Termination Specialists are going to be in higher and higher demand the longer this goes on. Excerpts from the movie "Up In The Air" will be situations that are very common in certain industries.
(6 votes)
Termination Specialists are going to be in higher and higher demand the longer this goes on. Excerpts from the movie "Up In The Air" will be situations that are very common in certain industries.
(Old Spike)
Whoa! I wouldn't have expected you to support opening up.
(Long Spike)
In the Trumptard era, it's about self. I can maintain a relatively detached life and enjoy it. I have a nice place, a pool, a pretty big yard, and don't have to worry about money for a long time. Everyone else who may need to work shoulder to shoulder and risk death to survive? Fuck em. That's what is being proposed. I'm preparing for that. Open the economy up full steam! My stocks have come back strong. I would like to have personal testing anytime I want though. Only a few people can get that right now but it will come.
(Old Spike)
Do you understand what will happen if we hit a great depression? Or hyper inflation?
It's about more than just stocks, even though stocks are important.
Even worse. We hit a depression before a vaccine comes out and we have a crashed economy and a pandemic?
I think we can find ways to protect our vulnerable people without government oversight.
Considering old age homes were infected with government oversight anyway.
EDIT. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic? Broken meter?
I feel like you are sending mixed signals.
(Long Spike)
Saw that, so I had to watch the film, thanks.
(Long Spike)
OK movie but the firings are well done. Some good acting.
(Old Spike)
fun fact: nearly all of the people who are getting fired in this scene were real people who lost their jobs in the weeks before the shooting. good movie overall...
(Long Spike)
he wasent working up to my tempo
(Old Spike)
Makes me want to quit my essential job.