The debunking was interesting but I thought the dive into the company behind all this fake stuff even more so.
Would be interested to hear your thoughts on the subject too?
(4 votes)
The debunking was interesting but I thought the dive into the company behind all this fake stuff even more so.
Would be interested to hear your thoughts on the subject too?
(Old Spike)
If it is too simple to be believed it usually is not true.
But people love simple explanations.
Can't explain a phenomenon on some dodgy camera footage? Alien craft!
Can't give a simplistic explanation for what the (competent) scientists are actually not agreeing on climate change? It's a hoax!
However, the same people will go through fucking lengths to defend their position.
I did not know about the suspicions but it would not at all surprise me if these platforms are used for political influencing.
(Old Spike)
the main problem imo is that fake stuff gets so many clicks which has the effect of directing every youtube viewer away from real creators and correct information.
(Old Spike)
Yes, I absolutely agree. Youtube, like ebay in a certain way, has turned into a commercial shithole.