponentially. Things were looking up for people, for a time people actually felt like they can make some dreams come true, with the gov't seemingly adopting a more mordern, loose cencorship approach.
That shit all changed since Xi JinPing came into office, this motherfucker slowly chess-played way and weeded out all oppositions in the party, slamming them and expelling them out of the Party. Then the unbelievable, he fucking made himself Chairman (Dictator) for life! Are you fucking kidding me? This was mid 2010's (i'm not gonna look up the exact time), all I remember was my disbelief when I learned he managed to do this successfully.
Seriously, for arguablly a nation with one of the smartest group of people in the world, as much as Chinese people think so of themselves, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU ALLOW SOMEONE BECOME A LIFE LONG DICTATOR IN YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT IN THIS TIME AND AGE?
I have to reiterate a disclaimer at this point, fuck FaLung Gong gangs and what they stand for, I'm not with them.
This fucking takes us back, yes us mother fucker, we're Chinese. Is there any wonder how a tiny country like Japan was able to fuck and rape us so bad in WW2? Chinese people never learn to fight for themselves as a collective, they just go about their day and trying to stay afloat. When things were finally looking up, this fucker comes in and restores medieval times again. That's unacceptable. I pretty much lost all respect for what this Chinese gov't can do.
So yeah, if you're defending a gov't like this, I don't agree with your effort. Do not shroud that agenda under the notion that you're defending for "China". China itself and its people weren't always like this, its history goes much farther back than this and the last century. it's centuries long of stockholm syndrome that forced its people to adopt this way of getting by, they've been completely dominated and brainwashed mentally by those in power.
So for all that glorious shit you tried to preach on behalf of this grotesque government, I'm not surprised that you felt alone here. If you live in the "West" like I do, then perhaps you need to adopt a more objective view, and respect the government of whichever country you're living under currently, who's providing you a haven for freedom of speech and equal opportunity and freedom of information, etc., the little things in society that most chinese people in China don't get to enjoy.
Don't place your agenda on a higher pedestal, like you're defending for China or some shit, be real with it, you're defending the Chinese government. And to that I say again, stop with that bullshit.
(Old Spike)
So you hate that Xi Jinping removed term limits. Fine, that's your opinion. I don't necessarily back that move but time will tell how it all plays out. I don't agree that it's a step back into feudal times, he might gain 1-2 extra terms out of it & overall this could be a good or bad thing for China's future. Transitioning power in China has always been sketchy. It's not a simple thing as you make out with your "dictator for life" claim. He could step down from power & allow someone or another faction to take the reins or he could power trip & take the country backwards, time will tell. His track record of serving the people is pretty solid so I don't know why you assume the worst.
You claim it takes you back to a time when Japan fucked China up, this is turning history in its head. When Japan attacked the country wasn't even whole, it was broken up & there was a civil war raging. These are different times. Term limit removal hasn't seemed to have caused much discontent. People are more concerned about other things Xi's govt has done but over all people seem okay with him & the China Dream seems alive & well.
You claim I'm not being objective but that China has been sent back into medieval times & you've given up any kind of support for the govt just based on this term limits thing. That to me doesn't seem objective at all. Sure you could gripe about policies you don't like but you've oversimplified things to the point of absurdity.
this motherfucker slowly chess-played way and weeded out all oppositions in the party
yeah and part of this was necessary. The most dodgy thing that could have happened IMO was that it backfired & he was ousted but he pulled it off & has the PLA and civilian govt all working together. Jiang's legacy needed to get gone & there were legit corruption issues that needed dealing with.
I'm not putting anything on a pedastal. If I see people lying about a country, especially when their lies are aimed at vilifying the country & especially especially when that country is in the crosshairs of the US empire, I'll refute it. Even if it's a country I don't like I'll often do the same a lot of the time. I don't claim the CCP is perfect but it's not as simple as you are trying to make out.
Why are you okay with people lying about China & demonizing it all the time?
- just because of some speech restrictions, removal of term limits & some reshuffling?
(Old Spike)
You have been pushing China = Good here for years actually. Years.
(Old Spike)
@skeptoid - you're a liar. This is completely untrue. Shameful prick. Call yourself a Christian, you're pathetic.
(Old Spike)
You're saying you don't recall my telling you repeatedly that the most dangerous gov to my country is the CCP. We discussed it at length. You have always, without exception, rushed to defend China while taking a general stand that tends to sympathize with authoritarian regimes or at the very least present them as equivalents (with all of the whataboutism and conflation that requires). That's you - insult and scream all you want but you know it's the truth. But you aren't too concerned with that, are you? The truth I mean.
Let's try a different approach and see how you do - point me to a legimate source raising legitimate criticism of China, the WHO, and their collective behavior wrt to COVID-19? I've already told you that I agree that using the Epoch times as your primary source of information on China's current organ harvesting program (you can go to NBC or other mainstream sources for that) is not advisable. Even when the Epoch Times tries to look respectable in their YouTube ads they still come off a bit kooky. But it's not because they are or aren't a cult, Dan. It's because they have a targeted mission of destroying the CCP - motive calls for deep skepticism and scrutiny. I can look at both sides of gov in the US, and the media of course, and list all kinds of incompetence and irresponsibility that has made this situation worse than it needed to be.
Now, since every single source of information alleging to expose CCP/WHO lies and corruption has been systematically dismissed by you as cult-derived or CIA-derived, do us all a favour since you're so well informed on all of this, despite it just being a casual hobby, and point us to the legimate source that exposes China and the WHO, and their failures during this crisis. Go ahead - I'll wait.
(Old Spike)
You mentioned once that about a threat you perveive from the CCP. We did not discuss it at length as I recall. I think you're paranoid & dellusional & wouldn't bother arguing with you about such a thing. You've made your mind up & have chosen a path of ignorance & fear rather than understanding. Why would I bother arguing with you about your perception - you can't even see through someone like Jordan Peterson or Tim Pool, it's not like you have decent judgement or even a solid grasp on reality. You get off on fear porn ffs.
Now you're asking or me to bring criticisms of the WHO or CCP in the handling of the virus. What for? I'm not here to validate anything for you & I'm not wasting my time explaining things to someone who lacks intellectual honesty.
(Long Spike)
And there's the attacking and insults. Such an angry man.
(Long Spike)
Danman bought the site and is now King of SpikedNation. Don't you know?
(Enjoy your point donation and welcome back to the site, whoever you are.)
Good shit, lol.
(Old Spike)
i don't own this site, why are you always lying?
(Old Spike)
yes otherwise it would be no china 2020 :)
(Long Spike)
Trump knows 200% more than my cat about statistic things not even close!
(Long Spike)
ust add 21 million to China's total and u will have the real amount