
skeptoid's picture

Leftists Don't Value Tolerance

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 1 (4 votes)


thegent's picture
Discord user

this looks like propaganda wrapped in an informative presentation..doesnt feel right for some also sick of this american political shit on this site..sorry no offence but it seems to be everywhere here..please be tolerant of my opinion..

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skeptoid's picture

LMAO That a video emploring people to tolerate differing opinions rather than assualt an old couple on a crosswalk gets an immediate 1 star. Tolerance.


Whose propaganda would this be, exactly?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i said...'this looks like propaganda wrapped in an informative presentation..doesnt feel right for some reason' ..i dont know whose it it...PragerU i suppose.. 

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skeptoid's picture

Sure - how does it look like propaganda wrapped in an informative presentation? How do you distinguish between propaganda and an informative presentation? What about the presentation of this information makes you think of propaganda? Whose propaganda - or to be more specific what is the objective of the propaganda?


Have you been sincere throughout this exchange? Did you really not recognize this as PragerU, even though Dave says in the video it is a PragerU video? Did you actually watch the video? Did you have your screen cut off so you didn't notice the PragerU logo at the bottom, and did you drop your earphones when Dave says at the end of the video "I'm Dave Rubin for PragerU".  Let's see how deep we can dig this hole together - you game?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

Propaganda is basically advertising...this looks like advertising presented as a documentary..thats my answer to your first paragraph..which i had already answeredi n my second post.. i mention that i suppose its PragerUs opinion/propaganda in answer to your 'Whose propaganda would this be, exactly?' question. ... Prager Us propaganda!!


as for this

'Have you been sincere throughout this exchange? Did you really not recognize this as PragerU, even though Dave says in the video it is a PragerU video? Did you actually watch the video? Did you have your screen cut off so you didn't notice the PragerU logo at the bottom, and did you drop your earphones when Dave says at the end of the video "I'm Dave Rubin for PragerU".  Let's see how deep we can dig this hole together - you game?'


i honestly think this is a little bit crazy..did you even read my first post here...i said 'this looks like' i never claimed that it was anything other than what i felt it was..i was stating an opinion, a feeling..if you were upset then im sorry for that but you accuse me of not watching the video while at the same time not reading my posts...


You then accuse me of this shit..


Have you been sincere throughout this exchange? Did you really not recognize this as PragerU, even though Dave says in the video it is a PragerU video? Did you actually watch the video? Did you have your screen cut off so you didn't notice the PragerU logo at the bottom, and did you drop your earphones when Dave says at the end of the video "I'm Dave Rubin for PragerU"


thats a bit crazy skeptoid




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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Hillarious, still trying to teach evolution to a creationist..... I admire your passion and patience!

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i dunno man i just come here for good videos..i dont want to be arguing with people..cant be helped sometimes though..

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You have seen who posted this shit and still are surprised?

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skeptoid's picture

Hey just trying to delay your end game, bud.

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